RE: Bringing Video Comments and Replies to the Steem Blockchain
Sorry you lost me at key chain I'm a mobile user.. Sigh, video comments would be great I've even thought just leaving voice memos would be cool. Of course text could accompany the voice..
Eventually we need a universal translator Star Trek style lol.. But, seriously it's so frustrating that steem is the only platform on the internet that doesn't have a mobile first design approach..
I seriously got excited and then stopped reading when you said keychain. Ive been hearing for months that they'd be going mobile and then steem engine could also have a mobile site..
I implore you to rethink think this project that has no potential for mobile users at this juncture..
OK I see they're pushing for a mobile app release in a month, that would eliminate key chain unless they're also waiting for key chain to be mobile..