| Seriously Facebook...? |

in #facebook5 years ago (edited)

| Seriously Facebook...? |

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So I highly doubt it's just me but using the #Facebook platform has been increasingly getting more challenging if you'd say.
I've been a freelance artist for the last few years and with that came my thirst for just a basic understanding of what's going on in the world whether it be culture or politics or just anything else going on in society that's a big deal I'd like to say I pay attention for the most part.

I've had my fair share of hurdles to jump over in my personal life and I have been dealing with a custody situation for the last almost half decade. I would say I've experience discrimination and have been treated with bias judgment within the family court due to the fact of my gender being male but I don't go around telling people to "Check their privilege".

Now when it comes to politics I wouldn't say I'm republican or democrat or any of that but I do have some semi conservative views without the religious influence of it as I'm not really a religious person. I also understand how tied into politics that Silicon Valley and all of the other social media Giants have gotten to be so I can see where things that have to do with opposing views might not have as much reach as something that aligns with the political agenda of the platform or political party it represents.

For instance that crazy banning spree #Twitter went on for people tweeting the simple joke, "learn to code" Twitter targeted all of those people tweeting the hashtag and label them as basically people who are wishing violence on others yet you can easily find active radical left wing groups and #antifa members organizing events that usually bring violence, or having big celebrities wish death upon the president of the United States #Donald #Trump.

Anyways all this rambling has to do with my experience on #Facebook today. I made an order last night to purchase stickers of my artwork from a company called #StickerMule and I've made orders in the past from this company and have no issues whatsoever nor does anyone else according to their perfect 5-star rating. I seen someone suggesting Sticker Mule and the awesome special they had going on in an art page on part of on Facebook and it had immediately been commented on by someone trying to boycott the company because they said the owner of Sticker Mule aligns with Trumps politics/policies and said that this company basically is #misogynistic and doesn't support #lgbtq and that Trumps policies are hurting her income.. She then basically came at me with her victim card and told me I need to acknowledge my privilege to be able to take advantage of his politics.. Like what?.. I said the only way he's taken out of your paycheck would be if that check comes from the state like some sort of welfare benefit or something - and I'm in no way shape or form above the poverty line myself but I run a small business and acknowledge what hard work and effort can actually do so I understand those benefits can be very helpful time to time but I felt his politics kind of want people to be more self-sufficient and do not rely on the government taxed tit. After these comments this Woman's Echo chamber must have felt jeopardize or she was offended because I was reported and blocked. After that happen I noticed I wasn't able to send screenshots of that over messenger because Facebook Messenger was giving me an error and limiting my use on the platform. I'm not able to look at the notifications on my art business page. I'm not able to comment.

I didn't personally attacked anyone nor did I call for any sort of violence, I merely criticized someone's ideology and asked for a little more explaining or context to their assumptions and was met with this basically shadow ban on my account through Facebook.



Have you had any experiences with these social media giants slowly eating away our society and destroying our freedom of speech one offended person at a time?

Hopefully this "shadow ban" lifts cause I got a business to run - I wish I could take mine to a more active and non bias platform though, come on Steem/Steemit flourish! lol



Well this could explain what I'm experiencing today lol- https://www.abc15.com/news/national/facebook-down-social-media-site-not-working-for-many - but Ive had similar slow downs with my accounts when getting into debates on FB with opposing ideas.

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