My short Action Thriller : Alpha Takedown

in #fiction7 years ago

I wasn't particularly happy things would happen this way. I couldn't avoid it and now everyone has to live with it. Mother has been very concerned about my wellbeing since I stormed out of the night last Friday. Why wouldn't she be? I was going to challenge the Zen! The Alpha werewolf. The same werewolf who killed a seasoned fighter like my father under a few minutes. Mother has been trying to reach me with teleporting but I knew it would be all about her begging me to come back home and probably not kill myself. And thats not happening. If Zena thinks he has the monopoly of violence! Well! He hasn't met me yet!!!!


Slowly, I crawled closer and closer to the old wooden house located in the labrynth forest. The house used to belong to an old sage who was a very good friend to my father. Sadly, he too was killed by Zena. However, the sage gave me something before dying in my hands. A secret and a possible key to defeating Zena. I sure would shock Zena with this!!

Now this house reeked of Zena's scent. I could smell him from miles away. I could easily differentiate his stench smell from the five other werewolves with him. Those other werewolves pose no threat to me. Only Zena has the ability to end me.. I have no plans. I'll do it the old me style ... "Charge in like a falling rock and stampede on those bastards". Wait.. That's probably the most stupid thing I can do right now. I'll be toast. Little wonder Derek, my brother, always won me at board games..

Since I know very little about these guys. I could as well just take them out one after the other. I crawled closer to the house. Their smell was thicker now. The hairs on back stood like the spiked fork of poseidon. I could feel the wolf inside of me cowering. I heard it whining. Well, that makes two of us who are terrified. But this needs to be done. I got close enough to see one of the werewolves seated at the backyard. One of his Zena's henchmen. He was the only one though. This should be easy. I crawled close enough and stopped. If I moved an inch closer now, He'd sense I was around and ruin my surprise. Transforming into my wolf in this bush now would give me away... My wolf is much taller than the grasses even when on its belly.

I positioned my right leg beside my hips and pushed myself forward with it. Leaping into the air behind the unsuspecting guy, I transformed into my wolf and clamped my jaws down into his neck, muffling any sound he wanted to make. I darted with his dangling body into the woods in a flash to dump him somewhere thinking he was dead.

Boy was I mistaken! As soon as I dropped his limp lifeless body, His arms flung straight at my right eye. His long claws tore into ny face and rendered my right eye useless.. Shocked, I stumbled backwards and watched him transform to his full wolf. We were roughly the same size.

"You didn't disconnect my spinal cord boy! You still need tutoring!!" He said with a wicked grin and dashed at me!

Thank you for reading. I'll be posting the second part tomorrow till it's all complete.

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