The heART Of Giving: Small Things That Counts

in #undefined6 years ago (edited)

Good, bad, normal, semi-normal or "whatever" kind of morning I might have woken up to, nothing gives me more joy than scheming secretly with Eugene on a "whatever mood"morning!. Before I sound overly secretive and undercover-ish, I just wanna say that we are no CIA agents!. I and Eugene have been working under-cover, meeting for a handful number of days now, trying to innovate the Art of Giving back to the world. Yeah, that's why I said we ain't some CIA dudes, I know you might have been wondering what this undercover thing was about; thank God I can now lay this analogy to rest, Phew!.

Just two days ago, we executed a world class "Art of Giving" to the children of the world. World?, hmmm, we are Six people, I don't think we can cover the world, at least not yet. I meant children around our community, who were in the foster care system and orphanages.

Where We Visited

From 20th through 24th of August, Eugene and my other friends in our tiny group visited most of the group homes in our vicinity and about 4 orphanages that we have previously visited before in our past trips. The goal was to gather tailored information from the children so we can communicate our love towards them on a most personal and effective ways.

Not What We Wanted But What They Needed Themselves

We have always presumed to know what they needed, we wanted to do something unique for these young ones. Not something just tangible, but intangible too. We didn't want to do something we wanted, but something they themselves needed.

After the series of inquiries Eugene made, one Activity topped the chart of the statistics we made; A Soccer match!. There were quite a few other activities we penned down on our ToDo list. Soccer match stats were simply overwhelming. I and the tiny group of Six said to ourselves; Why not Do it!. We wanted to rethink the wheels to better serve these children on a unique base.

No, We Do Not Agree To Your Proposal Said Most

After Eugene's visit, we made the management of the orphanages and the group homes aware of what we wanted to do. We were so excited when we were discussing how we plan out this project and how the kids would be so happy. That was all that filled our hearts, in a way we had already begun to plan what we would do to accomplish this. In fact, we had it spelled out in black and white that evening.

Then some response to the proposal we made to the managements of each place we visited asking for permission to organize this Soccer match in their homes hit us like a David sling stone, sending our moral crashing down. Two of the 4 orphanages sternly refused!. One of the orphanage homes agreed but asked us to be patient while they pick a favorable day, the last one is still in uncertain and have not given us any reply yet, even till now.

At least some of the group homes we had been visiting in the past agreed. We decided to rise up from the negativity that struck our flying kite to giving these children something they needed.

Fund Gave Us A Slap Too, But Nothing Could Stop Us

It is very simple right?, yeah, of course it is simple to organize a game for these youngsters from the foster care and group homes. Nah, it wasn't that simple. We found out that money would be involved. We needed a safe little field for the soccer match, we needed Jersey, and we needed a Prize(hmmmm, our plan was to make everyone a winner in a way!)

Then the unexpected began to happen, Eugene had gone to book a small green safely positioned field close to a church in our county. But the owner gave it to us free of charge!. In his email reply to us, he wrote:

You are getting no profit from what you are planning to use the field for, why then should I?. Do let me know if you need soccer balls , cause I have many idle in my garage.

About 5 days ago, I had to withdraw all my liquid steem token which was about 350 stm to be an additional boost in getting the customized Jerseys and other needed materials and prizes. We were getting hit hard from the fund perspective, we completely forgot we also had to get them soccer boots(at least usable ones that would be a sort of gift for them). Then something coincidentally beautiful happened as well; Eugene had mentioned the project to Madam Becca whom he wrote about in my blog as a guest post about seven months ago titled "I Have Met And Known A True Angel (By Eugene)" found here ( Madam Becca Promised to send a pair of good spot boots for all the players!. That moment, I went on a split second of frenzy. I didn't see this coming, I wouldn't have even wildly guessed it if I were given an 100 chance to make a guess. (God bless this Woman!!)

The Joyously-Happy Faces Priceless

What do you want written on your Jersey?
What is your foot size?

