It's for Love # 42 (Bilingual)

in #fiction6 years ago

BAB Tujuh

Sangat perlahan Yo membalikkan tubuh. Menatap Hoshi yang sedang memperhatikan bekas operasinya. “Dokter Afra?” Yo menjaga nada suaranya tetap profesional.

Hoshi mengangguk dengan wajah tanpa ekspresi.

Dia tidak salah dengar. Dewa Mandiri itu menerima bantuan. Yo menarik nafas panjang, berusaha memerangi rasa cemburu yang membakar hatinya. “Kalian berdua sangat dekat ya?”

Hoshi hanya tersenyum.

Itu artinya aku tidak mau membicarakannya. Lagi-lagi Yo hanya mampu menarik nafas panjang.

Afra baru saja membuka masker penutup wajahnya di luar kamar operasi, ketika drg. Niken Prayuda Sp. BM, istri wakil direktur rumah sakit, sekaligus Mama Pandu, dokter spesialis anastesi, rekan kerja satu tim operasinya, berjalan ke arahnya.

“Tidak bisakah kau mengambil jalan yang lebih halus dan elegan, untuk memberikan kesempatan Pandu menjauhimu, tanpa terkesan dicampakkan?” Mama Pandu menatapnya dengan pandangan marah.

Afra memandang Mama Pandu dengan tatapan bingung. Wanita berparas cantik ini memang tidak pernah menyukainya. Konon gosip-gosip para suster yang dekat dengannya, itu karena dia merebut predikat dokter tercantik di rumah sakit dari tangannya, setelah 10 tahun terakhir tidak tergeser. Dia hanya menanggapi gosip itu dengan senyum. Tahu bukan itu alasan Mama Pandu membencinya. Apa kesalahannya kali ini?

Wajah cantik wanita dihadapannya berkerut jijik. “Aku heran, bagaimana Pandu tidak bisa melihat wajah keduamu yang sangat busuk, di balik wajah yang selalu tersenyum palsu.” Tanpa menunggu jawaban Afra, dia berlalu dengan langkah bak peragawati di atas catwalk.

“Aku heran, apa susahnya bilang ke penyihir itu... 'aku tidak pernah tertarik pada anak hebatmu!'” sebuah suara di telinganya membuat Afra terlonjak. Dia menoleh, hatinya bernyanyi, “Rafka!”

“Hai Ra, apa kabar?” Rafka menyerahkan hand bouquet bunga mawar putih, yang baru sedikit terbuka kelopaknya. Bunga favorit Afra.

Afra mencium bunga-bunga itu. “Thanks Raf ... kok tahu aku di sini?”

“Suster jaga yang bilang.” Rafka mau tidak mau tersenyum melihat cerahnya wajah Afra, saat menerima bunga. Mengobati keresahan hatinya sejak kemarin siang. Mereka berjalan bersama, menuju tempat persembunyian Afra.

“Kamu engga usah bawa apa-apa, kalau ke sini.” Afra tertawa kecil. Wangi aroma mawar menenangkan hatinya. Angin kencang menerpa. Menerbangkan belahan baju dokternya. Seperti mau hujan besar. Tangannya dilipat di dada, seolah memeluk diri sendiri.

“Engga apa-apa, sekalian jalan kok ... sibuk banget ya Ra, kemarin?” tanyanya dengan nada sepintas lalu.

Afra tersenyum ceria. Matanya berbinar-binar.

“Masih inget Hoshi? Teman SMA kita …. Kemarin dia ketabrak motor di depan gerbang rumah sakit... kebetulan aku dokter pertama yang nanganin dia …. “ Dia menarik nafas sesaat. “… kedua orangtuanya juga dirawat di sini.”

Rafka tersenyum sedikit. Menekan gemuruh dada yang menggila. Afra benar-benar sedang senang sekarang. “Hoshi engga apa-apa?”

“Alhamdulillah, tidak terlalu parah… tulang selangka kanan patah… harus pasang pen.”

Mata Rafka tidak lepas dari wajah Afra. “Kamu nemenin dia pasca operasi?”

“Adiknya nemenin orangtua mereka… kasihan dia engga ada yang nemenin… itu juga engga lama … aku pergi waktu orang kantornya datang.”

Mereka sampai di halaman belakang rumah sakit. Tanpa sadar Rafka mengarahkan pandangannya ke langit. Kebiasaan ketika hatinya risau. Ruang luas yang terbentang di atas bumi itu nampak mendung. Hoshi ….

Laki-laki itu tidak seperti Pandu. Dia sama sekali tidak khawatir, melihat kedekatan Afra dengan Pandu. Tapi Hoshi …. “Kamu engga penasaran, kenapa Mama Pandu ngomong begitu?” tanya Rafka memecah kebisuan.

Kepala Afra menggeleng. “Engga... biar saja ... aku engga melakukan sesuatu yang membuat diriku sendiri malu … nanti kalau cape juga dia berhenti ... cuma aneh ... dari pagi banyak yang nanya ‘sudah punya pacar ya sekarang?’ ...”

