It's For Love # 74 (Bilingual)

in #fiction6 years ago

“Alhamdulillah sudah lebih baik.” Afra menarik nafas panjang. Tersenyum sembari memperbaiki selimut yang menutupi kakinya.

“Saya kaget sekali, ketika Pak Hoshi menelpon saya bertanya, tentang riwayat kesehatan Ibu … saya sudah menelpon Pak Rafka … Pak Rafka juga dalam perjalanan ke sini.”


“Ya ampun … kenapa telpon Rafka segala?” seru Afra kaget. Rafka pasti sangat cemas. Anak itu tidak bisa melihatnya terluka. Dia seringkali merasa terharu, dengan perhatian Rafka padanya. Afra mengusap kepalanya, ketika ingatan tatapan Rafka, saat mereka makan tadi siang.

“Maaf Bu … Saya kaget sekali, Bu … Ibu tidak pernah pingsan selama ini.”

Afra buru-buru tersenyum menenangkan. “Tidak apa-apa … tidak apa-apa …. Maaf sudah membuatmu khawatir.”

Rafka menerjang masuk ke kamar Hoshi. Dia langsung berdiri di sisi lain ranjang Hoshi. “Kau tidak apa-apa?”

“Alhamdulillah … sudah lebih baik … maaf sudah merepotkanmu … jangan bilang ke Bu Dokter dan Pak Dokter, ya!”

Afra melihat nafas Rafka tersengal-sengal. Dia pasti lari dari tempat parkir sampai ke kamar Hoshi. Jaraknya memang lumayan jauh.

“Tidak repot sama sekali … “ Rafka duduk di sisi tempat tidur, “… kau sudah lihat internet?” Rafka memandang Afra dengan wajah sangat cemas.

Hati Afra seperti teriris. Dia memarahi dirinya sendiri dalam hati, karena tidak menyadari perasaan Rafka. Setidaknya, dia bisa membuat Rafka tidak menunggunya selama ini.

“Maafkan aku, kalau aku baca sebelumnya … aku pasti tidak akan meninggalkanmu,” lanjut Rafka. Dia berniat membantu Afra bangun dari tempat tidur. “Ayo, kita ke rumah sakit.”

“Tidak perlu ke rumah sakit, Raf!” sergah Afra.

“Tapi kamu harus diperiksa dokter,” kilah Rafka.

Mulut Afra cemberut. “Kamu lupa, kalau aku ini dokter?”

Hoshi duduk di kursi di belakang meja kerjanya. Menghadap ke tempat tidurnya. Seperti mimpi rasanya, melihat Afra ada di sana. Tangannya terlipat di dada. Dahinya mengernyit melihat ke arah Rafka dan Afra yang sedang berdebat.

“Dokter kan juga manusia,” sungut Rafka. “Kamu mau aku telpon Mama?”

“Hei, aku tidak apa-apa.” Afra terdiam sesaat. Memperhatikan Rafka yang sepertinya tetap teguh dengan pendiriannya.

“Baiklah … baiklah. Kita tunggu sebentar ya … kalau kondisiku tidak juga membaik, baru kita pergi ke rumah sakit.”

Rafka terpaksa mengangguk menyetujui.

Mama Hoshi bangkit berdiri. “Afra, kamu sudah bisa bangun?”

Afra mengangguk cepat. Risih sekali ada di atas tempat tidur dikelilingi banyak orang seperti ini. “Bisa Bu.”

“Bagaimana kalau kita semua makan malam dulu, sebelum Afra pulang?” Mama Hoshi langsung meninggalkan kamar, setelah mengajukan pertanyaan.

Afra menahan senyum dalam hati. Sebuah pertanyaan retoris. Karena wanita cantik itu tidak menunggu persetujuan siapa pun. Sifat Hoshi yang suka berbuat sekehendak hati, ternyata warisan dari Mamanya.

Setelah membasuh wajahnya, Afra keluar kamar. Hoshi dan Rafka duduk membelakanginya. Dia berjalan perlahan mendekati keduanya.


“Ada satu hal yang ingin kutanyakan,” ujar Rafka perlahan.

Hashi menoleh ke arah Rafka. Matanya melihat Rafka dengan pandangan bertanya.

“Kau bayar kelebihan rumah sakit Afra?” Rafka memperhatikan wajah Hoshi dengan roman muka sangat serius.

Afra menahan nafasnya, menunggu jawaban Hoshi. Tanpa sadar dia menghentikan langkahnya.


"Alhamdulillah it’s better." Afra took a deep breath. Smile while repairing the blanket covering her legs.

"I was shocked, when Mr. Hoshi called me asking, about your health history ... I've called Mr. Rafka ... Mr. Rafka is also on his way here."


"Ya Allah ... why did you call Rafka?" Afra exclaimed surprised. Rafka must be very anxious. That boy could not see her hurt. She often felt moved, with Rafka's attention to her. Afra rubbed her head, as Rafka's eyes remained, as they ate this afternoon.

"I'm sorry ma’am ... I'm so shocked ... you never fainted all this time."

Afra hastily smiled soothingly. "It's okay ... it's okay .... Sorry to worry you. "

Rafka lunged into Hoshi's room. He immediately stood on the other side of Hoshi's bed. "Are you okay?"

"Alhamdulillah ... it's better ... sorry to have trouble you ... do not say to your parents, ok!" Afra saw Rafka breath panting. He must have run from the parking lot to Hoshi's room. The distance is quite far away.

"No fuss at all ..." Rafka sat down on the side of the bed, "... have you seen the internet?" Rafka looked at Afra with a very worried face.

Afra's heart was sliced. She scolded herself inwardly, unaware of Rafka's feelings. At least, she can make Rafka not wait for her all this time.

"Forgive me . if I read it before ... I certainly will not leave you, " Rafka continued. He intended to help Afra get out of bed.
"Let's go to the hospital."

"No need to go to the hospital, Raf!" Afra snapped.

"But you should see a doctor," said Rafka.

Afra's mouth pouts. "You forget, if I'm a doctor?"

Hoshi sat in a chair behind his desk. Overlooks his bed. It was like a dream to see Afra there. His hands were folded in his chest. His forehead frowned at Rafka and Afra arguing argument.

"Doctors are human," Rafka grumbled. "Do you want me to call my mother?"

"Hey, I'm all right." Afra paused for a moment. Watch for Rafka who seems to stick with his stance. "All right ... all right. Let's wait a minute ... if my condition does not improve, then we'll go to the hospital. "

Rafka was forced to nod in agreement.

Hoshi’s mother stood up. "Afra you can wake up?"

Afra nodded quickly. It's very upsetting on a bed surrounded by lots of people like this. "Of course."

"Why do not we all have dinner before Afra gets home?" Hoshi’s mother left the room immediately after asking a question.

Afra held back a smile in her heart. A rhetorical question. Because the beautiful woman is not waiting for anyone's approval. The nature of Hoshi who likes to do as he pleased, was inherited from his mother.

After washing her face, Afra left the room. Hoshi and Rafka sat behind him. He walked slowly toward the two.


"There's one thing I want to ask," Rafka said slowly.

Hoshi turned toward Rafka. His eyes saw Rafka with a questioning look.

"Are you paying for the advantages of Afra's hospital?" Rafka looked at Hoshi's face with a very serious expression.

Afra held her breath, waiting for Hoshi's reply. Unconsciously she stopped her step.

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