Freddie Mercury's life. AIDS is the version of its infection.

in #freddie6 years ago (edited)

The Queen created music that embodied the best trends of the 70s - their sensuality and hedonism, their self-indulgence and enjoyment of the relative well-being and freedom of the time, their amusing euphoria. In the face of Freddie Mercury, pop music gained the first Asian rock star. This star has brought something to the world of Western pops that he had never dreamed of before. The frenzy, the triumph of the color vision of the world, the god Krishna, who is passionate about his love adventures - and all at once. His very singing comes from reckless in love, and it catches the listener.

Once he said that he was married to love. Married to all people with whom he had sex. The massive campaign to turn Freddie into a gay icon, unleashed by the world prospecific movement, took note of this and spins the disgusting gay porn myth with Freddie Mercury in the lead role. But after reading the book by Mariam Akhundova, dedicated to Freddie, I am proud that it was in Russia that there were girls who stood up for the man and his good name, trying to figure out the garbage that was going on in our kingdom of crooked mirrors. The book by Mariam Akhundova, by the way, soon comes out the second edition.

The mystery of the death of Freddie Mercury, probably, will never be revealed in its entirety, because it involves the global medical and industrial complex, which enters into corporate intercourse with show business, as well as the tabloid press of Britain, EMI and Queen Production. his pals and, of course, Freddie’s own physician, Mr. Gordon Atkins, and his assistants.

The armor of the official version of the illness and death of Freddie makes his way easily, although the most sturdy impenetrable rivets have a spell fixed in his mind: “Freddie Mercury died of AIDS”. This is not true. And I hope that I can tell you as much as possible about what really happened.

The thread of the assassination of Freddie Mercury stretches to the very top, where the heads of pharmaceutical corporations, representatives of militarism and neo-colonialism sit, the largest financial magnates, in short, all the masters of this world, about whom we know ridiculously little. Who exactly is responsible for this decision, who implemented it - we will never know about it. But are names and surnames important for us? This is the essence of all corporate crimes - they are committed by a kind of faceless creature. I can only come to such specifics: the customers of Freddie’s murder are the militaristic complex of the USA, which headed all speed programs at that time. The performers are the personal doctor of the singer Mr. Gordon Atkins and his henchmen and the employee of Queen Productions Jim Beach.

In early 1987, a deadly hepatitis B vaccine, causing catastrophic immunodeficiency, was injected into the body of the singer. This vaccine has been tested on many gays, and, in fact, it was the one that launched the entire AIDS "epidemic" in the United States. A new medical macro corporation, which can be conventionally called "AIDSPROM", is still quite young. The program is governed by two equal forces - the medical and industrial complex of the United States and the highest militaristic circles. The idea of ​​a new biological weapon called AIDS is still ripening in the minds of its creators.

Many thousands of gays continue to painfully die and replenish the necessary statistics. The real cause of these deaths (the hepatitis B vaccine) is carefully hidden. Instead, an epidemic of "unknown disease", tentatively called AIDS, was declared. But what to do next? The theory is not yet ready, practice is also very small.

Back in 1984, Robert Gallo made a sensational statement about the discovery of a new "virus" (he never received the Nobel Prize, his theory was defeated), but all this is still a backroom conversation, unsupported by theory. Practice and slim concept yet. As, however, there is still no “medicine” that could be sold. Immunostimulants? By any medical logic - yes. But not according to the logic of the creators of biological weapons. They take the most toxic substance from RakPROM's shelves, which didn’t even go to chemotherapy. They are being tested in record time and to the applause of gay activists demanding new, “innovative” drugs, throwing it on the market, raising astronomical sums at the very beginning.
All this - 1986-1987 years. The years of birth of one of the most influential corporations today, the years of truly rabid activity of the top of the future SPIDPROM, which has not yet entered a period of stagnation. Money is pumped from everywhere, but first of all from the richest in the USA and deeply party cancer funds.

To be credible, AIDSPROM badly needs a rock star with a diagnosis of AIDS. And preferably the biggest rock star.

Prospidovaya tip chooses the role of the victim the most suitable guy. Freddie. Firstly, it is a megastar, and therefore will allow to hold a really large advertising campaign of rapidly developing AIDSPROM. Secondly, this man is often in gay clubs, and, of course, he indulges in drugs. All this can be perfectly used.

Gay? It seems, yes ... The government can now reassure itself with ethical considerations, as the creator of the hepatitis B vaccine calmed himself with them, choosing only gays who have an indiscriminate sex life as victims. “Human rubbish is gay and drug addicts. It will be better for everyone if we exterminate them, ”the government justifies itself in some way. At that time, AIDS is still unwound as a strictly homosexual virus. Heterosexuals, as well as African children, so far can sleep peacefully.