Mau tidak mau Pandu tersenyum. Sangat tipikal Afra. Tidak peduli dengan reaksi orang dan lingkungannya. Jika dia merasa dirinya benar. Dan penilaian Afra jarang sekali salah.

“Kamu tidak pernah ngebela diri kamu sendiri, Ra.” Dia memperhatikan Afra yang sedang tersenyum melihat hand bouquet mawar putih itu.

Dahi Afra mengernyit. Dia menghadapkan badan ke arah Rafka. “Kamu pikir kalau aku ngomong, mereka langsung percaya? ... kalau mereka sudah punya kesan jelek tentang aku, apapun yang aku omongin pasti dianggap hoax … ngabisin energi aku saja. Berusaha meyakinkan mereka.”

Rafka menahan senyum. Afra memang selalu memperhitungkan setiap tindakannya. “Bagaimana sikap Pandu tadi pagi di ruang operasi?”


Very slowly Yo turned around. Staring at Hoshi who is paying attention to his former operations. "Doctor Afra?" Yo keeps her voice professional.

Hoshi nodded his expressionless face.

She heard right. The ‘independent god’ received help. Yo took a deep breath, trying to fight the jealousy that burned her heart. "You two are very close, are not you?"

Hoshi just smiled.

That means I do not want to talk about it. Again Yo only able to take a deep breath.

Afra has just opened her face surgery cover outside the operation room, when drg. Niken Prayuda Sp. BM, the wife of the hospital's deputy director, as well as Pandu's mother, an anesthetic specialist, a co-worker of her operations team, walked toward her. "Can not you take a softer and elegant way, to give Pandu a chance to walk away from you, without being dumped?" Pandu’s mother stared at her angrily.

Afra looked at Pandu’s mother with a puzzled look. This beautiful woman has never liked her. It is said that the gossip of the nurses who are close to her, it's because she grabbed the most beautiful doctor predicate in the hospital, from her hands after the last 10 years not shifted. She just responded to the gossip with a smile. Know that's not why Pandu’s mother hates her. What her mistake this time?

The beautiful face of the woman in front of her was wrinkled with disgust. "I wonder how Pandu can not see your second stinking face, behind a smiling face fake. " Without waiting for Afra's reply, she passes by step like a model on the catwalk.

"I wonder what it's hard to say to the witch ... 'I've never been interested in your great son!'" A voice in her ear made Afra jump. She turned, her heart singing, "Rafka!"

"Hi Ra, how are you?" Rafka handed her a white rose bouquet, which had just opened slightly. Afra favorite flower.

Afra smelled the flowers. "Thanks Raf ... how come you know I'm here?"

"Nurse on guard who said that." Rafka could not help smiling at the brightness of Afra's face, as she received the flowers. Treating his uneasiness since yesterday afternoon. They walked together, to Afra's hideout spot.

"You do not have to take anything, if you are here." Afra chuckled. The fragrance of the rose reassured her. Strong winds hit. Flying her doctor's cleavage. Like wanting a big rain. Her hands were folded across her chest, as if she were hugging herself.

"It's ok, all the way really ... busy day Ra, yesterday?" He asked with a cursory tone.

Afra smiled cheerfully. Her eyes lit up.

"Still remember Hoshi? Our high school friend .... Yesterday he hit by a motorcycle in front of the gate of the hospital ... I happened to be the first doctor who help him .... " She took a breath for a moment. "... both his parents are also being treated here."

Rafka smiled a little. Hitting the thundering chest. Afra is really happy right now. "Is Hoshi all right?"

"Alhamdulillah, not too bad ... his right collarbone broken ... must put pen."

Rafka's eyes did not escape Afra's face. "Did you get him post-surgery?"

"His brother accompanied their parents ... it also not to long ... I go when the people from the office come."

They reached the backyard of the hospital. Unknowingly Rafka turned his gaze to the sky. Habit when his heart is worried. The vast space lying on the earth seemed overcast. Hoshi ... This man is not like Pandu. He was not worried at all, seeing Afra's affinity with Pandu. But Hoshi .... "You're not curious, why Pandu's mother say so?" Asked Rafka broke the silence.

Head Afra shook her head. " Not at all ... let it be ... I do not do anything that makes myself embarrassed ... later if she also stopped ... just weird ... from the morning a lot of questions 'already have a boyfriend now?' ... "

Unwillingly Rafka smiled. Very typical of Afra. Does not care about the reaction of people and the environment. If she feels herself right. And Afra's assessment is rarely wrong.

"You never defend yourself, Ra." He watched the smiling Afra see the white rose hand bouquet.

Afra's forehead frowned. She turned toward Rafka. "You think if I say something, they immediately believe? ... if they already have a bad impression about me, whatever I say must be considered a hoax ... wasting my energy. Trying to convince them"

Rafka held back a smile. Afra always takes into account every action. "How was Pandu's attitude this morning in the operatiom room?"

Warm Regards

Cici SW

Terimakasih pada Kurator @mariska.lubis, @aiqabrago, dan @levycore, serta Komunitas Steemit Indonesia atas dukungannya.


Wah ceritanya selalu bikin penasaran >_< jadi pengen baca terus :)

Masama tetehku @cicisw :)

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