These question sparked an incomprehensible joy that was so evident on their faces, said Eugene. I wish I was there when this conversation was taking place.

Last Monday, they had already gotten their kits and jersey. Only the players got brand new shinning boots though while every one had a pair of customized Jersey top and shorts.

I wasn't gonna miss it for the world, the game was filled with joyful scream of "wows" and "oh no!". The whole filled was filled with love and glee. This was priceless. I was supposed to have a Physiotherapy session with my Therapist last Monday, he advised me to stay indoors. Well, I did not. I was seated by the field shouting and inspiring them. Lest I forget, The two keepers were from the group of Six. Eugene and my other friend, I was deprived from partaking on the field post. No one wants to hear another broken bone story from me, lol.

Meehn, there is hardly a joy that can overthrow the joy I felt from these happy little ones. I hope they would be reminded every now and then about this love that they felt last Monday.

Final Whistle. Fuiiiiiiii

The game had come to an end, everyone each with a prize all shining and happy. Monday was a huge heART of Giving, Giving is a Art and this Art brings a heartfelt sense of care and love. Was Soccer what they really NEEDED?; maybe Yes, maybe No. What they Truly need is A Home, some just wished they could get back to their homes away from the government into the hands of their loving parents, some want a family that will love and cherish them like a jewel. But sadly, we were only able to give them a Soccer Match and shower the little love we could.

Why am I writing these?, this is a reminder that we've got many work to do, we have a road ahead of us, and if we can influence the lives of these unprivileged little ones out there, please do it with a big heart. There are a million ways you can torch their hearts. Like I have always hinted in some of my previous posts;

It is not how much you give,
But rather,
It is how much heART you put into giving
Give your Heart to these little ones out there
Give them a reason to smile
Let them experience love
So they don't know only pain and Hate.

Note: This post was written using a smartphone, so pardon me if you encountered any error, misspellings or poor editing.

Please resteem this post so this message can get to as much people as possible, it is the Little Things that counts the most. All the liquid payout of this post will be used to plan more heART of Giving, because we will be visiting and organizing something this LITTLE Next week Thursday., and also part to be donated to the @FamilyProtection initiative.

What Have You Done For Them-The Children Of The World

Peace to you all,
( @kryptocoin )

If you truly care and passionate about helping families and children worldwide facing CPS injustice, an healthy step is to JOIN the @familyprotection community.


Hello Everyone,
I just got back my account via steemit account recovery procedures hours ago sent by @canadian-coconut. I will be making a post as soonest.
Thank you everyone!. Linda, you are such an Angel!!!. 🙏

YEAH!! So glad that I listened to my instinct that something wasn't right about this post, and that I contacted you off of Steemit to verify.
Steemit Inc was sure quick to help you!

They were indeed quick. Initially, I thought it was going to take a long time because their first reply to me was that the queue of emails are much that it's gonna take long. Glad it didn't take that long!.

Oh yes! Your instincts are very sharp. 😊. I wonder what would have happened if you had not alerted me

We are so glad to see that you are back. @kryptocoin you have been in our hearts and prayers. @canadian-coconut and @familyprotection has been in your corner. It warms my heart with tears to know we finally have our real @kryptocoin. Blessings my friend.

Thank you Troy. God bless you!.

This is such great news!! Thank you Lord! I am so sorry you had to go through such an event. My husband and I have been praying that you get ahold of your account again so I am so glad to read this today. I am also glad Ca-Co went with her instincts. Welcome back~ 😊


I, Linda, have been talking to @kryptocoin on discord. And he did not make any posts today. Funds were stolen from his Steemit account.
This post is now being FLAGGED!

I feel so sorry for the real @kryptocoin. He does not deserve to have his account hacked. I had no idea this was a fake post. God I know what is is like to be hacked. Thanks for the heads up @canadian-coconut.

