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RE: Day 103 - 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: cracker

in #freewrite7 years ago

I wish I could submit properly but again... I ran out of bandwidth! Ooops!.

But I wanted to get involved anyway so here's my 5 minute #freewrite for the prompt 'Cracker' made using The most dangerous writing app

Thanks again for this... What a gem to find on my first day with Steemit :)


'Cracker' Free-Write -

Crackers. Crackers come in all sorts of varietys. The type you eat can be tasty. Sometimes they may tell a fortune inside. Or have an important message for you. Sometimes crackers explode and make really lloud noises. Very often they may be used in celebrations. Or as a scare tactic. One of the most ancient human fears is that of loud noises. Everything cracks eventually. Even the most solid and stable structures will eventually crack and crumble and fade away. Everything changes. A cracker is a good example of high to live life in high energy before exploding back into nothingness from whence we all once began. It's the ability to live with passion. Live loud and live proud. To sound amazing and live life with a bang. To get others attention. To rouse them up. To awake them from their slumbers. The job of the cracker is actually an imporant one. I believe to some degree I am a fire-cracker too... I came here to attempt to wake up - You. And that's exactly what I plan to do... Just keep on making noise and spreading words and wisdoms and messages to the world until eventually we all stur from our slumber and remember the truth of it all - that we are one, we are god, we are creators, we are infinitely powerful, we are infinite, we are light and love and all the elements from below and above and we have the power to create any existence we want. We can create peace if we choose. We can also cfreate war. The choice is ours. But if we work together. If we realise that unity is not only possible but it's actually the only possibility to ensure the survival of our race... then it becomes obvious what we need to do next. The solutions to our problems suddenly become clear. New ideas are sparked as inspiration flows into the collective consciousness and working together we can devise all the solutions that we need to ensure we survive on this beautiful planet we call Earth.


The fire burns strong in your words, my crackers are charred! ;)
Welcome on board!

Thank you my friend... your fiery words mean a lot to me!! ;)
Thanks for the support! <3

There's a lot of Truth in this little piece. Thanks for sharing!

The choice is ours. But if we work together. If we realise that unity is not only possible but it's actually the only possibilissues
ensure the survival of our race... then it becomes obvious what we need to do next.

Check out @jrswab he has a new contest to help new minnows with bandwidth issues with a delegation if you win.

Thanks so much for reading and letting me know your thoughts... I'm really glad you found some gold in it... So glad to be getting back into free-writing! These prompts are amazing <3

I will check him out for sure... thanks so much for the tip. So much to learn here!
With love
Hart Floe

Thank you for sharing this.

“Solutions to our problems suddenly become clear.” Yes! Our Mother is constantly guiding the way and all we have to do is recognize that we already know the answer.

Beautiful writing piece. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for reading it and commenting... it's so true.. all the wisdom we need is already within us!


How do you run out of bandwidth?

No idea ha.. I didn't know that was a thing I guess... My first day I upvoted a lot of stuff I liked, followed a lot of people and resteemed a few posts... maybe not the best starting out strategy haha! warning complete n00b alert haha

I barely remember, but I think we had 10 votes a day when we started, so try your best to make posts and comments without upvoting. It is hard especially if you are coming from a site like FB where we would like every thing. :)

Ha yeah definitely requires a shift in mentality! Thanks for the useful information :)
Hart Floe

We still have 10 votes a day if you want a full recovery within 24 hours :)

Well, 10 votes evenly spaced out. If you make them all at once, they'll take less than 24 hours to recover.

Nope, they take 24 hours :) if you go to it gives you a nice little clock that shows you how long it takes to recover. If you space them out, each vote has the highest value. Your 100% vote value goes down as your voting power goes down....

I think you understand, but you said nope... if you make them all at once, you'll use up less than 20% of your voting power. The first vote is worth 2%, but the next is 2% of your remaining voting power, so only 1.96%... and so on. Which means after 10 votes (if you made them all at once - within a negligible timeframe) you'd still have more than 80% voting power, which takes less than 24 hours to recharge...

This is what the article I wrote was about. There's a misunderstanding amongst many Steemians about how VP usage and recharging works.

I am going to do that tomorrow with my husband's account and see how much the time difference really is :) I would think now more than a few minutes - and I am not that detail oriented.
We shall see if it is really enough to deviate from the general advice of 24 hours...

No, but he's saying he ran out of BANDWIDTH, not VP. I think it has to do with how much you're uploading, like if you put a lot of pictures on the blockchain probably?

I think it is a new thing. Basically, when we started, we all got a delegation to - I guess - give us some bandwidth. The, they took that away since now, there are many more accounts. It really doesn't make complete sense to me, but the less you have in your account, the less bandwidth you have and can post and vote and comment.
If you go to and add your name, it will show you how much bandwidth you have...

I remember it always being there as long as I've been on, but I never had any problems. But also, I never uploaded any pictures.

Thanks for sharing and Welcome to Steemit!

Thaaaank you... such a warm welcome from a loving community... so glad to be here! Means a lot to be making some friends :)

With love
Hart Floe

I liked your volcanic flow of thoughts. Everything changes, Heraclitus, one of my favourites!

I came here to attempt to wake up -You

Okay.. enlighten us sleepy beings! 💡🤔

Thank you! I love free-writing so I'm really happy to have found a whole community around it!

That's what I'm here for! Not to enlighten... just to enliven ;) I think if we all focus on enlivening ourselves and each other... well... we'll naturally become enlightened :D

Thanks so much for reading and commenting... totally new here so great to start making some friends :)

With love
Hart Floe

I am wide awake now... 😁
Love the way you write this piece!
Let's work together to make this world a better place... Spread love, joy, smile and positive energy! 💕💗💖❤️

Aw thank you :D I really glad you enjoyed it... and it means a lot to be that you commented with these beautiful world...

I will continue to keep spreading love, joy, smiles and positive energy... and I am sure you will too ;)

With love
Hart Floe


It is my hope that we all get it together and find the solutions!! I am very glad that you found us on day one of your journey!!

Me tooo!! Such a good place to be :D Thank you again!

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