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RE: Cooking with Kids: Strawberry Crepes (004)

I LOVE that you cook with your kids! You are not only teaching them an awesome skill, but it's a great time to talk with them also. My boys are now almost 20 and 23 and both do the cooking in their relationships! I used to cook with them as soon as they were old enough to hold a spoon, and they both loved it. I also used to find that I would get the best information out of them as teenagers when we were all in the kitchen together. It really makes my heart warm to see your posts with them...and they're pretty darn cute too! Cheers:)
oh, I almost forgot; your post reminded me of "dessert dinners" as my kids called it...pancakes for dinner :) Yours is way more sophisticated though haha


Couldn't agree with you more about it being a great time to talk with the kids and teach them some valuable skills. It's not just about cooking, it helps with math, following instructions, patience, working as a team, communication skills, and more. For such a simple everyday thing there is a lot to be learned by a young child. Think it's truly overlooked as a way to bond with your kids.

My kids call it "Brinner", it's like Brunch except breakfast for dinner.

You are absolutely right; all the skills involved are necessary things in life. And unfortunately, it does get overlooked; probably because it's extra work and messy :) but at the end of the day, it's a pittance compared to the rewards received by children and parents.

Love "Brinner" as well, very clever kids there!

I really think that part of it is they think they are to busy to cook. Seriously I can make most meals in under 30 minutes and that is with working with my kids. It takes me that long to run and grab fast food and get it on the table. The only challenge is making sure you have food in the house.

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