I know. The part about orphanages tipped me off to contact him.
He just figured out that someone must have taken the laptop that was left behind in the crashed up vehicle, while he was in a coma. They now figured out how to access Steemit AND even his bittrex account. The CREEPS! He barely made it out of that accident alive -- and now they are stealing all his funds!

Smart thinking Linda!

This is just horrible! Ca-Co thank you so much for being on the ball and staying attentive to things like this and informing us. This just breaks my heart for him. Goodness he can’t even recover in peace.

I did not know that orphanages still existed in the USA. I thought that all orphaned children who do not live another family member or with someone chosen in their parent's will, were put into the foster care system. How could there be 4 orphanages as well as Group Homes in your area?

When I used the term Orphange, it is institutionally different from term foster care system, its true that orphanages are disappearing here in the US, most have be renamed one way or the other to fit the frame of Foster Care System. Like the Baptist Children home that has a houseparent model. There are more, even the Saint Vincent Catholic Charities as well, Thornwell Orphange that was changed to Thornwell and there is Christ Child House.

Traditional Orphanages have been dieing out, (if not almost died out already), most of them have simply changed names and ditched the word Orphanage. Most Christian bodies have Have homes for boys and girls that are now almost 100% wired into the foster care system. They now act to provide In Shelter care, temporary placement and work hand in hand with CPS for adoptions and all that.

Nope. You have stolen @kryptocoin's account. I've confirmed it with him on Discord.
You should be ashamed of yourself for stealing his account and his funds.

this is the strangest thing ive seen!? the post reads like a decent post..and the comments too.. WHO is this imposter ?! it seems odd there is no power down also on that account?!

It IS being powered down. The power down began just after I exposed this scam. Plus they took out all the liquid Steem just 4 days before making this post.

Yes, it is very odd. This person was not satisfied to quietly remove the funds without being spotted. They took the time to read old posts and establish what type of person @kryptocoin is, then made up a fake post.
However, @kryptocoin would not have talked about orphanages as they have haven't existed in the USA for many years. That is what alerted me.
I have been talking to @kryptocoin on and off on Discord ever since he first joined Steemit. So I alerted him when I saw this post.

The person who is doing this could be from the scrap yard where his wrecked up vehicle was towed to, or somebody else who came across the destroyed vehicle, and found the laptop inside.
It must have taken them a while to figure out that there were cryptocurrency-related items on the laptop, and to figure out how the cryptocurrency world works so that they could steal the funds.
Really disgusting.

I hope to have news soon from the real @kryptocoin that he has regained his account access.

********** UPDATE *******

I just checked Discord and @kryptocoin has regained access to his account!! YEAH!
He stopped the power down after regaining access.

Oh my god that scammer took a lot of money from the account. Damn those people are heartless.. I am so happy that you discovered this before the first powerdown was actually made. And how are you doing these days @kryptocoin? Did you recover from the accident? Hope everything is going well!

Ahh thats why the power down stopped! Damn!! What a crazy one! U should be a private investigator linda!

Awesome Linda!!

With all due respect, I am not on Discord. This must be some kind of misunderstanding @familyprotection

LIAR!! I have talked to @kryptocoin numerous times before on discord.

Ugh, that's terrible, poor kryptocoin!!

He got his account back from Steemit.
He'll be posting about it as soon as he can.

This is the sort of thing @YouAreHOPE is terrified of. This is absolutely nuts! Let ME at this asshole...

What a good catch on your part!

if this is true, Please just hand the keys back.. you got the money.. and this account is now no use to you.. it would be a REAL shame if kryptocoin loses his hard work and reputation after suffering enough like he has..

What a beautiful story and more importantly beautiful heart. Overcoming the foster care perils with a gift of love. Indeed out of the box concept but packaged with all the wrappings of kindness. I wish you only the best as you set the example of @familyprotection in action. Those who are not united with their families still need our love and prayer and as @kryptocoin has shown...our participation in their lives. Thanks my dear friend. Resteemed.

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