The analysis of materials on this topic led to a very disappointing conclusion - information about Freddie Mercury’s illness and death is classified. Even now, 20 years after his death. You can learn everything about any famous person who died under similar circumstances: the date of diagnosis - year, month and day, the name of the doctor who reported the terrible news, the number and name of the hospital in which it happened, the approximate date when the unfortunate was HIV-infected how and where he was treated, in which hospitals and clinics he lay, what medications he took and what procedures he underwent, how the illness went, the name of the attending physician or doctors, etc. etc. This can be found out about anyone except Mercury. ”

I do not think that this can be learned about the other victims of AIDS, but they decided to deal with Mercury instantly: his body was cremated right away in the presence of a few close relatives and relatives. Case history is not available to anyone.

Why does “his” order for immediate cremation fit into the very first point of his will (Freddie repeatedly said how deeply he didn’t care about his funeral business)? Perhaps because the corpse of Freddie evoked memories of the concentration camps with their skeletal people, such as the boy from Dachau, who is shown by the national film “Dead Season” in the very first frames? Something terribly terrible? There is, however, another explanation.

We come across this explanation by reading the memoirs of Jim Hutton, wife, not wife, servant, or boyfriend, or best friend, but definitely one of the closest people in recent years, Freddie. Apparently, Jim Hutton can be something to trust. Maybe he added some porn pictures from himself, maybe he exposes himself too independent and even arrogant towards Freddie, perhaps Freddie never had sex with him at all, but only kissed his head and they lived like two monks , which Freddie talked about in an interview in Ibiza in 1987, but, apparently, he was the last friend of the great singer, with whom he felt comfortable and at home, desperate to find the keeper of the hearth in any of his women.

So the tabloids do the first blow. Jim tells: “Upon arrival from our Japanese vacation, as soon as we left the passport control, a photographer and a reporter from Fleet Street ran up to us, shoving Freddie under his nose the terrible story about AIDS. Under the headline "Star Queen Freddie Shocked by AIDS." News of the World wrote that Freddie had secretly passed the AIDS test at the Harley Street clinic under his real name Farrukh Balsara. The results showed that the "deadly disease" was not found. The article was nonsense from start to finish.
Freddie was confused. Why didn't anybody from Queen's office in London raise the alarm and tell him about this story? “Am I looking dying of AIDS?” - asked Freddie. “I'm sick of it all, and now go and leave me alone.”

“Am I looking dying of AIDS?” Freddie is perplexed, ”the next Sun headline shouted. Freddie was furious. ”

So, the first attack took place at the beginning of 1986, the first seed of the prosidian legend was thrown into the consciousness of the masses, through the yellow press, firmly tied to AIDSPROM in a corporate way. From now on, in the eyes of the public, Freddie and AIDS are beginning to coexist. More from the dirty little article and was not required.

But Freddie is getting seriously nervous. In addition, people revolving around him talking about their friends dying of AIDS. Do not forget: at that time, gay activists develop frenzied activity.

All these people suggest his idea of ​​the invincibility of a fatal disease. Freddie decides to stop casual connections and take hold of the mind.

Akhundov: “In May 1987,“ San ”published the scandalous interview with Paul Prenter, in which Mercury appeared as the organizer of cocaine parties and sexual orgies, as an active gay man who raped hundreds of men.

Very little time passes, and a scandalous interview with Mercury appears in the press, in which he speaks very frankly about the problem of AIDS and his personal life: “AIDS has completely changed my view of things. I used to be very depraved, but now I’m sitting at home, I don’t go anywhere ... I think everyone who has promiscuous sex should have an AIDS test ... I myself was tested, I am clean ... ”

As soon as the newspaper came out, an enraged Freddie called the editorial office demanding an apology and a refutation. The interview did take place, but Freddie talked in him about his creative plans for the future, a little about his personal life, but he did not frankly talk about debauchery and AIDS, or about medical tests. The editor apologized and promised to investigate, but there was no refutation, moreover, this fake now adorns all the books about Mercury and Queen. ”

The task of near-music gays is set only one: Freddie must pass an HIV test. The doctor himself cannot advise him this: it would be extremely incorrect. Looking for close friends, and preferably with a diagnosis of HIV / AIDS.

At that moment, everyone notes that Freddie is alive, well and full of strength and energy. But soon the tabloids allowed another duck: Freddie’s two alleged partners had recently died of AIDS. And apparently, this duck Freddie and bought.

