Ethereum holds so much promise : Mike McGovern , a top exec at one of America's oldest banks explains why

in #ethereum7 years ago (edited)


Some advantages of ether tokens, which are built on ethereum blockchain as explained by him :

  1. Mining ether tokens is cheaper as it requires less electricity.

  2. Ethereum platform can both be used as currency and also can represent :
    a. Virtual shares
    b. Assets
    c. Proof of membership, etc

  3. Decentralized applications, or Dapps on network of computers hooked into Ethereum.

For complete information :

Source :


  1. 由於需要較少的電力,所以採礦便宜
  2. 該平台也可以用於以下
    a. 虛擬股
    b. 資產
    c. 會籍證明
  3. 分散應用

了解更多信息 :


but currently it is at a very low price..why so?

The price of the Ethereum went too high compared to it's real value, this was due to a lot of people after seeing the popularity of ethereum started investing in it without knowing anything about it.
Now when it's price was not going up any further, they started pulling out their money. This led to the downfall in the price of eth, now was the time for the correction of price of eth.

My suggestion to you would be : Don't just blindly invest in crypto currency. Read more about them before investing. It's not a rocket science. Be patient. Don't get swayed away by all the hypes that are getting created on internet.

You may find these articles informative :

I have started reading a bit about them.

Happy reading. :)
Siddharth Vedi

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