RE: Evolution, Creationism and Flat Earth Cosmology
First, you should certainly read the rest of the article.
Secondly, the problem with invoking a character you define as all-powerful like Yahweh is that it means no matter how much the observable evidence contradicts the claims of the Bible, you can just say "well it's true anyways because Yahweh is all-powerful and can make it true even though it doesn't look that way."
If Yahweh doesn't exist and Biblical supernatural claims are false, the invention of Yahweh is a pretty much perfect tactic to defend those claims against absolutely any amount of evidence to the contrary.
We could find Christ's bones in his tomb and you could say "Yahweh made it that way, Christ still ascended to heaven". We could go back in a time machine and observe that none of the Biblical miracles took place and you could say "Yahweh is concealing them from us so we must have faith, he can do anything" and so on. It is an assumption (and that's what it is, mind you) that makes your beliefs impossible to falsify to your satisfaction.
What if I were to do the same thing? As an example, let's say there is a being named Tim the God Eater. By definition, Tim eats deities of any kind, no matter how powerful. The existence of even one such God Eater like Tim would mean that Yahweh cannot exist, because if he did, Tim would've already eaten him long ago.
Remember, Tim is defined as being incorporeal. Intangible, invisible, impossible to detect with the senses or any scientific instruments. So you cannot prove Tim doesn't exist. And if Tim does exist, then Yahweh cannot. Do you see how that works?