in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Do you know milk can be not only cow but also nut?
And this nut milk is much more useful for our health.

This nut milk can be bought in stores, but Ш don't see any sense to overpay if it' easy and fast to make it at home!

Now I'll show you how to get almond milk.

There is nothing easier and faster!


  • a portion of nuts (foe example, 0.5 glass)
  • four portions of water (2 glasses in this case, 4 times more)

Sometimes I add less water to get more concentrated taste, it's up to you.



Almond like all other nuts should be dunked in water for 6-8 hours before any use or eating!!
It's very important because all nuts contain some harmful acids.
Moreover, after dunking nuts become even tastier and softer!

So after dunking put your nuts and water into your blender and turn it on.

That's it;)

Milk is ready!


Looks exactly like cow one, doesn't it?:)

Of course, its taste has nothing in common with cow one, but it's not worse!
Delicious, nutritious and very cool nut taste!

You can drink this milk as a separate drink, or add it to other drinks and dishes.

Cereals are great with this milk, all kinds of bakery where cow milk is used can be cooked with nut milk.
But of course, it's better to drink it fresh!

It has a plenty of vitamins and microelements our body needs every day, so this fast drink can be your easy way to be healthier!


I like nuts and often make nut milk with cinammon or vanilla and honey.

Mmmmm, just OMNOMNOM;))
In Russia we say NYAM-NYAM:)

Have you ever tatsed nut milk?
Will you try?:)


вкусняшка 😊

купить проще, а сделать самой - экономнее + из самых свежих орешков с любовью 😍

первое своё растительное молоко я так долго делала что оно отбило у меня охоту продолжать: с начала я замачивала орехи, потом долго отделяла плёночку с орехов, потом измельчала блендером, но самое противненькое было процеживать руками через рукодельный мешочек для процеживания молока, долго и со всей силы))) а потом его мыть, ведь частички орехов застряли между волокон ткани...тогда ещё и воды горячей не было, а я существо теплолюбивое. в общем первое впечатление дважды не испортишь😀

а потом я уже и плёночку с орехов не снимала и не заморачивалась с процеживанием) и ок 👍

I never try this recipe before. Thanks for the recipe and inspire me

Almond milk may be a tasty, nourishing milk various that has several necessary health edges. it's low in calories and sugar and high in atomic number 20, tocopherol and ergocalciferol.

It looks cool to drink and it is also healthy so drink a lot

Ням-ням, я и не знал, что такое бывает:)

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