
Hey dude! How are you going these days?

Hello @thefreshfive absolutely wonderful you asked i'm excellent!!! I think i spoke to you guys like my 2nd day on steemit now day 40 has come and i am still loving the platform and steem in general all my other crypto adventures have defiantly taken a backseat and i'm strapped in ready for steem to hit the moon hahah..... hopefully everyone got a ticket not long before the countdown 3.....2....1.

Met some amazing characters along the way it's all been great fun and all positive, still learning a hell of a lot!!

Started doing a daily steem growth post everyday for the past month and just interacting with as many people and communities as i can. It is pretty hard to get people to see your face starting with 0's across the board tho but its been amazing over 100 followers now in under 40 days.

Who is running The Fresh Five page? It has been a while hahaha i am pretty sure i would have already followed :P i keep up with as many of these posts as i can but i am getting busier and busier everyday.

About to do a post if you guys do want to check it out i would love it!!!

Duuuuuude! I thought you had it all figured out. It's me... @aussieninja!

Bahahah woah that's my boi, i thought i did too turns out i don't!! You are sneakier then you look brother hahaha. Learn something new on steemit everyday thats what i love keep up the amazing work @aussieninja aka studmuffin. ;P ha

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STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 63678.85
ETH 2623.01
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.85