Just Put an Extra $40 on Ethereum

in #ethereum7 years ago (edited)

Recently Mark Cuban invested in Cryptocurrency, by initially putting 'just' $20 on it to 'see how it works'. I think that's awesome because it's the kind of advice I have been giving friends since I first invested at the start of This year. 2017 has been pretty incredible for me, especially when it comes to Ethereum.

I happened to catch it at $10, and won't share with you 'how much I bought' - but needless to say as it sits (currently) at $270, I'm a happy investor. It's looking like it's about to crack the $300 threshold, and so (for my friends who read this later, who still don't quite get it) - my $40 on Ethereum should 'also' be a good investment.

It's better than $40 sitting in the bank.

Understanding the audience on this 'platform' Steem is mostly pretty versed in cryptocurrency. However I'll be sending this out to my other channels, where people are mostly still using paper fiat. The only 'digital currency' they understand is e-checks, and atm debit cards. This 'blockchain' stuff is still brand new.

That's exciting for those of us who are in the 'audience that Understands'.

Came across a pretty excellent video from a fellow Steemer @champagnecrypto

You can "and should" also read his Steem Post "Mark Cuban on Bitcoin - It's A Bubble

I happen to agree with his analysis, that Mark Cuban is 'brand new' and really shouldn't be talking yet. He needs to wait and see what his $20 does. Then again he may have dropped way more than that, because since he made that statement, even Bitcoin has begun to rise again. It too, is well on it's way to cracking $3,000.

Exciting times to be alive.

Meanwhile, what I hear from 'actual experts' is 'less' about how Bitcoin is a bubble and more about the entire digital coin space. Ethereum (which powers Steem) has been predicted to some day 'surpass' Bitcoin. So, again (for my audience still learning about this 'crypto stuff') - $40 today ... or next month ... or even an occasional monthly investment (over time) could truly pay off for you.

Take the 'first part' of Mark Cuban's approach. Put a little bit in and see how it works.

Just don't do the other part.

Don't start talking like you're an Expert on Day One! In fact, anyone who follows TopNetworkersGroup knows what we say about expertise. It comes from 'experience', and there are always people with more than you or I. We should always lean on the expertise of others who've been down paths we're just beginning to travel. Sure, we'll spot a few things along the way that they didn't notice. However, it's wise for you and I not to discount all the things they Have noticed along their journey.

Because that's what the best experts have always done.

Some day, you and I will be able to truly help others who 'want' our help. We'll get there, together.

Thanks for stopping by!

also check out:

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I bet Cuban's actually that one whale driving prices up and down

first off, good luck tonight. My money is on the Sweep ..... :)

still and always #Lakers on mine ....

lastly, I think you may be right. I don't really know what Cuban is doing but I wouldn't put anything past him. He's absolutely a Shark; that's why he's in the Tank ..... thanks for your comment btw; I just followed you.

Haha thanks, that's what I'm hoping on. Hopefully its a good game

He definitely knows it deep down and its just a matter of time before he comes out with it publicly, his support for blockchain.

My timing turned out to be pretty good - as Ethereum shot up almost $60 since I made this additional purchase. It was at $280 and tonight as I type this comment is sitting at just under $350 --- I'll be grabbing more and more, before it reaches $1,000 as I'm certain it'll do;

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