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RE: How a Simple Steemit Post Landed Me an Exclusive Scoop on The Walking Dead

in #film8 years ago (edited)

Wait, so Gimple leaked this info to you?! Why would that asshat do that considering all their effort to keep everything secret?

Whatever, all that suspense that was built up in the last episode has completely faded by now and I honestly don't care who dies anymore, and not sure that I'm even interested in being jerked around by Gimple anymore.


Please remember that Mr Gimple wasn't mentioned neither as a source nor as an asshat. There is no way, shape or form that I call anyone asshat on here. And I'm sorry if this post offended you, that was not my intention.

I'm speaking of course on the basis that you do know full well, that are many many people with access to this information, not only in the writer's room. Here in steemit, this wasn't addressed yet, so I did it myself, I try to bring value to the community any way I can, and I'm sorry if that offended you.

That being said, I truly understand why people got disappointed with the cliffhanger, I totally get it. They had to make it up to the fans with the most shock value possible, as they themselves admitted several times. In this case it's the death of two characters, and the kidnapping of another.

I can't tell you how I know, but I promise you this: Come October, you will see several of the details mentioned above, including Daryl taken as a hostage and wearing the jumpsuit with the "A" and then brought back and paraded in Alexandria to break down the others.

As I said, I'm sorry, I put in a big spoiler alert, some people like it, others don't.. But I thought I will share with the community. Plus it could be a good idea (or not) in October, to post" as predicted on steemit."

I wish you a nice evening!

I'm not offended by your post, it's smart to cash in on your exclusive knowledge, I would've done the same. What I'm pissed about is that the show runners somehow thought they could keep a lid on this for so long and still deliver shock value, which as your post demonstrates they could not do. Even putting spoiler tags doesn't help much as many people on the Internet will repost the information without spoiler tags and is often difficult to avoid.

Regardless, I'll still probably check out the first episode and re-evaluate from there if I still want to watch.

Just check it out, you may like it! I have few doubts that the entire half-season will be a very good season, I know bits from the first seven episodes.. But I agree with you completely on the other thing, and I do understand that you're pissed.

Kirkman came clean: love it, hate it, or be indifferent. We just want you to talk, and talk you did. You know, at least he was straight.

As I said, give it a shot and decide. You may like it :)

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