Fruitcake. Love It or Hate It?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food7 years ago

Its One of Those Things

There doesn't seem to be any middle ground.


People Love It or Hate It!

I think it is an acquired taste. I think when I was a child, my mom would make it and it seemed so bitter. I was all about the brownies, or pies and cakes... SWEET! But fruitcake, nah not so much.

Of course I had to do a video about it LOL

Im a Fan of the Claxton Brand

Of course I'm not sponsored by them, I just like their product. I mean look at all that gooey goodness. What's not to like?!?! For only 5 bucks you get this solid brick of yummyness! I got this at my local market. I used to get them at Wallys but have not seen them yet this season.


Home Made or Store Bought?

I have not had a home made fruit cake in over 40 years LOL! I sure would like to try one of mom's fruitcakes now that I'm older. Sadly she is gone and that cannot happen. Oh and I had a buddy that was talking about sending me one, but I don't think that is going to happen. I'm not even sure if one can even send them in the mail? So, I guess its just me and Claxton.


Usually Store Bought Stuff is Cheap Tasting and Awful

However, with Claxton you get very little dough. Just enough to hold all the good ingredients together! They don't skimp on the goodies!


So What Do You Think?

Are you a fruitcake fan, or if you get one gifted, do you chuck it in the trash? Do they even do fruitcakes much in other places outside the States?? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
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YouTube ASMR/Mukbang



My wife makes great amazing fruitcakes!

Hello?? I am still standing here!!! Denise just watched you eat 800 calories worth of goodness! Right in front of my face. Seriously - an extra mile for that one. Kidding.

Everything in moderation I say! You know it is not a diet. Right?

This chick promised you a fruitcake and it will be signed, sealed and delivered when it stops smelling like brandy. No lie.

Claxton doesn't look as bad as most do. Looks pretty good. I may just give up making them. They are so expensive to make and I have never been able to find one that tastes as good as homemade.

Yes! I love fruitcake!

Oh, um I did not actually expect you to see this lol. Well Coach, I did confess to being bad over the holidays. I even may have mentioned you in the video lol.... But FYI this was made days ago. I am still clean since Monday morning.

Thanks for the support. You have always been too kind to me and I deeply appreciate it...I guess you may already know that though lol.

Yeah, well, I did. Just so you know!

Moderation. You know. You are doing well, just keeping up the walking while you have been cheating has been to your benefit. You aren't dieting, you are changing your lifestyle and that will always include pitfalls. Just don't make them part of the habit,

You are looking good, you are walking more, you have more energy.... heck! You even have a little extra pep in your snark. Ha!

So keep up the good work and for God's Sake! Throw that fruitcake down! :)

I was gona do a shout out to you @dswigle ;) LOL and not just you, <the dragon is also watching ..and its noo 800 he sure passed that after chew 3 my ;) :P

@swedishdragon: Thank you! I appreciate it. ;)

tagteaming you i am ;)
i wish to note to, im sitting with bloodsugar at 1.5 mmol/l and he suuure aint sharing.. :(

Claxton is the brand my mom likes. She gets one every year for Christmas. No one else eats it though lol. Yes, it is an acquired taste.

Your mom has good tastes!!!

I love fruit cake although I haven't had any in 23 years (since I move to Europe). My mom used to inject it with Rum and I LOVED it even as a kid! Go figure!

So they are not big in Europe? I thought maybe that where they started from? Very interesting.

Hey Old Dog if you want, Ill send you a Claxton if you want to try it. Im guessing it can be sent oversees? I would keep fine. Let me know.

That would be very cool! I can send you my address on

Hey did you see your prize from my Monochrome Monday contest?

I just did a delegation today and I saw that. Very kind, much obliged.

Yes sounds like a plan. I bet you will like it. At least it will bring back some memories.

When I was a kid I didn't like it. I might try it again. I want to find the one that you have.

Yeah Claxton is by far the best I know of. Look at the fruit to dough ratio as an indication of a good brand.

Never had an edible one except my grandmother's. Hers looked like the Claxton version - more fruit than cake. A couple/few bites was plenty as it was so dense and rich.

Thanks for sparking that memory!

Yep got to be dense! More fruit/ less dough= a good brand lol.

I used to hate it but now I like some kinds. I like the way my mother-in-law makes it and I really like the ones from Collins Street Bakery. I had Claxton many years ago so I forget if I liked it or

If I find a Collins St I will give it a try!

your priceless LOL :P whooo let you out? 🐉🐲💗 i must say, im swedish we aint that big on fruit bought neffer, home made, sure..maybe..? il guess :P but im a big nutbar so, what do i actually know ;)

Fruit and nuts, its like a health snack LOL!!!

yeahhh suure, i am soooooo buying what your selling OR not :P LOL and vorst was, ya didnet EVEN share wizz me :(

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