
Haha I did!! I have adhd, my brain is wired to see things most miss. It really made the picture for me.

I think I may have a bit of ADHD, my colleague who has tow sons with Autism and ADHD says for sure I do, but one thing I know for sure is I am very observant I always look at the details whether out and about looking at photos or watching movies

Yeah, if he says it, I would believe it... it has very specific traits that normal people don't have, not necessarily good or bad, just different.

Yes I do think Is is true, our Grandson although not biologically my Grandson has Autism/ADHD and i see traits in him that I can so relate to and perhaps its why I can understand his frustrations at times and get on well with hm :)

Lucky for him, he'll get to grow up with someone that "gets it". It will make it easier to manage and get thru the harder moments and teach some skill how to cope. My parents chose to not medicate so I always managed on my own but help to learn how to woulda been nice!

I think back when I was growing up there was no medications in some ways we were considered troubled or difficult kids but no one really understood why we are the way we are
I think its harder but working through it without medication is possibly better in the long run

The mentality of people hasn't changed much since then tho, how often do I get told It's a fake illness and a sad excuse to medicate. Kinda breaks my heart that people still talk that way. Many of us learned to deal naturally especially during your time when meds was just not available. Wish I had a copy of brain scans at times to show the difference from normal brains.

I think it's a blessing that I had to learn to adapt. It's a huge life long challenge but I swear someways it has become an advantage, especially in photography. Like you , when I walk around, I don't see a big picture, I see a dissected version of all the little details that make the picture, that is priceless to experience. @silvergingerman still in awe at how I can spot the tiniest of life or movement without even trying.

I totally agree with all you say nowadays there are many options and no one fits all, but there are pluses as you say as well, I think we are so much more observant, and see things in a totally different way than others
I think I have it quite mild or maybe i am just used to how I work or my brain works its always on the go and people have trouble understanding that's just the way I am wired, but knowing how I am even if mild it does help me to understand our grandson I think I can relate to him in a way many others dont, well except his nothers father he is the same as us not that he would ever admit it LOL

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