My cat has dog breath

in #freewrite6 years ago


Below is my 5 minute #freewrite for today's prompt: dog breath

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We don't own a dog, we have two fur baby cats, Maxine and Snickers. Maxine is the younger kitty, around eight years old. Snickers is the senior kitty and is pushing thirteen years old.

If a cat can have dog breath, our cat Snickers, would win first prize. He likes to crawl up on my chest, right after a big meal, get one inch from my nose, and give out a big yawn. It's like he's telling me, "look daddy, I ate all my vegetables."

Now Max, she only gets on my belly when she wants to get fed. Then we don't see her again, until she comes looking for treats. Max's kitty breath isn't bad at all, as she licks her lips after she eats. Plus, she eats more wet food than Snickers.


Snickers is a lovey dovey kitty, and will snuggle with all guests when they visit. Maxine, on the other hand, runs to the closet, and won't come out until everybody leaves.

It's funny how they each have their own personalities, and they both know who to suck up to get their way.

Story and photos by Bruni

z2u3jv2innyratziv1mo.jpgThanks @fireawaymarmot

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She loves burying her head in my sneakers. Not sure where she learned that. Thanks for helping Marianne.

cats are like that!! they know!!!

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