Sky Is The Limit. Really?

in #elonmusk5 years ago

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Is sky the limit? I talk about about how the most successful entrepreneurs approach the question of what is possible and what not. Talking from LA, California I bring examples of some of my billionaire friends: Tim Draper, Naveen Jain and Elon Musk.

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Hi, today from LA. Today we will analyze the saying "Sky is the limit"


Hi again. I'm here in the Rocket Road in LA in fron of headquarter of SpaceX.

Behind me you can see also the rocket Falcon 9 which is the largest rocket that is produced in this compound behind me.

Sky is the limit. I once had a friend who was a very pesimistic person and he always threated me with saying

"You know, this won't happen, this will never happen, it won't work, it's impossible, it doesn't make sense to work on that

It doesn't make to spend time on that because it just won't happen.

And I remember, some time ago I was interviewing Tim Draper in San Mateo in California.

And Tim Draper is one of the most legendary VC investors in Silicon Valley.

So, he was the first investor in, for example Baidu, Skype and in some other companies.

And he is also instrumental for the success of Tesla, SpaceX and of SolarCity. Of let's say Elon Musk's companies.

Because he was one of the first investors in all these companies.

So, he helped in the success of Elon Musk and he told me some stories about being pessimistic and being optimistic.

And he told me to realize that pesimists don't achieve anything actually.

In the history of world everything that was invented, every progress that was made in the history of world... it was made by optimists.

Because pessimists are those who will tell you why something won't work and they don't do anything to make it work.

They don't take effort because they just dont believe in the success of this or other undertaking.

And the optimists take action and believe they can succeed and these are the ones that from time to time...

Not always, but from time to time they succeed and show the pessimists that it is indeed possible.

And Elon Musk was somebody who was ridiculed at school. He was dreaming about going to Mars, about space travel...

And because his co-students were saying "It will never happen... come on, you will never go to Mars. How would you do that?"

And you also need to realize, that at that time NASA, the American space company...

They haven't achieved any breakthrough for the last 30 years since going to moon... like man mission to moon.

These missions were actually the last milestones, the highest achievement of NASA.

Since then nothing really revolutionary, spectacular has been achieved.

Indeed even there was a negative developement instead of like going more to moon... maybe establishing a colony there or something now...

These missions were actually abandoned and only some satellites were put in the orbit... maybe some robotic missions to Mars.

But as far as space travel is concerned, no progress was made and indeed these missions became even more expensive.

And the budgets for these missions were cut down. So, there was a very negative development and space missions for man, like space travel...

Were actually reduced to almost zero. And in that environment Elon Musk was growing up and hoping nevertheless for space travel.

And as nothing happened, he realized that actually the cost component is the major inhibitor for space travel.

And until then all the rockets... when you see a rocket like that. Okay. This is the main body of the rocket.

On top of that, when the rocket is launched, they put a payload which is the real spaceship that then travels into space.

And all the rest of that the body is just the engine and the fuel tanks. And these parts, the main cost factors, so to say...

They were destroyed. They either burnt in the atmosphere or they fell down on the earth... they just were wasted.

And imagine, in comparison to that... if you take a plane it is just one way usage. It was like one way usage. It was used just once before Elon Musk.

So, now imagine you take a plane and you go to Hawaii and once you arrive there the plane is just wrecked, it's just one way and it's destroyed.

How expensive would be the ticket for that plane. And the same is with space travel / spaceships.

If you make this part reusable, you will considerably reduce the cost of space travel, rockets' launching, rockets' using.

This is what Elon Musk set to do and his aim, his goal was to reduce the cost of launching rockets by the factor of 100.

So, it costed, let's say 100 milion (I don't know the exact numbers but let's say it costed before 100 milion to launch a rocket)

To bring a payload into the space. He wanted to reduce it to just 1 million.

Generally to reduce it to the cost of fuel because all the other components should be reusable.

And of course, he had many failures in that and of course, there was a lot of obstacles. Comapny SpaceX was close to bankruptcy several times.

He had several failed launches and of course, also landings. Because how is he gonna reuse that - he just lands the rocket back on after it is used.

After the fuel is used and the rocket / main body is detached for the payload. When payload goes into the space, the rocket falls down on earth

And lands on back as it started without being destroyed and can be reused then for the next flight.

So, this is the philosophy of SpaceX and with that philosophy and technology SpaceX was able to reduce the cost of launching a rocket considerably

It became now one of the major players in the space industry. And of course the long time vision of Elon Musk is to go to Mars.

And when he was ridiculed at school about his dreams of space travel he came home and every day he was depressed

But the next day he didn't gave up on his dreams. He is an optimist and look what he achieved.

And now today nobody laughs anymore about his dreams, about going to Mars. He achieved so much not only with this company.

But also with Tesla and SolarCity that probably he is one of the few people who is believed to fulfill his vision.

If anybody in the world right now could fulfill this vision, then it is he. And now coming back to the topic. Sky is the limit.

There are some optimists and they say "Sky is the limit" meaning you can do / achieve everything. Only sky is the limit.

But I know a guy who will be in my book. He is a billionaire, his name is Naveen Jain and this guy says

"Don't tell me sky is the limit. Because for me sky is not the limit. I'm gonna mine the moon".

Yes, this guy is building a spaceship and is going to go to the moon and take some material from the moon and bring it back to earth.

He will be the fourth superpower atfer the USA, Russia and India to actually land on the moon and he will bring back some material from the moon

And in the future the long-term vision is that he wants to mine precious materials from the moon and bring it to earth.

So, how crazy is this? He is one of the biggest and greatest optimists I know in the world and he will be a part of the book I'm writing right now.

So, if you're an optimist, believe you can achieve it, you can do it and keep in mind

Only optimists can actually make any progress and do something for the future of the world.

I invite you to comment on that video, what is your perspective? What are your thoughts?

What are maybe your limiting beliefs you hear from your friends, from your sorrounding and how do you cope with them? What do you do with them?

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I talk here a lot about how the most successful entrepreneurs in the world think and act.

How the self-made billionaires in our world think and act. I talk also about doing the impossible and about my investments in cryptocurrencies.

That's it from LA, from the Rocket Road, from the SpaceX headquarters.

I wish you a fantastic day. Let's do somethng extraordinary today!

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