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RE: Blue Inferno for Tres Culos

I'm surprised by how the butt came into this, but I can now see how the writing could make it appears so. 8-)

Not a drug trip at all. Good eye. I was exploring underground city videos. One of the videos talked about a 1933 underground city. Aliens were there. I went with it.

The first one I grabbed out of thin air. The second one was the yin/yang symbol showing the eight trigrams with there respected directions. The third was from a video I found - I took the words and rearranged them slightly.

Wanting to include elements from the first half into my half, the cockroach made its entry. What else could survive Tres' mouth?!

I'm going with aliens that take many forms living in an underground city.

This could be the next QITR adventure for the band?

I can tell you love it by your message. 8-) Thanks


I was just picturing it and the walls almost alive, and yep, butt haha. Although i am now far to tickled by the idea of a gig up a butt, and the advertising for it, and of a couple going, and getting knocked up while they were there because they misunderstood the 'up the butt no babies' concept hahaha but really, we know who'd be headlining that gig

oh what! Now that sounds like my kinda documentary! Can't beat some good underground settings and inspiration! And you know, everything is aliens really ;) so very much an accurate ending lol

the way you work the cockroach, and the moment with the spider (but that was really Machete right?) does open the possibility of... insect aliens! Almost like the one in the first half was guiding him. Maybe what Tres thought of as a fist shake was more of a beckoning. Gave another layer there!

Aww yes! Underground city/giant butt, can see @f3nix going for that ;)


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