The story of Jim & Craig - Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

Image by 'Someways' on Tumblr

Entry 16

JIM: Do you know what a banana tastes like?

CRAIG: Well.. I'm not sure if I can explain that Jim. It's kind of sweet, with a mush to it.

JIM: No not the texture you dummy! What does it taste like!?'

CRAIG: Look Jim what are you doing? I'm just sitting here trying to enjoy my long black after a tough day at the yard. I don't need none of this trival, academic, low brow, soft bellied.... BULLSHIT!

JIM: Woh, woh, Craig calm down mate. Look it's just a question. I mean just hear me out.

[A silence passes over the table]

JIM: The other day I was sitting next to this blind person on the bus. She was just sitting there smiling. And I thought to myself. If she gained sight. How would she react? Orrrr if I asked her to visualise a cat, what would her brain do? So then it got me thinking! What about our other senses? What if you asked a deaf person what a bird sounded like? How do you think they imagine it? Orrrr someone who can't feel things.

CRAIG: People can't not feeling things Jim!!

JIM: No they can! It's called something. Trust me! Google it!

[A slight time passes while Craig types at the screen.]

Craig: Huh.... it's called Guillain-Barré Syndrome? I still think it's made up by the government to trick us into a false sense of security.

JIM: Yeah, yeah Craig. Shut up.

CRAIG: No you shut up!

JIM: Craig I swear to God just hear me out. So after all that thinking...

CRAIG: You think too much!

JIM: SO AFTER ALL THAT THINKING! I went and thought another thought. People who can't taste how would you describe a taste to them? In fact how do we describe taste to each other!? I mean tell me Craig, what does water taste like?

[Craig throws his long black at Jim ]


Every morning I write for 5 minutes continuously and do not stop until the timer runs out. What you see is a stream of consciousness that is me at a point in time just letting it all go, no editing, just automatic mode. Enjoy.


Ok, because I don't like bananas I would have rather thrown some bananas at Jim
What would Craig do if he had to describe muscles? haha

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