Miss. Delicious #52 - My first lunch on American soil. Rocking it out at the Hard Rock Cafe!

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit Friends:

My first ever experience of America was actually when I visited the beautiful island of Saipan. Saipan Island is actually the largest island of the North Mariana Islands which themselves are a commonwealth of the United States. I was blown away by how blue the island and it's surrounding waters were. Definitely the bluest I've seen yet!

The view from above aboard the plane is fantastic! Each little islet has it's own unique character. Take for instance this little military base island in the shape of an elongated heart.
The water is just so incredibly blue. My heart melts just seeing it!

Because of how clear the water is, you can see straight through it. There's white sand everywhere! Making the whole area glisten brightly.

At a very comfortably warm temperature of 29 degrees C, who wouldn't want to take a dip in the cool refreshing waters?

After a very invigorating swim in the sea, it's time for lunch. Not far from the seaside, I came across this interesting looking restaurant. From the picture, I'm sure you all can recognise this as the infamous Hard Rock Cafe! So, in case it wasn't obvious, Hard Rock Cafe is a restaurant chain with the primary theme of rock and roll memorabilia. Known for the very hospitable service, Hard Rock Cafe specialises in Hamburgers and other classic American foods.

For best or for worst, Hard Rock Cafe is my first experience of lunch in the US!

So, follow me as I take you inside for a quick tour.
On the ground floor, we have the clothes shop selling Hard Rock Cafe hoodies, t-shirts, and other accessories.
Actually, I've realised that many delicious foods are created by those who love to eat. I believe you call them chowhounds. Because they love to eat, they also know how to make food that they themselves would love to eat. Hard Rock Cafe is one of these examples. It was opened by two foodies.
The first Hard Rock Cafe was opened in 1971, June 14th by Isaac Tigrett and Peter Morton in London. These two young guys were actually Americans living in London. If it wasn't for their wandering ways, and longing for the taste of their homeland burgers, we wouldn't have the Hard Rock Cafe today.

And that's how the first Hard Rock Cafe came to existence, humbly by Hyde Park London. Nowadays, Hard Rock Cafe headquarters in Orlando, Florida and has nearly 200 locations across the world. You can find Hard Rock Cafe in places such as Hong Kong, Paris and even Hangzhou in China.

As we walk up the staircase, the walls are covered with all sorts of rock n roll history. There are posters of the legendary rock n roll bands throughout the decades, and even actual hit records nicely framed. With all this memorabilia, Hard Rock Cafe really does live up to being the worlds most popular music themed restaurant.


There is so much rock n roll history and culture here on the wall, true rock n roll fans must feel as though they're in heaven!





Entering the main dining hall, my only response is wow. There's an antique car hanging right in the middle of the room right above the bar. The ceiling has been painted like a blue sky with lots of puffy clouds. Everywhere I look, everything looks so retro.
On the walls above, we can see many different examples of guitars that form a rather nice collection. Along side them are the hit records which I suspect would have used these exact models of guitars. With so many different kinds of guitars here, it almost feels like a music history museum.
I heard somewhere that Hard Rock Cafe has the largest collection of Rock n Roll memorabilia in the world. For a diner and guest with little knowledge of rock n roll, I'm beginning to feel drawn in to the world of rock n roll. Perhaps as I dine here, I may unconsciously become a fan of this music genre!


So many historical pieces of rock n roll history, together form a wonderfully satisfying retro atmosphere. One where I can feel at ease and relax whilst eating.


Here are some retro rock n roll outfits, if you look carefully, you can also see some drums.




Apparently there are live performances here from real current day rock n roll artists every night!


Now let's move on to the food. Immediately the Legendary Grill steak catches my eye, but in honestly, so does everything else in every picture.





These set meals look absolutely delicious. Because there are many Japanese tourists here, the menu's are also in Japanese.
First up, the salad with some bread croutons and cheese. I think having salad in warm climates are extra satisfying.
They have a nice variety of sauces and cold drinks.


Before the dish was even served, I could smell it as it entices my stomach with ever more anticipation. Together with the baked lobster, rice and vegetables, the meal is complete and my my does it smell delicious!



This is baked fish combined with the baked lobster. Again, it is served with rice and broccoli. The taste of the sea is amplified with the addition of the baked fish. This combination makes for a superbly fresh seafood combo.



I have to say, I'm very happy and satisfied with my first ever lunch in the US. A place that exudes so much American history, culture, music and on top of that really good classic American food. What more could I ask for? I'm now a fan of Hard Rock Cafe and will most definitely be visiting again in the future. I also became just that bit more interested in rock n roll after my visit, so Hard Rock Cafe have converted yet another happy customer!

That concludes my quick tour of the Hard Rock Cafe in Saipan. Hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to check back regularly for plenty more food, travel posts and much more!



在与蓝蓝的大海亲密接触之后,到了午后的用餐时间,我很快在马路上看到了一个非常有趣的餐厅。没错,就是Hard Rock,也许有些朋友对这个名字很熟悉了。这是一家摇滚主题风格的连锁店,以热情洋溢的服务态度出名,餐厅的亮点当然是汉堡和美式经典菜,就让Hard Rock作为我在美国的第一顿午餐吧。现在就请跟我一起去探索一下Hard Rock餐厅吧。一楼是Hard Rock同名的服装店。其实我发现很多美味都来源于爱吃的人——吃货。因为爱吃,所以才想办法去创造。Hard Rock Cafe就是源于两个爱吃的人。各类摇滚音乐相关的装饰品和纪念品。走进餐厅大堂,只能用哇来形容,餐厅中央是悬在空中的复古轿车,穹顶是蓝天白云,充满了复古又时尚的元素。墙上贴满了各种吉他和收藏的复古唱片,五颜六色的电吉他,简直像一个音乐博物馆。听说Hard Rock Cafe是世界上拥有最多摇滚收藏品的地方之一,我想在这家餐厅吃饭,一定会成为摇滚乐和吉他爱好者的梦想。整个环境非常有复古的感觉,同时又不乏休闲时尚的元素,营造了非常过瘾的摇滚音乐环境, 让人心情非常的放松。有趣的复古服装还有音乐鼓,听说晚上固定时间,还会有歌手来唱歌。下面感慨来看看菜单吧,菜单上的大块牛肉吸引了我,不能不说每一图片都让我流口水。



come on eat in something unique, HRDC has branches worldwide (upvoted, just saying!)

From my perspective, Hard Rock Cafe is pretty unique! Thanks anyway though! :D

I'm happy to hear your first American experience was so good! Always a good time at a Hard Rock Cafe! Awesome photos @sweetsssj ;)

thanks sandstorm, i'm surprised i've never been to hard rock cafe before that, but of course that's going to change ..

Your welcome Miss Delicious @sweetsssj :) Some people tour the world just going to the different Hard Rock Cafes! You're off to a good start!

i am glad you had a nice visit

thanks! It was fantastic honestly, so much heritage there, it's really not just about the food (which was delicious of course).


Welcome to the U.S.
Great post and pictures!

Do you like fish or lobster? (or both)

I'm Hungry Now. But I Already Ate.

Aha.. hit your local hard rock!

Wow.. that steak looks insanely delicious! Thanks for sharing amazing pictures.

Despite it being a chain, if the other restaurants in the rest of the world have steak this good, then they're doing pretty darn well!

and now i'm hungry! :)

Achievement unlocked!

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