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RE: The Myth of the "Biological Clock"

in #feminism6 years ago

I vote yes!! 😂 although i have had moments of wanting a baby and it started after 30--- i dont feel unfulfilled about it .🤷‍♀️ Its just a different way to go. As humans, like you pointed out we can resist urges. Like the urge i have to be violent towards blatant mysoginists that lord their power over me! 😇 Ahhhh nature ...


<< bad joke was here >>

Uhhhmmm what? Lol im glad you liked your own joke but im le confuzzed

<< went off on a random tangent right about here >>

Right, I understand the etymology of the word however I'm not sure I understand why it's relevant?

I see your point and apologize if I was overly annoying. I will withdraw the comment.

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