It's For Love # 44 (Bilingual)

in #fiction6 years ago

Rafka tersenyum. Kesuksesan dan kekayaan melimpah tidak merubah Afra sedikitpun. Pelan-pelan dia menarik nafas. Bagaimana bisa, dia marah pada wanita setulus sekaligus naïf ini? Seandainya saja perhatian itu, resmi menjadi miliknya. “Tenang aja … temen aku banyak … kebetulan tadi sore ada yang mau nemuin aku.”

Afra tersenyum lega. Rafka sangat supel dan disukai banyak orang. Pasti tidak susah mencari teman makan malam. Pengganti dirinya. Dia melambaikan tangannya. “See You soon.”

Rafka membalas lambaian tangan Afra. Berjalan perlahan. Makan malam sendirian menjadi kebutuhan utamanya sekarang. Seperti dia butuh udara untuk bernafas. Dia perlu mengevaluasi situasi terakhir. Strateginya selama ini tidak bisa digunakan lagi. Dia harus ekstra keras, membuat Afra menyadari kehadirannya sebagai seorang laki-laki. Bukan sebagai salah seorang anggota keluarga. Saatnya pertempuran terbuka.

Ponsel Afra berdering. Sebuah nomor yang tidak dikenal muncul. Ini sudah kesepuluh kalinya nomor itu menghubunginya sejak semalam. Dia menekan tombol hijau. “Halo.”


Mata gelisah Hoshi menatap jam dinding. Entah sudah keberapa ratus kali, dia melihat jam dinding itu. Jam 19.00. Afra masih belum muncul juga. Ketika tadi pagi dia ke ruangan orangtuanya, mereka bilang, baru lima menit yang lalu Afra keluar ruangan.

Dia kontan memaki diri sendiri dalam hati, lupa waktu nonton siaran ulang pertandingan final tenis Wimbledon, yang dilewatkannya kemarin siang karena kecelakaan. Malvin yang masih ada di ruangan, memandangnya seperti elang kelaparan yang siap memangsa buruannya.

Sebelum kembali ke kantor, Malvin mengajaknya bicara empat mata di teras depan pavilyun ruang inap orangtua mereka.

“Kau sudah lihat videonya?” tanya Malvin tanpa basa basi, setelah mereka berdua duduk. Hoshi duduk tegak. Kepalanya mengangguk. “Kau juga.”

Malvin memperhatikan wajah Kakaknya dengan sangat seksama. Seluruh perhatiannya terpusat ke saat ini. Wanita pertama yang menabrak tanda verboden berlapis perhatiannya. Bersikeras tidak mau keluar dari otak, walaupun dia sudah berusaha keras, mengembalikan fokus ke perkembangan karir. Pertempuran sia-sia.

Data hasil analisa profil dokter cantik itu, melebihi estimasi standar tingginya, dari seorang wanita yang akan dipilihnya jadi seorang istrinya. Apalagi Papa dan Mama sangat mendukung. Jadi seperti biasa, dia mengikuti insting. Tapi ….

Dari foto dan video yang beredar, Kak Hoshi terlihat benar-benar jatuh cinta pada Dokter Afra. Dia perlu informasi sedetil mungkin. Tidak ingin melewatkan apapun sekarang. “Tentu saja … Dokter Afra jadi pusat perhatianku sekarang … berita sekecil apapun tidak akan lepas dari pengamatanku … foto dan video itu bukan sesuatu yang kecil.”

Hoshi menarik nafas. Ransel tulangnya menyentuh sandaran kursi. Dia tahu, begitu menyadari Afra yang mereka kejar adalah wanita yang sama, peristiwa ini pasti terjadi. Hanya tidak menyangka akan terjadi secepat ini.

“Aku mengenal dan memilihnya jadi pengantinku, jauh sebelum kau putuskan mengejarnya …. ” Hoshi mengamati wajah beku Malvin. Dia melanjutkan, “ … masalahnya bukan siapa yang mengejar, tapi siapa yang dipilih Afra … bisakah kita setuju dengan satu hal penting ini sebelumnya?”

Malvin berpikir sejenak, sesaat kemudian kepalanya terpaksa mengangguk kaku. Menyetujui perkataan Kakaknya.

“Kau sudah memberi informasi mengenai Afra, selama aku tidak bertemu dengannya … aku akan berikan semua informasi yang kuketahui tentang dirinya … tanpa ada satu pun yang aku sembunyikan … apakah ini pertukaran adil, menurutmu?”


Rafka smiled. Success and abundant wealth didn’t change Afra at all. Slowly he took a breath. How could he be angry with this innocent and naive woman? If only the attention, officially became his. "Relax Ra ... I have a lot of friends ... coincidently this afternoon there was someone who want to see me."

Afra smiled with relief. Rafka is very supportive and liked by many people. Certainly not difficult to find friends dinner. Substituting herself. She waved her hand. "See You soon."

Rafka waved back Afra's hand. Walk slowly. Dinner alone is the main urgent now. Like he needs air to breathe. It takes time to evaluate the final situation. The strategy has been no longer used. He had to be extra hard, making Afra aware of his presence as a man. Not as a member of the family. It's time for an open battle.

Afra phone bordering. An unknown number appear. It was the tenth time that number had contacted her since last night. She pressed the green button. "Hello."


Hoshi's agitated eyes stared at the clock. He doesn’t know how many hundred times he looked at the clock. Seven pm. Afra still has not appeared yet. This morning he went to his parents' room, they say, only five minutes ago, Afra left the room.

He cursed himself silently, forgot the time to watch the re-broadcast of Wimbledon's tennis final, which he had missed yesterday afternoon in an accident. Malvin who was still in the room, looking at him like a hungry eagle ready to prey on his quarry.

Before returning to the office, Malvin invited him to speak privately in the front porch of their parents' living room pavilion.

"Have you seen the video?" Malvin asked nonchalantly, after the two of them sat down.

Hoshi sat up straight. His head nodded. "You too."

Malvin watched his brother's face very closely. All his attention is focused on this moment. The first woman to hit the verboden marks of his attention. Insist on not going out of the brain, although he's been trying hard, restoring focus to career development. The fighting in vain.

The data from the analysis of the beautiful doctor's profile, exceeds the standard high estimate, of a woman he will choose as a wife. Moreover father and mother are openly supportive. So as usual, he's following instinct. But ....

From the photos and videos that circulated, Kak Hoshi looks really fall in love with Doctor Afra. He needs as much detail as possible. Don’t want to miss anything now.

"Of course ... Doctor Afra is the center of my attention now ... the slightest news will not escape my observations ... the photos and videos are not small."

Hoshi sighed. His bone backpack touched the back of the chair. He knew, as soon as he realized that the Afra they were after was the same woman, it must have happened. Just don’t expect it to happen so soon.

"I know her and choose her to be my bride, long before you decide to go after her .... " Hoshi studied Malvin's frozen face. He continued, "... the problem is not who's chasing, but who's chosen Afra ... can we agree with this one important thing before?"

Malvin thought for a moment, a moment later his head was forced to nod stiffly. Approve of his brother's words.

"You've given me information about Afra, as long as I don’t see her ... I'll give you all the information I know about her ... without any of it I hide ... is this fair exchange, you think?"

Warm Regards

Cici SW

Terimakasih pada Kurator @mariska.lubis, @aiqabrago, dan @levycore, serta Komunitas Steemit Indonesia atas dukungannya.


Lalu apakah informasi itu?

Jadi penasaran :)

Makin keren aja teh @cicisw

Terimakasi banyak @gethachan

udah ke 44 lagi, aku tertinggal jauh ceritanya hhe

Iya tak terasa ya hehe

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