He is watched by the best doctors, entering into the most friendly relations with him. He cannot get into the wrong clinic - all clinics testing for HIV are under the unified control of AIDSPROM. The most cordial gay men tell him about the best clinics, where the tests are the most accurate, and the equipment is the best, and the tastiest smells, and such lovely sisters are black women ... In short, everything is prepared for the singer to take up his mind and pass the necessary test . And Freddie went to that very clinic.
There is an assumption: “Mercury was infected with AIDS in September 1986, in Harley Street London Hospital. What happened in Harley Street is not a medical mistake and not negligence, but a carefully planned assassination. Otherwise, "Sun" would not know about it so quickly. "

I comment at once: it is impossible to infect with AIDS, AIDS (by their very definition) is an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome “developing in the presence of HIV infection”. HIV infection is also impossible to infect. Because it is not an infection, but a retrovirus, something from the field of a healthy reaction of an organism to extraneous invasions. What was Freddie infected with? What will lead him to the catastrophic state of which everyone will speak from 1989-1990?

And then Jim Hutton unexpectedly for himself gives us a clear and comprehensive answer to this question. He says in his memoirs that after visiting the clinic, Freddie suddenly called him and said: “The doctors just took a big piece from me” (“The doctors have taken a big lump out of me”). Despair is heard in his tone, and Jim decides to come to Freddie to calm him down. In the bedroom, Freddie points Jim at a “tiny mark on his shoulder the size of a fingernail stitched with two stitches. The doctors had just taken a piece of his flesh for examination, and the results are as follows: AIDS was found ”(italics mine. - Avt.). (Verbatim: "He pointed out the back on his shoulder, no bigger than a thumbnail. .) The fact is that described by Jim Hutton can not be the result of an HIV test! An HIV test is a simple blood sample. Freddie showed Jim the vaccination trail!

Apparently, Freddie Mercury introduced the most terrible vaccine - Zhmunessa vaccine, or hepatitis vaccine, the very tried vaccine with which they began to unleash a speed epidemic, killing her thousands of gays in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco in early 80s! Proven weapon!

Freddie tells Jim that doctors have discovered AIDS and these are the best doctors ever. Jim advises him to go to another clinic, but what do Jim's words mean in comparison with the authority of "medical luminaries"? One way or another, Freddie was pronounced a “death sentence”, and, judging by Jim’s words, he really begins to take AZT toxic chemicals (the so-called AIDS drugs), which further aggravate his condition.

The killers could have limited themselves to AZT, as they did with hundreds of thousands of “HIV-infected”, first in the first and then in the third world, but this time they chose a more reliable method of murder: in the end, the victim can come to their senses, send away from all the doctors and flush the medicine down the toilet - and we don’t see the dead Freddie. And the sick Freddie is not needed by anyone. Freddie needs only the dead.

From that moment on, Freddie’s health will begin to collapse disastrously. The vaccine will take about four years to completely destroy Freddie Mercury.

So I answer Mariam: Freddie was not infected with the AIDS virus, which is not found in nature, and not even with the HIV retrovirus, which is harmless. Freddie was already infected with the deadly hepatitis B vaccine — a biological weapon tested on thousands of gays in the US and apparently kept in the Institute Tavistock - the most secret institution of Britain.

Referring to the book The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot, written by doctor Alan Cantwell, Jr. About the very first steps of AIDSPROM. Back in the 60s, epidemiologists found that the gay community was five times more susceptible to hepatitis B, a sexually transmitted infection. The developer of the vaccine is someone Wolfe (or Wolf) еврейmuness, a Polish Jew with a very cool biography, who served in the Gulag, who worked as a doctor in Poland and emigrated to America in the 60s. Hepatitis B vaccine has become a matter of his life.
A recognized global authority on hepatitis, by the end of the 70s he received a grant of millions of dollars and gets to work: he is introduced to gays, he walks through the ghetto and studies bars, discos and bathhouses. He introduces gay doctors and gay activists into his staff. As guinea pigs, he chooses only homosexuals and only those who have an indiscriminate sex life.

It was a very expensive experiment, in which many major US medical institutions and such pharmaceutical giants as Merck, Abbott Laboratories, etc. were involved. That is, the whole corporate bundle. Here is what Alan Cantwell himself, who participated in these trials in Los Angeles and San Francisco as a researcher, writes:

“In the late 70s, a car with a red cross drove through the streets of the gay neighborhoods of Greenwich Village in Manhattan, looking for potential volunteers among gay people. About 10 thousand people agreed to participate in the Zhmuness experiment and donate blood. <...> The first homosexual group was grafted in November 1978 in the donor center of New York City. The experiment lasted until October 1979. More than 1,000 men from Manhattan vaccine Zhmunessa was introduced. In January 1979, several months after Wolf Zhmuness began the experiment, purple spots began to appear on the skin of young white gay men from the Village. Doctors were not sure what exactly is wrong with these men. Over the next 30 months, doctors in Manhattan faced a dozen new cases of illness characterized by acute immunodeficiency, Kaposi's sarcoma and the rapidly developing deadly lung disease known as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (let's call it bronchial pneumonia). All men were young gay men and had promiscuous sex life. Almost all of them were white. All died in terrible agony.

