It's For Love # 86 (Bilingual)

in #fiction6 years ago

Hoshi mengangguk.
“Santet saat ini juga semakin canggih. Kiriman energi negatif ini, berkembang pesat. Sama seperti teknik kedokteran. Yang aku tahu, saat ini mereka sudah tidak membuat perut kita kembung, muntah darah. Tapi mencari celah emosi kita. Menyerang kita secara emosional pada awalnya, dan kalau terus berlanjut, akan menimbulkan penyakit di tubuh fisik.”

Duduk Afra semakin tegak. Dia menelengkan kepala. Memperhatikan Hoshi dengan wajah serius. Otaknya mencerna informasi yang baru saja didengarnya.

“Kau percaya emosi yang membuat daya tahan tubuh kita melemah?” Kepala Hoshi bersandar pada lengannya.

“Aku percaya.” Afra mengangguk yakin

“Dari sana mereka masuk. Semua emosi negatifmu, marah, benci, iri, depresi, dan yang lainnya, jadi sangat kuat. Jika saat itu kau takut, ketakutanmu akan berkali lipat. Saat kau marah, emosimu meledak-ledak tidak terkendali.”

“Siapa, Hosh, yang mengirimnya padaku?” Kedua kaki Afra ikut naik ke sofa.

Hoshi menatap Afra dengan wajah serius. Wanitanya memandangnya dengan wajah penasaran. Hatinya senang sekali mendapat perhatian penuh dari Afra.

“Aku tidak akan fokus pada masalah itu, tapi bersyukur, kiriman itu memberitahu area terlemahmu. DNA emosi, yang mungkin tidak kau sadari, kau miliki . Tugasmu hanya tinggal meningkatkan ketahanan di area itu. Selesai.”

Afra menarik nafas panjang. Kepalanya mengangguk menyetujui. Perspektif yang tidak biasa. “Aku tidak pernah mendengar ada yang memberi respon seperti itu, bila dikirimin orang.”

“Lifeskill, Ra,” sahut Hoshi seraya tersenyum lebar.

Afra tertawa terbahak-bahak. Tangannya memegang kepalanya yang terasa sakit. Kepalanya seperti dipukul-pukul benda tumpul. Matanya berat sekali mau dibuka.

Hoshi mengambil cushion merah berbentuk hati yang datar. Dia menarik bawah sofa. Sofa empuk itu berubah menjadi, kasur kokoh dengan bantalan atas yang lebih lembut. “Istirahat dulu … jangan pulang sekarang.”

Tubuhnya lemas sekali. Dia terpaksa menuruti perintah Hoshi.

“Afra kenapa, Hosh?” tanya Mama Hoshi, sembari mendekati keduanya.

“Pusing, Ma. Aku suruh rebahan dulu sebentar,” sahut Hoshi.

“Di kamar aja, Afra.” Mama Hoshi memegang dahi Afra. Tidak panas. Ketika memegang tangan Afra, “Afra, wajahmu pucat sekali! Dingin!”

“Dia sudah mau pulang , Ma,” ujar Hoshi.

Mama Hoshi memegang lembut tangan Afra. “Pulang gimana? Di rumahnya engga ada siapa-siapa kan? Kalau Afra kenapa-kenapa gimana? Perut kamu mual?"

Dahi Afra mengernyit. “Ibu, saya cuma pusing sedikit,” sergah Afra. Dia berusaha membuka matanya.

“Kalau Ibu kepikiran kamu, nanti Ibu yang engga bisa tidur semalaman. Ayo! Istirahat dulu di kamar,” sergah Mama Hoshi.

“Temenin Afra, Ma, malam ini,” ujar Papa Hoshi yang tiba-tiba ada di sebelah Mama Hoshi.

“Jangan, Pak!” Afra tertawa bingung. Berusaha sekuat tenaga membuka matanya. “Saya engga apa-apa.”

“Menginaplah malam ini! Kebetulan aku harus keluar kota sekarang. Malvin baru saja tugas. Aku tidak tenang, meninggalkan Papa Mama cuma berdua,” ujar Hoshi sembari berdiri dari duduknya.

“Ayo, ke kamar kamu sekarang!” Mama Hoshi menarik tangan Afra lembut. “Hoshi, tolong ambilkan obat maag, sebelum kamu pergi.”

