Happy Valentinesday to the familyprotection community

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)


Spreading some digital love to the familyprotection community

Today I would like to spread the love to the familyprotection community. Be thankful for the immense support that I have experienced since I joined this heartwarming community several weeks ago, and I want to send some digital love to all the (grand)parents out here that have to miss their child(ren) due to the flaws of their corrupt government.
I hope your child(ren) are thinking about you today when they talk about spreading some love to those who they adore. And I also hope my two oldest children are thinking a bit about me today.

My greatest valentines wish

For me actually my greatest valentines wish, I that one of the upcoming years I will be reunited with them, and can hold them so tight and cuddle them all day. I would do anything for this to be reality, and working hard to accomplish this goal as soon as it is the right time. I want to be realistic that it maybe not happening the next valentines day, because I don't want to make myself sad when it needs some more time, but I can sure try to work hard to at least try to make this happen!

I feel like me again, and the fighter in me that doesn't give up is back!

It felt like stepping into a warm bath since I have arrived here writing my story down. And I truly believe you meet new people in your life when it is the right time to meet them. I came here at the right time, and for me it is the right place to start my hard work to accomplish setting things straight. Before I came here, I wasn't strong enough to do so, but joining this community empowered me straight away. I felt the fighter in me again, and I believe with all my heart we will be reunited again!

Today I take the time to think back about some heartwarming moments with the two oldest children.. I imagine me and my oldest daughter were having those weekly cinema visits again, where we would have ultimate mother and daughter time. I can remember every movie we have been to, and I sometimes look back on the pictures I made from her when we were waiting for the movie to start. Sweet child of mine, hopefully we can start doing these things again when we are reunited. I would love to!

My son was enjoying his time with my boyfriend while we were away. He enjoyed it when my boyfriend was working on some laptop or doing actually anything with a screwdriver. So we bought him is own toy set, which he was using then at the same time watching my boyfriend. He absolutely adored my boyfriend, and it still is heartwarming to me that I know he saw him as the father that their biological father never was. My boyfriend was sometimes strict, but they needed that, and actually the appreciated it after a while.

When my daughter was going to school, I had many hours to spend with my son, and I can still remember the last pictures I made with him. I knew at that moment, this was probably going to be the last time for a longer time, that we would be able to be together like this. Even though those promises that were made by Child Protective Services and their father and his mother, my gut feeling said otherwise. Unfortunately I was right. I remember holding him so tight, and kept cuddling and kissing him for hours in a row. The sweetheart was a teddy bear himself, but he did not know what was to come. He did not know that I did this to make sure I had some last pictures of us together to cherish.

I am keeping every memory of us alive

I think of memories we have made before we split up every single day that passes. Every birthday is a hard one, and also the first days of school, holidays, etc. Every occassion that is special, like today when its valentines day, I dig up more memories to take a moment to think about you two. I hope that we are connected enough that you will somehow notice when I do. Maybe stupid, but true.
You two are in my heart, always.. and I hope somehow you will know in your hearts that your mommy is working really hard to achieve the biggest (valentines) wish I could ever have: to be reunited !

I see ourselves sitting with the 5 of us in a big living room, somewhere peaceful and no interference of other people with bad intentions anymore. I will protect you with everything I have. Once we are reunited I will never let you go again, you can trust me, I will do everything in my power to give you the best life you can wish for and to be some free-spirited souls with dreams. I will help you make those dreams come true, and so will your stepfather! We love you .. and miss you dearly...

Special thanks to @familysupport for setting up this initiative to help family's in need. Please visit their profile to read what the familysupport tag is about. If you write under this tag, please donate a bit of your earnings back to the community

I write a lot about my period dealing with CPS, feel free to read my stories linked in this posy below.
Let's not be silenced anymore, and gather our strength, thanks for reading this little part of my story..

Image Source

handtekening testje.jpg

My previous posts

Introduction of Anouk Nox

An introduction of Anouk Nox, I will not be silenced anymore! This year I will make a difference!

About being homeless

I was homeless a few year ago

How to get back your inner strength (part 2 from my story)

About domestic violence

Why you should always report domestic violence if you see this happening

How the police let me down from the first time I called them for help

The first days in a women's shelter with my 2 oldest kids, fled for their violent dad

How my kids and I fled to a women's shelter for their violent dad

About the narcissistic / psychopathic games my ex played

My ex made me believe his stepfather was sexually abusing my 2 oldest children

Tips dealing with CPS / youth care / government agencies

How I learned to speak up when disagreeing with social workers / CPS workers

Some very useful tips for when you have to deal with CPS (lessons I learned the hard way P1 - Documentations)

Useful tips P.2 : The importance of independent professionals (such as psychologists)

Open letters series by Anouk Nox

Open letter to my oldest daughter, who I haven't seen in 2 years

Feelings, thoughts and things on my mind

Tears seem to be endless today, missing my 2 oldest kids

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.


Thank-you @anouk.nox for supporting @familyprotection

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Happy V Day to you as well. I hope your day is filled with much love.

@curlfamilyvlog thank you! My boyfriend is sick and my youngest daughter was until today (luckily she has no fever anymore today) but we are together and trying to have a good day :) hope you are too!

Such a lovely post. Hope that your greatest Valentines wish will come true.

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