[EN/CN] AcroEOS Weekly Report - Week19 (2018.09.10~2018.09.17)

in #eos6 years ago


EOS Mainet Monitoring Weekly Report(2018.09.03~2018.09.09)

AcroEOS provides EOSBIXIN Mainnet monitoring weekly report in Korean.
AcroEOS 每周提供韩文翻译版EOSBIXIN主网监控周报。
EOS Mainet Monitoring Weekly Report(2018.09.03~2018.09.09)

[UBI / URI] Proof Of Life

Posted a blog about UBI/URI and proof of life, which is the hot topic in the EOS community.
编写了关于EOS社区成为热点话题的UBI、URI以及proof of life的看法。

[UBI / URI] Proof Of Life

9/12/18 (UTC 13:00) Global BP ZOOM call meeting minutes


Agenda Proposal Ideas

  1. Greylisting and final solution
    Memory leak causes CPU problems, so solving memory leak is the priority issue.
    Block.one has not proposed an effective solution to resolve the CPU problem, Greylisting is the only solution available now.
    B1: trying to find the most effective solution to prevent resource abusing, but some problems such as setting the band width parameter are difficult to solve.

  2. Did Block.one make anything to solve the CPU problem?
    At latest, the three patches by Block.one is to solve the memory leak issue. Each patch contains different profiles.Block.one has solved at least one memory leak in the network, but there might still be some memory leak issue. (V 1.2.5)

  3. Feedback for Block.one Patches (1.2.3/1.2.4/1.2.5)
    Currently, 1.2.5 is applied on the kylin testnet and is being verified.
    There is a opinion from the community that there is a bug for 1.2.5, but none of the bugs have been reported exactly.
    Suggestion for introduction of push transaction function .Some dAPP user insert transaction and immediately turn off browsers. so push transaction function is enhanced user experience.

  4. When P2P peering operations are performed by nodes around the world, it is necessary to effectively adjust the block arrangement. Occasionally, P2P peering between distant nodes cause slow down the network.


  1. Greylisting和最终方案
    Memory Leak导致CPU问题,于是解决Memory Leak是首要任务。

  2. Block.one为了解决CPU问题所提出的的解决方案是?
    近期Block.one提供的三个Patch 也是为了解决memory leak的,每个patch所包含的数据存储不同。至少解决了在网络中产生的1个memory leak, 但是还会有未解决的memory leak(v1.2.5)

  3. 针对Block.one (1.2.3/1.2.4/1.2.5)Patch的意见
    正在kylin 测试网中对 1.2.5进行检验
    虽然在社区有人提议说在1.2.5有Bug问题, 但是针对此事还没有确认。
    关于引入push transaction功能的意见,对一些dAPP而言,用户成交后立刻关闭浏览程序的情况下,若引入其功能,能够加强用户体验的优势。

  4. 世界各地节点进行P2P对等操作时,需要有效调整出块安排。 距离较远的节点间进行P2P对等操作时偶尔会导致链接速度缓慢。

9/12/18 (UTC 13:00) 글로벌 BP 정례회의 회의록 DRAFT

2018 EOS World Tour in Seoul on 16th of September

9月16日 举办 EOS World Tour Seoul 首尔站

AcroEOS and WhaleEX hosted the 2018 EOS World Tour in Seoul. We have invited 7 local EOS dAPP teams to introduce their dAPP project.
AcroEOS与WhaleEX协同下主办了2018年EOS 全球行首尔站。邀请了韩国本地7个EOS dAPP团队并介绍了他们的的dAPP项目。

9月16日,EOS全球行首站在AcroEOS & Whale EX 协同下在首尔举行


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