Rafka melihat Hoshi dan keluarganya sibuk mengurus Afra. Matanya kembali mengarah ke layar ponselnya. Mamanya masih online, “Afra sekarang agak kurang enak badan, Ma. Biar istirahat aja dulu ya.”

“Oh ya … salam untuk Afra ya. Mudah-mudahan besok sudah lebih sehat … minggu pagi kelompok sepeda Papa mau keluar. Da da sayang.”

“Bye Ma,” Ujung bibir Rafka naik sedikit. Mamanya tetap memperlakukannya seperti anak kecil. Dia memasukkan kedua tangannya ke kantong celana. Tangannya menyentuh kunci mobil. Syukurlah, benda itu dimasukkan kantong tadi. Dia tidak perlu masuk ke dalam lagi. Perlahan Rafka berjalan dengan perasaan kacau balau, menuju tempat parkir.


Hoshi nodded. "Black magic is also increasingly sophisticated. Negative energy shipment, also has developed rapidly. Just like medical techniques. All I know, they have not made our stomach bloated, vomiting blood, but looking for a gap of our emotions. Attacking us emotionally at first, and if it continues, will cause illness in our physical body. "

Afra straightened her back. She cocked her head. Stare Hoshi with a serious face. Her brain proceeds the information she has just heard.

"Do you believe emotion is capable of weakened our immune?” Hoshi leanedback to his arm.

"I believe." Afra nod assuredly.

"From there I know they're in. All your negative emotions, anger, hatred, envy, depression, and so on, are more powerful. If you were afraid then that your fear would multiply. When you're angry, your emotions explode uncontrollably. "

"Who, Hosh, sent it to me?" Afra's legs went up to the sofa.

Hoshi looked at Afra with a serious face. She looked at him curiously. His heart was thrilled with the full attention of Afra. "I'm not going to focus on that, but, thankfully, it tells your weakest area. DNA emotions, you may not realize you feel. All you have to do is increase the resistance in that area. Done. "

Afra took a deep breath. Her head nodded approvingly. An unusual perspective. "I never heard anyone respond like that, when people sent by energy negative.."

"Lifeskill, Ra," Hoshi said with a grin.

Afra burst out laughing. Her hands were holding her painful head. Her head was like being pummeled at a blunt object. Her eyes are heavy to open.

Hoshi takes a red heart-shaped red cushion. He pulled down the sofa. The soft couch turned into a sturdy mattress with a softer top cushion. "Take a break ... do not come home now."

Her body was very weak. She was forced to obey Hoshi's orders.

"What happen to Afra, Hosh?" Hoshi’s mother asked, approaching the two.

"Dizzy, mom. I told her to take a rest for a while," Hoshi replied.

"Come on go to your room Afra." Hoshi’s mother holds Afra's forehead. Not hot. Taking hold of Afra's hand, "Afra, your face is very pale!"

"She's coming home, mom," Hoshi said. “I have forbid her.”

Hoshi’s mother gently holding Afra's hand. "Go home? There is no body in her house. Isn’t it? What if something happened to her? Your stomach nausea?"

Afra's forehead frowned.

”Ma’am, I'm just having a little headache," Afra snapped. She tried to open her eyes.

"If you go home, I will not be able to sleep all night. Come on! Take a break in the room," Hoshi’s mother said.

"Accompany Afra, tonight," said Hoshi’s father , who was next to Mama Hoshi.

"No, sir!" Afra laughed confusedly. Trying desperately to open her eyes. "I am okay."

"Stay tonight! I happen to be out of town now. Malvin just got the job done. I'm not calm, leaving my parents alone here," Hoshi said as he stood up from his seat.

"Come on, go to your room now!" Hoshi’s mother drew Afra's hand gently. "Hoshi, please take the ulcer, before you go out."

Rafka sees Hoshi and his family busy taking care of Afra. His eyes turned back to his cell phone screen. His mother is still online, "Afra is now a little unwell, mom. Let her rest first. "

"Oh ok ... send my greetings to Afra. I hope tomorrow she will be better ... Sunday morning your father's bike group is out. Bye bye honey. "

"Bye mom," Rafka's lips twitched slightly. His mother still treats him like a child. He put his hands in a pair of pants pockets. His hand touches the car keys. Thankfully, it was put in the bag. He does not need to go inside again. Slowly Rafka walked with a chaotic feeling, toward the parking lot.

Bandung Barat, Sabtu 14 April 2018
Warm Regards

Cici SW

Source:1, 2

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