
yeah...imagine that...ultra hot lava..underwater...heating the water.
who'd a thunk?

@hassanabid I know google is evil, but google it... There was a new discovery within the last week, the largest volcano fields on the planet were just found, under Antarctica. Don't just "believe" what you always believed or you never learn anything, prove or debunk everything. Case by case, over and over.
Now here is how sad our situation is... I know you CAN use google. I suspect you will not, so you will never see this if I do not post it:
So now I posted it. Now you can tell me what a bad source that is, rather than go back and google it and find a source YOU trust. I hope I am wrong, but this "global warming issue" is just about the best divide and conquer tactic our evil masters ever came up with. People cannot even CONSIDER listening to the other side, it is like heresy, they fear being outcast from their social group if they learn something that is not acceptable to their peers...
So go ahead, ignore the article, it will not surprise me or even disappoint me. I will love you, my dear, fellow broken little human, in all your glorious imperfection. But you will continue to labor under curable ignorance, and that makes me a little sad.
Please, if you choose to read the article and admit that you knee-jerked that reply without fact checking and that you are wrong, do know that I WILL love you a little more... can't help it, I am a sucker for a human who will discard wrong beliefs and embrace truth where they find it.

So, apparently now they're saying, as the caps melt the relief of pressure on the surface crust is reduced, thus allowing the magma and volcanic gases to rise - thus creating more volcanic activity, which in turn will furthur heat the poles.

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