Little Things Can Bring About BIG Changes

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Greetings beautiful Steemians. Raising awareness about environmental issues and making positive changes is something very dear to my heart.

** Image taken by my son age 5**

I've recently been involved in the environmental exhibition on the island where I live. On Sunday June 24th we held an event to raise awareness about ocean pollution and offer solutions to the public.


The day began at 11am but we have been preparing for this for a number of weeks. My friend is excellent at crafts so she made a frame of a Pilot Whale from wicker. The idea was to use plastic found around the island from the trash walks to decorate the whale.

** The frame of the whale**

We added some material which I can only describe as shredded cardboard. This was donated by one of the organisers of the exhibition. She recently had some building materials delivered and this cardboard made up part of the protective packaging.


The idea was that people visiting the island could come and get involved. Sure enough a few people joined in and made a contribution. This was a great way to raise important issues and also to hear others thoughts about the environmental in the world.
We also planted up the area outside the barn. Last week there was a huge hole in the ground as a team of archaeologists had been excavating the site. We wanted to create some planters using old items such as wellies and sinks to show that pretty much anything can be repurposed. All materials sourced were from around the island.


It was a beautifully hot sunny day and I think for that reason tourists and locals alike were much more inclined to be at the beach or poolside retreat so the event wasn't as bustling as we had anticipated. We did however have a few people stop by who took an active interest in what we were doing and even joined in.
I didn't do my demonstration as planned but I did get to speak to a few people who were interested to know about soapnuts and other alternative cleaning products. I didn't take any pictures either to show as I was overcome with excitement from building the whale. I think that this was a less daunting experience for me and a more intimate and valuable one as the people who stopped by the Cider Barn to ask were genuinely interested in learning more. I even sent a few people home with some sample bags to try.

So back to the whale...

This is the finished product that will be hanging in the Cider Barn until the end of the exhibition.



We hope that it helps to get the message across to stop polluting our oceans. The fish below was made by my friend from old yogurt foil, and in particular the seaweed was made from an old plastic soda bottle that had washed up on the beach. She didn't have to cut or shape it. It just looked like that. Now if we can see that it looks like seaweed what do you think fish that feed on it will think?


Here's some pictures of the environmental exhibition held in the Sark Heritage Rooms next to the tourist office.


As a result of this exhibition many food and beverage businesses on the island have now stopped using single use plastic. Instead opting for eco friendly and biodegradable replacements for things like straws, take out containers and cups. This is fantastic news and shows the power of education and information.

If you're looking for ways to raise awareness about environmental issues this is something you could perhaps do closer to home. With a little organisation and help from a venue it can be a very powerful way to make changes.







I love the creativity and the focus on important issues. Charge on!


Sounds like a great time! Thank you, anyone who picks up trash at beaches helps out the planet. I plan on trying to get some friends together this year to clean up some local beaches, I did one a few years ago it was great. Also great for kids to learn about being responsible!

Thank you, if you manage to to beach clean please write a post about it and tag me. I'd love to read it :-)

Ha , this omnipotent feeling when I come in and upvote your 9 hour old post after 22 upvotes and with my mighty upvote alone more than double your STU, nothing beats it! 😉

Thank you so much and it's very much appreciated! haha you are the God-like figure on the @ecotrain, after @eco-alex of course hahaha

You did a really good job with that whale, thank you for spreading awareness on this important topic 💚

It is a shame that people have no respect for where they live in this day and age. The earth can and will take care of us but not when we trash it and make it so it cannot even take care of itself.

It is but at least more people are waking up now. Consumerism is a big part of the problem. Hopefully over the next few years we will see big changes. 😊

this is fantastic, what a great exhibition, that whale is very impressive and a great way to raise awareness, people really do need visual aids to help get the message across. Well done you, sorry to hear you didn't do your presentation but great to hear the local businesses took note xx

Thank you beautiful <3. It actually worked out better that I didn't do it because the few people that came and asked got a one to one tutorial about all kinds of cleaning alternatives. And yes it makes my heart so happy that the local businesses are taking action. big love to you <3

A great deal of artistic flair in that whale. I'd love to be able to create art as half as good as that.

Thank you. My friend is quite talented. I just helped add the waste to it. 🤗

Fantastic work and very uplifting to see positive efforts to reduce waste and improve the environment. I wish more people cared about these issues.

Proud member #steemitbloggers @steemitbloggers

This is so so wonderful. I love the whale so much!!! What a great thing to do...❤🐡🐢🐟🐳

Thank You! Yes my friend is pretty handy in the craft department. 🤗🤗💖

What island are you on?

I love the project with the whale, very creative. And great you got the kids involved, as well as tourists.

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