Water powered engine? Just watched a harbor freight motor run on 50% water

in #freeenergy7 years ago

Well, I might be a sucker, but I just saw a generator run on 50% water. He started it with full gas. Then he stopped it and poured in water. He was able to start the engine up again and run it on the 50:50 mix.

The parts necessary to do it are cheap. So the next plan is to buy a 10kw generator from harbor freight tools. Retrofit it. And run mining rigs off of it.

10kw generator would run 8 mining rigs safely. Mine makes about $15/day. So eight of those would be $120/day. Fuel cost is 1 tank every 12 hours, but the tank can be up to 80% water. So that's about a gallon per day. I suppose I am about to toss away about $1000 to try this, but on the off chance it works I'm gonna make some good money for letting computers run.


Interesting indeed ! Seems I remember hearing about a guy in Australia who had a car that ran on water years ago that didn't live long enough to tell us his secret ....maybe that a place to start

Well yeah and Stanley Meyer.

I've known about this engine since 2012. First time I've seen one running on water though!

Great idea!
But I bet I'm not the only one saying, show us that video also!
Up voted still, but please share it!

I definitely need to know how this works out, have my fingers crossed for you!

Thanks, me too!

Because we are not taught any of this, even in mechanical engineering...

Water injection helps an engine run cleaner and more fuel efficiently and usually better HP. There are plans in old Hot Rodder magazines.

Vaporizing gasoline helps an engine run cleaner and more fuel efficiently and usually better HP. There are several ways to achieve this including the bubbler and using exhaust to heat up fuel.

It isn't that you are "burning" water. It is not running on water.
(If you want to see that look up browns gas)

Properly designed engines can run on anything combustible. And a bubbler makes all hydrocarbons much more combustible. (dirty fuel oil, diesel,...)

Please come back and tell us what fuel efficiencies you get and your experiences.

I did a blue dart back in the day with a lighter yes it worked! A true combustion engine ;)

just try it in one of the old law mowers around the house. What are the modifications you need to make to the gas motor?

I have not gotten into mining but would love. The more I read the more I hear you need to be a part of a mining pool to be successful.

Keep us updated please?

I don't understand how that's possible. Water is not combustible nor miscible with oil. Then how can it burn to do work.
Just wondering :p

Bubbler system is physically mixing and vaporizing the gas as it's pulled in. As for the combustion part I'm not sure it's an exact science yet. I'm totally anticipating this not to work, but I'm willing to try it once.

Maybe the mixing makes it a suspension or a colloidal solution. Anyways weird and cool post at the same time :p

@aggroed Interesting... I'm not a mechanic but wouldn't the water in the fuel mixture have a harmful effect on the motor's internal parts ?

UpVoted... Thanks again & have a Great Weekend !!

Ethanol can expand the orings and cause leaks. Water won't. If anything it should stop combustion, but it doesn't explain how I saw it run for 1-2 min with 50% water.

Well I'd be interested in Your experiment, please keep us updated... Thank You 4 Your Post !!

Is that water from this ladies water supply?

Not fracking water. :)

(winking noise)

Ha Ha... Good one Captain... Have a Great Weekend and hope You get a chance to go para-gliding !!

Thanks brother! I hope so too. Have a great weekend yourself!

I doubt it will have as much power if you're just putting water into the gas tank, which means it will stall when maxed out. Now there are some cool things you can do with water that will yield some efficiency and power gains. For example, if you inject atomized water into the intake air it will lower the temperature of the air and increase its density, producing more power. This dense, moist air will also produce less of what they call detonation, so more timing advance can be added, equating to more power if you tune for it. These qualities are especially beneficial in turbo and supercharged engines that are prone to these problems.

Problem is, small engines run off of carburetors and magnetos, so tuning is a bit tricky compared to a computer controlled car engine, and you certainly won't see any of these gains by just dumping water in the tank and leaving it at that. I say again, you will lose power in your generator and when you hook all your mining machines up to it and run them at full tilt, my guess is the engine will stall out.

Something you might want to look into however is getting either a natural gas or propane conversion for your generator and running off of those. I think those fuels are still much cheaper than gasoline or diesel, and both are delivered to your house (propane if you do a whole house setup, and nat gas if you live in the city.)

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