Problems of Being a Stay-at-home Parent

in #family7 years ago

Fatigue, isolation, boredom, frustration and financial stress are some common problems faced by stay-at-home parents.

There are many benefits of being a stay-at-home parent. The kids will undoubtedly gain from having a parent at home tending to their needs at all times. However, being on call 24/7 for their families can be overwhelming for stay-at-home parents. Here are some common problems of a being stay-at-home parent and some useful suggestions to overcome them.


Running after kids, cleaning up, cooking, vacuuming, ironing and driving the kids around are just some of the chores stay-at-home parents have to do daily. It’s a lot of hard work and can lead to fatigue. An overly tired mum is cranky and loses her temper easily and that certainly isn’t a good thing to have when dealing with noisy, active kids. The solution to this is to eat properly, exercise regularly and rest when the kids are at school or napping.


Many stay-at-home parents also face isolation. Spending too much time at home and with the kids inevitably cut them off from the real world outside. With isolation come also loneliness, emptiness and a loss of accomplishment. There are easy ways to beat isolation, though. Befriending other parents, joining a parent’s group, checking out parenting websites, doing volunteer work or just getting out of the house every now and then will ease the feeling of being isolated.



While some stay-at-home parents feel they don’t have time to feel bored, others long for more interesting days. After all, doing the same chores day in and day out without any relief in sight can be taxing on one’s emotional and mental health. Try changing the daily routine to overcome boredom. Getting the kids to help with shopping, taking them to the park when the weather permits, having some indoor games if it rains or having a little picnic in the backyard would certainly alleviate boredom. Again, joining playgroups or parent’s groups helps too.

Frustration and Anger

Kids who won’t listen, a spouse who won’t help and household equipment that don’t work properly can all lead to frustration and anger. A frustrated mum is also one who is on the brink of losing her cool. Learn to recognize the danger signs of losing the temper. These include muscle tenseness, raised voice, blushing and sweating. Frustrated mums who recognize these signs can control their reactions better or let out their frustration and anger in more appropriate manners. One of the best ways is to take a deep breath, step back from a manic situation and count to 10 before saying or doing anything.

Financial Stress

Living on a single income can create a lot of financial stress, particularly if the family used to live on two incomes. Discuss financial problems and solutions with the spouse so that there is no unnecessary spending. Make low income living a rule by creating a family budget, using coupons, shopping at bargain stores and buying only during sales. Taking up a part-time job with flexible hours can also help supplement the family income.

Fatigue, isolation, boredom, frustration and financial stress are common problems faced by stay-at-home parents. Learn to beat fatigue through proper eating and adequate rest; manage isolation by befriending other parents; overcome boredom by changing the daily routine; handle frustration by recognizing the signs of losing the temper as well as reducing financial stress through low income living.


I'm sure it's not easy being a single parent but I commend all those strive to be their best! I have a friend that is a single dad and he has shown a great deal of responsiblity raising his son since his wife walked out on him and the baby. Now his son is about to go to college so it's all worked out.
Thank you for sharing this as I'm sure it will be a helpful resource for the single parent community.

I would like to add to that list as I was a stay at home mom for many years...
First...DROP the ironing!
Second...Join something that is just for YOU and has nothing to do with the kids. maybe its a book group, or a volunteer group, or a running group - it doesn't really matter what the group is as long as it doesn't have to do with the home or family!! There is even a bookgroup right here on steemit! Here is the most recent post

Good luck.

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