Within a few years, AIDS will be declared the main cause of death for young men and women living in New York. The gay areas of Manhattan will be declared the epicenter of the new AIDS epidemic in the country.

The wolf was delighted with the tremendous success of his experiences with hepatitis. In March 1980, under the control of the CDC, additional gay experiments were conducted in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. In the fall of 1980, the first case of AIDS was recorded in a young man from San Francisco.

Six months later, in June 1981, the AIDS epidemic became official. Epidemiologists and health experts could not find a reason why a large number of young whites of previously healthy homosexual men were mysteriously dying in Manhattan, in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

In the early 1980s, Zhmuness was rewarded with millions of dollars for his experiments and his extremely successful hepatitis B vaccine was perceived as having a truly unlimited global significance. He began working with the largest medical institutions in the country: the National Institutes of Health, the National Cancer Institute, the FDA, the WHO (WHO), the Cornella, Yale and Harvard School of Public Health, the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences ...

In June 1982, Wolf Zhmuness died suddenly of lung cancer. I could not find an obituary about his death in any of the medical journals, with the exception of Aaron Kellner’s brief report.
Looking at the posthumous value of the deceased and his scientific achievements, Aaron Kellner writes: “He was a typical doctor for doctors. Most doctors in their professional careers have an impact on the lives of several hundred or several thousand people. Some lucky people can affect the lives of several millions. A rare physician, like Wolf Zmmuness, is given the grace to touch the lives of billions of people - people living on this planet, and as yet unborn generations.

Most people are not aware of the experiences on gay people with the hepatitis B vaccine that preceded mass deaths in gay neighborhoods. But the details of the tests of this vaccine, as well as its impact on the health of gay men in one way or another, are recorded for posterity in the annals of medical science.

On May 11, 1984, a fateful meeting was held in honor of Wolf Zhmuness.

One of the most famous visitors was Dr. Robert Gallo, who just three weeks ago announced his discovery of the AIDS virus. Despite the refusal of the medical authorities to recognize the link between Zhmuness’s gay experiments and the outbreaks of the AIDS epidemic in American cities, this link is evident. This is not my imagination. And this is not by chance. The more I studied experiments with the hepatitis B vaccine, the more clearly I understood that it was genocide and a biological weapon. ” The end of the quote.

So, purple spots on the skin, acute immunodeficiency, Kaposi's sarcoma and a rapidly developing fatal lung disease are the main signs of the vaccine, which the doctor says. We find all this in the Freddie Mercury case history, which was scattered according to his memoirs, but never collected together.

“On a cold February morning, when Freddie Mercury appeared in a television studio in Wembley, to start working on a video for his single Im Going Slightly Mad, the crew was in shock. From the former smooth-faced, muscular Freddie nothing left. He was more like a ghost of himself. His clothes were hanging, his gray face was covered with spots ”(Rick Sky. Freddie Mercury [The Show Must Go On]).

“In the following months, the stain spread to the nose, neck, shoulders and legs. Like Mary Austin, Valentine confirmed that Freddie suffered terrible pains and he was taking painkillers. He never complained of his sufferings ”(ibid.).

“German actress Barbara Valentin, with whom Freddie was very friendly, recalls that she learned about his illness in 1987, one of the first. She saw a dark spot that appeared on his face, which was one of the manifestations of Kaposi syndrome, often accompanying the development of AIDS. Barbara buried many friends who died from this disease, she had no doubts. “My ground reeled under my feet,” she said. - I looked at Freddie, and he looked at me. We did not talk about it, but I knew the truth. I said that he could not go on stage in such a form, and helped to hide the stain under the make-up ”(Enina TV. Something more).

