Warrior 5 Minute Weekend Freewrite Challenge Single Prompt Option

in #freewrite7 years ago

fitinfun freewrite warrior.jpg

Warrior is used for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

We call each other warriors. Posts in my groups start out with, “Hey Warriors!”

I’m not too fond of it. I think we need to be at peace, not war. We suffer from an auto-immune disease and inflammation is a prime culprit in giving us bad symptoms. Stress and upset gives us more pain and no one wants that.

Posts start out with:

  • I’m so mad I could scream
  • No one understands me
  • People are so stupid and they think I’m faking

On and on increasing in misery.

It’s better to focus on yourself:

  • I screamed in my pillow, did some stretching, drank good water, slept. Now I’m not so mad and I'm tackling my problem.
  • I understand no one, and what an interesting adventure this is!
  • I can’t expect people to understand my complex medical state, so I give them a break on their ignorance.

= =
My entry for #freewrite daily challenge by @mariannewest. Freewrite is a different world on the weekends so get your prompt and get posting!

Nothing at fitinfun would be possible if I was still obese. My obesity always ruined everything. Today, I enjoy new-found vigor. Anyone can do this if I can.

Health coaching by fitinfun steemit.png


It's beautiful how you don't let your frustration and pain keep you from enjoying your life! You have a lovely smile and a fabulous spirit! Thank you for sharing some of your trials while you try to encourage others!

Thank you so much, @brisby. I really appreciate your encouragement. People who knew me at the time said the only thing that still looked like me after I lost my weight was my smile. I was in a small town and could walk right past people who knew me well :)

I will! Always looking for that pony :)

I know a lady with that condition. I didn't realise it was so bad. Thank you for this post.
Well done for losing weight! I find people just decide things about you with no basis when you talk on the web. Eg, a guy I chat with decided I am a biker chic because I said I'd had a bad time a few years back. He was so wrong! I had a stroke! There's no point in correcting them so I just let them think what they want.

lol - I so agree! I let people believe anything they want about me. Most often it's that I am very straight-laced. Then I can surprise them later!

your writing blog write nicely done and i appreciate your blog..

I've recently hit the 50 pounds lost mark and it has been life changing for me to finally feel comfortable in my skin again. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

I'm so happy to read this! You must feel wonderful. for me - feeling and looking "normal" was a huge relief. What strategies are you using?

Mainly I count calories. That's the only consistent thing I've done. I've treated this year as an experiment to find what is sustainable for me, so I'm trying to avoid my crazy extremes that I've done in the past.

I try to move a little each day and challenge myself each month with new things to try. I have small workout stations around my house for doing yoga/flexibility, kettlebells, stall bars with resistance bands and TRX style workout stuff and my favorite: battleropes!

Oh - you are stronger than me then! Those ropes look like so much fun, but I think my wrists would pay the price.

It sounds like you are doing the right thing. I found that incorporating all the changes into my regular life works best. So - I don't want to have to get dressed and go to a gym - I want to work out at home for shorter spurts.

Extremes? I know all about that lol. I can jump on any craze. But now I just try to stay the course and so far so good. Moving daily is crucial for me - especially when I sit on the computer all day.

I'm so glad to hear of your success. You are bucking current trends which is not easy.

They are great! I also like to wrap them up over our pull up bar and use it like a "climbing" rope. There are so many variations, if you ever get a chance to try them out, you should! I've always had weak wrists (which meant no punching things type workouts if I didn't want my arms and hands to go numb!) so Maybe it would work for you.

It sounds like we have a lot of similarities! :) I like to workout for short spurts at home (I hate going just about anywhere!) and I'm at home sitting most every day!

I have rheumatoid arthritis and my hands are pretty bad. I can't grasp door handles or really do much with them, unfortunately. I do all I can just to be able to keep typing. No punching except at air :)

You might like this exercise. I do this several times a day to keep going. It says it's for swimming, but I do it regardless now. This one links to a faster one if you like it - too tough for me now.

That looks great! I've been using the fasciablaster on my hands and arms to help with my carpal tunnel. I don't have to deal with arthritis as of yet. My grandma dealt with it a lot and my mom has started struggling with it, so I guess I might have to learn how to deal with it myself some day.

I do find that I need to stretch out my forearms and wrists after typing for a long while.

I'm not sure I could go faster than this yet! I'll give it a try, though. Thank you for the recommendation!

I know my fasica is all messed up. I will look into the blaster. You are a big help today!!!

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