Questions for the 2019 Election Campaign Fund Application

in #election6 years ago

The Republic of Indonesia General Election Commission has conducted a 2019 campaign fund application trial. They said that this application was to facilitate election participants in reporting the initial campaign funds, campaign fund donations and campaign finance final reports.


The purpose of the General Election Commission is indeed noble. Like the #KPUServing tagline. However, several incidents have stolen public trust in the KPU. For example Political Party Information System, Vote Counting System, and Legislative Member Candidate Information System. All systems are technically problematic.

Is the 2019 Election Campaign Fund Application better than the previous system?

First of all, the General Election Commission should tell who is the application creator, what is the cost of managing and using the application and how is it possible to prevent the error system?

The answer to this question is more important. For now. Because we don't want to increase the number of applications that make it difficult for the Election Commission. The General Election Commission's work is already heavy. Do not add to the rhyming act for the issue of information systems and the application of the General Election Commission.

Second, is the 2019 Election Campaign Fund Application open to the public? Open words are still a matter of debate. However, this application should be able to provide up to date reports to the General Election Commission. So the General Election Commission is able to inform the public of the development of campaign funds for the 2019 election participants.

To strengthen voter active participation. The Umun Election Commission naturally provides space for the public. Space to know and how to read campaign finance reports. Not just general numerical writing that is also not open.

Third, if the application is an error, who is responsible? Technical workers from election participants or technicians at the Election Commission? Then, will the application fail to complete with a statement or press release? No. The General Election Commission has failed many times. Thus, the General Election Commission must learn from experience.

There is nothing evil about the General Election Commission. Suggestions and criticisms are a healthy form of partnership. So that the General Election Commission can carry out the mandate of holding elections better. If the General Election Commission feels the application is ready and ready for use. That is a sign the application has passed a series of trials.

For Election Organizing Board of Trustees (DKPP), the supervision of ethics and the honor of the election organizers needs to be considered. If three information systems are problematic. And if the campaign fund application is damaged. DKPP must be able to read, the principles of professionalism and proportionality as well as transparency, so that they can maintain the honor of the EMB.


Aplikasi Dana Kampanye Pemilu 2019

Komisi Pemilihan Umum Republik Indonesia telah menggelar uji coba aplikasi dana kampanye 2019. Katanya untuk mempermudah peserta pemilu dalam melaporkan dana awal kampanye, sumbangan dana kampanye dan laporan akhir dana kampanye.

Tujuan KPU memang mulia. Seperti tagline #KPUMelayani. Namun, beberapa kejadian menggores rasa percaya publik pada KPU. Misalnya Sistem Informasi Partai Politik, Sistem Penghitungan Suara, dan Sistem Informasi Calon Anggota DPR. Semua sistem bermasalah secara teknis.

Apakah Aplikasi Dana Kampanye Pemilu 2019 lebih baik dari sistem sebelumnya?

Pertama-tama, KPU seharusnya memberitahu siapa pencipta Aplikasi, berapa biaya pengelolaan dan penggunaan aplikasi dan bagaimana kemungkinan mencegaah sistem eror?

Jawaban atas pertanyaan ini lebih penting. Untuk saat ini. Karena kita tidak ingin bertambahnya aplikasi yang menyusahkan KPU. Kerja KPU sudah berat. Jangan ditambah dengan tindakan berbalas pantun untuk persoalan isu sistem informasi dan aplikasi KPU.

Kedua, apakah Aplikasi Dana Kampanye Pemilu 2019 terbuka untuk umum? Kata terbuka memang masih menjadi perdebatan. Akan tetapi, aplikasi ini seharusnya mampu memberikan laporan up to date kepada KPU. Sehingga KPU mampu memberitahu publik perkembangan dana kampanye peserta pemilu 2019.

Untuk menguatkan partisipasi aktif pemilih. KPU sewajarnya menyediakan ruang bagi publik. Ruang untuk tahu dan bagaimana membaca laporan dana kampanye. Bukan sekedar tulisan angka secara umum yang juga tidak terbuka.

Ketiga, apabila aplikasi eror, siapa yang bertanggung jawab? Pekerja teknis dari peserta atau KPU? Lalu, apakah rusaknya aplikasi akan selesai dengan pernyataan atau siaran pers? Tidak. KPU sudah berkali-kali gagal. Sehingga, KPU harus belajar dari pengalaman.

Tidak ada yang berniat jahat pada KPU. Saran dan kritik adalah bentuk kemitraan yang sehat. Agar KPU bisa menjalankan amanah penyelenggaraan pemilu lebih baik. Apabila KPU merasa aplikasi sudah matang dan siap dipakai. Itu pertanda aplikasi telah melewati serangkaian uji coba.

Bagi DKPP, pengawasan etik dan kehormatan penyelenggara pemilu perlu dipertimbangkan. Jika tiga sistem informasi bermasalah. Dan seandainya aplikasi dana kampanye rusak. DKPP harus bisa membaca, asas profesionalitas dan proporsionalitas juga transparansi, agar bisa menjaga marwah lembaga penyelenggara pemilu.


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