I think that catastrophic immunodeficiency, which is noted by all who faced it in recent years, does not need comments. The official diagnosis of Freddie's death - “bronchial pneumonia that developed on the background of AIDS” - once again confirms the Syndrome of Acquired at the Immunodeficiency Clinic.
Freddie knew his diagnosis and stoically struggled with an unknown disease to the end. In his songs he conveyed to the invisible world a persecution that he could not but feel, but he could not fully understand all the components of its spring. From disgust for the tabloids and all their surroundings, he did not want to allow them to a cannon shot, fading away in the circle of servants, quiet friends, former lovers. Only he opens a terrible diagnosis for them - and during his lifetime no one betrays him. That after death, it does not concern him personally, and this is another stage of the disease — the illness of the whole society infected with AIDS. A day before his death, Freddie signs the statement submitted to him:

“Considering the rumors that have been going on in the press for the last two weeks, I want to confirm: my blood test showed the presence of HIV. I have aids. I considered it necessary to keep this information secret in order to keep my relatives and friends calm. However, it is time to tell the truth to my friends and fans around the world. I hope everyone joins the fight against this terrible disease. ”

He also ordered the transfer of all rights to a Bohemian Rhapsody song to Terrence Higgins' newly created Prosid Fund. In the will, however, money is given to the cancer fund, but there is no contradiction here, it’s just a tiny discrepancy solved by one transaction: the cancer and speed funds are the same feeding bowl. The lion's share of the funding of AIDS programs was carried out through cancer funds, as well as the HIV retrovirus was studied in the framework of the cancer programs of Duisberg, Gallo and Montague, and the cancer money went to experiments on the destruction of gays in America. AIDSPROM is generally the legitimate offspring of RakPROM, his favorite offspring.

Does this testament point shed light on the fact that Freddie died of cancer? Hardly. Most likely, the drafters of the will entered the cancer fund, familiar with all the speed programs, because it was more convenient for them at that time.

The official version says: the next day, November 24, at about seven o'clock in the evening, Freddie Mercury died at his home in London from “bronchial pneumonia that developed on the background of AIDS”.

And now the main thing is to immediately burn the corpse, because there is a mark on it, which Jim told us about. No one should know that Hepatitis B vaccine was introduced into Freddie’s body, whose lethal effect is already known to many doctors and researchers.

In the testament this item fits into the very first place.

Here is what Mariam writes: “Everyone thinks that Freddie’s closed, almost secret funeral is the will of his and his relatives. However, according to Freestone, this decision was taken personally by Jim Beech. It was he who reduced the number of guests at the funeral to a minimum, telling everyone who would call on this matter to be sent to his office. It is he who, from beginning to end, disposed of both the funeral itself and those who are allowed to them, and who are not and who will be invited into the house, and who will not be invited. And it was he who ordered not to allow the relatives of the deceased to the Garden Lodge. It was he who remained to wait for the end of the cremation, when all the others departed.

Translated into a normal language, it is the merit of the Scourge that the world famous person and the idol of millions were buried as the executed criminal: without a normal farewell, a civil memorial service, the ability to pay the last debt even from a distance. He made Freddie's death a pretext for cynical fundraising for Terrence Higgins' gay foundation. Already on the day of the funeral, he was discussing the idea of ​​a tribute and the creation of the Phoenix Foundation, at the same time the idea of ​​releasing the Rhapsody in favor of the same gay foundation of Terrence Higgins was discussed. ”
After that, Big Farmo begins to seize the strategic springboard of rock - the spiritual foundation on which the revolutionary energy of rock music is based. Namely - charity concerts. Which until now was an extremely honest affair. A concert tribute to the memory of Freddie Mercury, held in April 1991, SPREESPROM strikes a fatal blow to the heart of pop culture: it involves her in the most ambitious scam of the late twentieth century. Roku found a new meaning and new content - and he will not only pump money into prospect free funds, but also lose its revolutionary content, merging with the expanding gay movement. The revolution is over, and from now on it has been taken over by the world government and its new corporation, SPIDPROM. You can interpret texts and music as you please - the very meaning of what is happening is changed from now on. The era of rock philanthropy is replaced by the era of rock for AIDS. Sleep well, dear comrades. The revolution is directed to the necessary course of entropy - or the new world order.

Due to Freddie’s death, the growing AIDS industry bursts into show business and rolls up such a concert in its honor, that henceforth the history of rock, if not crushed, then reversed. An independent music corporation, conditionally - Britpop, which until then was relatively proudly and especially, becomes bound with a set of threads by Big Pharma - and in fact a new history of rock begins. Soon there are new and new mega-concerts “to raise funds for people with AIDS,” rock music is becoming more and more a toy in the hands of prospect-like puppeteers. Rebellious rock and human tendencies are skillfully redirected by Bolshoi Pharma to a safe and non-revolutionary area - and that was the task of the speed counter-reform: to reduce society to a state of stagnation and stagnation, to deprive people of any positive direction. To impose on him a frank nonsense. Finally, to transform society into a kingdom of crooked mirrors. And now we see a simple result - the dead, worthless 2000s and, apparently, even more worthless 2010s.
Show must go on ...

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