
1 Hour long video Titled 5 epic fails. It doesn't take 12 minutes to cover one point does it?

The questions are
what is the purpose, for this conspiracy, and why don't we ever hear of one person who has perpetrated this conspiracy but changed his ways?

Where are the whistleblowers.

Some are afraid to invest time into research, some are not. :) The answers you seek are all around you. :)

Where are the wistleblowers, where is the evidence, what are the names, where is the proof? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

Why are they lying about the shape of the earth?

Doesn't the amount of effort necessary to maintain this massive conspiracy, require some visible, some evident benefit to the conspirators and what is the benefit to us, having learned this "truth"?

Where's your evidence? Please share. :)

So again:

Where are the wistleblowers, where is the evidence, what are the names, where is the proof? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

Why are they lying about the shape of the earth?

Doesn't the amount of effort necessary to maintain this massive conspiracy, require some visible, some evident benefit to the conspirators and what is the benefit to us, having learned this "truth"?

Your evidence of a rotating sphere again? Extraordinary claims and all... :)

Yes my evidence has been demonstrated all over the globe, yet it's just a massive conspiracy you say. And I ask where is the evidence, to which you say "great question." As if that says anything about the claim that it's a massive conspiracy.

Evidence anywhere for your claims?

1 Hour long video Titled 5 epic fails. It doesn't take 12 minutes to cover one point does it?

Apparently it does. :)

Apparently you cannot name them or write them down, no cutesy for conversation period. Just shove a video in my face because you have no ability to explain or form an argument or exemplifying a certain thing, apparently it doesn't.

I simply choose not to chew your food for you. My time is limited and very valuable to me. :) Please investigate these matters if you're interested, and don't be worried so much about having to put in the work. ;) It pays off. :)

Respectable conversation? What respect, you cannot extend me the respect of introducing the videos or explaining why there is evidence and such, like a sensible individual who is genuinely looking for an hones conversation would do when posed with that question, yet you didn't offer me any such respect, instead you answered my specific questions with spam. This is a pathetic attempt at brainwashing, while mumbling "question everything". Hardly any questions for the videos, they are proof positive without flaw, nothing noteworthy or impressive to point out, not one thing that is exemplary of the debunking proof of the videos, only that the videos are the answer. Classic non argument, it's just too hard to write down into words and have a conversation about.

When you're ready to investigate, I'll be here to talk, k ? :)

I found the discussion under the video far more interesting, this pwerson ended all sensible conversation:

+Hendrik-jan Monshouwer - If you want 'nitty picky' which twilight do you mean - civilian, nautical or astronomical?

Venus was amazingly bright and relatively high in the sky, even after astronomical twilight, early this year in January. Mercury, I think, is too close to the Sun for it to be easily, if at all, observed after astronomical twilight.

By the way, these observations fit the heliocentric model, considering planets orbit more or less along the plane of the ecliptic. I can bring up Stellarium and go to any location, date and time and check its predictions against what is actually in the sky, and guess what? It's correct 100% of the time and its calculations are based on the heliocentric model.

The fact of the matter is until FETs actually develop a comprehensive and consistent FET model of the universe (you know, 'draw it out') that makes predictions that can be tested against reality there really is nothing to discuss.

Oh, and while we're talking about 'magically woven' what exactly in FET explains how the Sun & Moon stay up? How about what makes them move across the sky? What powers the Sun? I can go on and on because FET has no - zero, nada, nil, zilch - physics or maths behind its magical workings.

The observations are not exclusive to the heliocentric model.

Is that what you got from that post? That it somehow said that the observations are exclusive to the heliocentric model?

Why and how?

Your evidence of a spinning ball please? :)

The shadow of the earth on the moon during a lunar eclipse plus various experiments that have been done demonstrating optically or otherwise angle of movement and speed. The Omega 3-6-9 Ratios and all other phenomena that resolves around the equator as distinct from moving away from the equator. The predictive power of the "spinning ball" model, the numerous people who are involved with space, and the lack of evidence to the contrary. The "Spinning Ball" A, the moon, and "Spinning Ball" B, the sun, the numerous moons and the planets in our immediate vicinity, The horizon, sun set and sun rise, circumnavigation and satellite imagery, gigabites upon gigabytes of pixels, of galaxies and galaxies, of planets, moons and even ufos. Also the fact that there isn't one picture of flat earth, not one picture of the 200 foot wall of ice from space, showing conclusively the wall, which would be the single evidence required, and considering there are drones, there is no reason why people who really believe their observations are correct, that there is an endless wall of ice encircling us, why haven't they provided one shred of evidence , someone in Argentina flying to and from Argentina should be able to confirm the endless wall of ice with one photo. A grand conspiracy, in spite of all the different facts that are explained by heliocentric model.

Which experiments exactly?

