Retro Film Review: Sliding Doors (1998)

in #aaa4 years ago (edited)


The author of this review has rarely seen alternative history – his favourite sub-genre of science fiction - being used by film makers. This could be explained by alternative history demanding too much historical knowledge and intellectual speculation from average audience. Those films also require either large budgets or more creative thinking than usual since it is difficult to imagine worlds where, for example, events like American Revolution or two world wars never happened. It is much easier to grasp alternative histories that deal with ordinary individuals and seemingly unimportant events that completely change their lives. One of the films that tried, and for the most part succeeded, to bring this concept to audience is Sliding Doors, 1998 British romantic comedy written and directed by Peter Howitt.

Protagonist of the film is Helen Quilley (played by Gwyneth Paltrow), employee of a London PR agency. Film begins with Helen getting sacked from her job and going to subway station, angry and depressed. Just in the moment she is to get on the train two parallel universes are created - in one of them Helen manages to get on train while in the other sliding doors slam into her face, forcing her to take taxi. This seemingly unimportant event has serious consequences and plot starts to follow two versions of Helen in two parallel universes. In the first universe Helen meets James (played by John Hannah), charming Scotsman, in the train. When she returns home, she catches her boyfriend Gerry (played by John Lynch) in flagranti delicto with his American ex-girlfriend Lydia (played by Jeanne Tripplehorn). After that Helen moves to her best friend Anne (played by Zara Turner), dyes her hair blond, starts her own PR agency and somehow manages to stumble into James at any imaginable opportunity. In the second universe, Helen gets slightly hurt during attempted mugging and comes home too late to catch Gerry with Lydia. Instead of dumping him, she takes humiliating jobs only to support him, while Lydia, who can't bear sharing her Gerry with Helen, approaches the edge of sanity.

Howitt's task in explaining concept of parallel universes to the audience wasn't easy. Just like Harold Ramis in Groundhog Day, Howitt took the wise decision not to offer any scientific, philosophical or mystical explanation for the existence of alternative realities. Audience simply is left with the choice either to accept it or not to watch the film any further. Those who continue to watch are going to see events in those two worlds unfold almost simultaneously. Howitt cleverly uses tiny details - Helen having or not having bandage and Helen's hairstyle - to indicate in which universe each scene is set. All that works wonderfully, but in the second part of the film Howitt shows that he wasn't sure how to actually resolve two plots. The ending (or the endings) is cliched and disappointing.

On the other hand, general impression of the film is rescued by wonderful acting. Sliding Doors finally established Gwyneth Paltrow as serious actress - she masters English accent impeccably (at least to the untrained ear), and this achievement is something that most her Hollywood colleagues can only dream about. Furthermore, her role is even more complex due to the fact that she had to play not one but two versions of the same character. John Hannah is also good in his role, as well as John Lynch as one of the most pathetic lovers any woman can imagine. On the other hand, Jeanne Tripplehorn isn't very convincing in her role of semi psychotic woman. The supporting players are much better, especially Douglas McFerran in wonderfully effective role of Gerry's best friend.

Sliding Doors didn't use all the potential of its thought- provoking premise, but this provides enough entertainment to be recommended.

RATING: 6/10 (++)

(Note: The text in its original form was posted in Usenet newsgroup on May 24th 2004)

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