You were linked one of the experiments, there are others:

In this series of experiments we were successful in detecting earth's diurnal rotational motion using a purely optical method. The resolution is quite reasonable considering the low cost design and implementation. The device demonstrates that the speed of light is not constant in the Sagnac interferometer from the perspective of the laboratory observer, even though both the observer and the interferometer are not moving in the laboratory frame. When the device is angled at 45 degrees with the z-axis facing north, the clockwise beam travels faster than the counter-clockwise beam, leading to a phase shift between the two beams at the photodetector. Because the clockwise beam is faster, according to C=fl, the wavelength of the clockwise beam appears longer than the counter-clockwise beam when measured in the laboratory frame. The difference in the velocities of the two beams amounts to the angular velocity of the loop with respect to the pole of the earth (the ECI frame). This is approximately 3.6 E -5 m/s. This amounts to a fringe shift of only 4.2 E -5 between the two beams. However, due to the high amplification used in this system, we are able to detect fringe shifts on the order of 0.7 E -6 of a fringe per mV.

I wonder, do you have nothing to say about all the other reasons why its a sphere, or you think that you can cast doubt with one question and hope to dismiss the plethora of reasons I gave, good luck.

Eclipses are understood by the heliocentric model, and predicted with extreme accuracy.

Is this video supposed to replace an actual retort to "Eclipses are understood by the heliocentric model, and predicted with extreme accuracy."? Because it's not, and the facts are obvious, Eclipses and tides are predicted and explained in extreme detail based on the heliocentric model.

Why make a conspiracy around this? That doesn't require a video to explain. Why make a conspiracy so grand for no benefit, and how does a conspiracy so grand can ever hope to scale in terms of human factor, where no such feat has ever been done, at least smaller feats have failed and there will always be the threat of defectors, but not one such defector from the largest operation, which has no discernible reason or method for such a conspiracy.

You're free to believe whomever and whatever you choose. :) If you think that there is nothing left to see here, no inconsistencies in the model you defend, then I guess you're just easier to convince. :) Where's the curve?

More Importantly:
Why make a conspiracy around this? That doesn't require a video to explain. Why make a conspiracy so grand for no benefit, and how does a conspiracy so grand can ever hope to scale in terms of human factor, where no such feat has ever been done, at least smaller feats have failed and there will always be the threat of defectors, but not one such defector from the largest operation, which has no discernible reason or method for such a conspiracy.

Why ask a question about possible motive, as though that's something anyone could answer with certainty? We're talking about curvature and rotation, aren't we? Where is the proof that we spin and live on a ball? Still waiting.

Obviously because it is of utmost importance that's why. Lunar eclipses, The Sun, Spinning ball, The Moon, Spinning Ball, the planets and their moons, the omega 3-6-9, flight paths, horizon, sun and moon and stars and their movement across the sky, the numerous data from space, the numerous people who circumnavigated the globe, the whole scientific community.

You're waiting, I am waiting to hear the proof that this is a massive conspiracy and why. You have yet to answer that question, here your despicable character asked me a question instead of answering a straight forward question about the claim that it's all a massive conspiracy, thinking that because you cannot answer with certainty it means that you can make claims for that conspiracy WITH certainty, you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

In a post about "respect" you self vote, you follow a user who makes extraordinary claims and offers zero evidence in spite of promoting "question everything", then you provide hour long videos with 5 points, and have not answered the crucial questions but instead dismiss them. Despicable behavior.

I support the posts with value. including yours. :)

You self vote because you're despicable, you abuse something while calling it adding value. Yeah, you do understand that you can also curate other people and get value, because if everyone did what you do there would be no more curating and no more value, there would be no more society actually, if everyone supported themselves at the expense of community, because you realize that voting power doesn't come back, and those shares you apportioned yourself from the community cost others a little bit, and you and others doing this amounts to QUITE A LOT, in effect you masturbated when you could have had sex, and you masturbated again and again and again and again, and again and again, when you could have chose sex with another.

The best part is that you are so removed from reality you cannot and will not see the clear detrimental effect on the community, and believe you are actually increasing the value and not giving certain impressions about what is ok, like it's ok to self vote because that means curate content, because value, and yeah, community, including yours.

You are a walking talking contradiction, you apportioned rewards for yourself and tell me that you've added value to me. You have not made one comment worthy of critical thought or respect, you are despicable.

Ad hominem's, assumptions, errors in logic. :) I still love you though :) You've taken up enough of my time, however. lol All the best on your quest for truth, if that's what you're interested in? Thank you for helping me challenge myself and for helping me realize that I'm proud of where I stand and the work I've put in. :) Thank you again. :) -CJ

No assumptions:

You self vote because you're despicable, you abuse something while calling it adding value.

Why and how your despicable.

What error in logic, what ad hominems when the TOPIC OF CONVERSATION HERE IS YOUR BEHAVIOR. you want yo see the actual impact of your behavior, here is a new user who replied to me by synchronicity when you were doing your self voting:

And you are the one who decides what is despicable? Neat powers. :) Who gave you those? And if you bothered to ask instead of assume, you you have known that I actually support such an update to the voting system. :) But now we both know you're the type who assumes a great deal and investigates very little. :) All the best.

And you are the one who decides what is despicable?

Yes, based on your behavior I judge you as despicable, I don't go asking people why they steal, or lie or manipulate, or self vote, it's despicable and it doesn't interest me to ask why.

Nobody needs to give me powers of discernment, just like nobody needs to give me free will, or choice.

I didn't assume anything, that's a fact, and I don't care what you support, nobody was talking about that, we were discussing the fact that you self vote abusively, not why you self vote, and certainly not what you think about some update. All those are red herrings from the fact that you self vote.

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