The @ecoTrain Golden Nuggets - June 15th 2019: Homesteading, Spirituality, Art, Nature, Eco-building, and more!

in #ecotrain5 years ago

If you are interested in homesteading, spirituality, art, nature, eco building, ethics amongst other things, then there are some real golden nuggets for you this week. There is so much action, both online and especially offline, and it is always so good to see us reaching out and spreading our wisdom and knowledge with others. SO thank you to all who used the #ecoTrain tag this week, there is so much treasure to discover, so I hope you enjoy this week's golden nuggets!

Did you know that @artesmislives and I scour the #ecotrain tag every day looking for great posts to upvote with our combined 15,000 Steem Power? We support posts that fit the general theme of 'Things that help make this world a better place'. This can mean so many things, and includes topics such as Homesteading, Vegan Cooking, Spirituality, Esoteric Knowledge, Gardening, Eco Building, Self Sufficiency, Sustainability, Healthy Living, Parenting, Biodiversity, Waste, Decentralisation, Biodiversity & Nature, Climate Change, Ethics, etc..

We especially love people who are engaged with us, and support those of you who are commenting and 'showing up', with 100% up-votes from our combined 20,000 Steem Power. We also love posts that show what you're doing in your community and people who lead by example. We love posts which challenge traditional ways of thinking, doing and being and which offer solutions, ideas and thoughts that minimize our footprint, educate our children and help us to engage more openly from a freer place of responsibility and contribution.



World Day Against Child Labor 2019

I bought a flower garland at the traffic lights here in Chiang Mai, Thailand, this evening from a young boy of maybe 10 or 11. I think he probably went to school today but helps his indigenous construction laborer parents after school. I want to believe that.

This photo shows a 12-year-old girl working on road construction in Hpapun District, Southeast Burma. In the words of a villager in Win Yay Township, Dooplaya District, "Children from poor families who do not own plantations work as casual daily labourers to survive."

Fast fashion, cheap electronics and "fad foods" like cashew nuts from developing countries are often processed and created by children. Cheap chocolate is frequently harvested using children.


Working For Free - Working For Freedom

concept of volunteering is nothing new for me. I have wwoofed quite a bit in various places around the world, and in recent years I have helped with numerous eco-building projects, mostly Earthships. However, it wasn't until this year that my eyes are getting opened to the incredible freedom that comes with volunteering. Let me illustrate:

Comparing the Last Two Years

If you've been following my blog for the last year, you will be familiar with the projects I have undertaken in 2018, the year I consider by far the best in my whole life. Building the wall in Oaxaca, Earthshipping on Vancouver Island, and even working at the bike shop in Victoria were examples where I dedicated my time, strength, mind, and skills to help with a project that is ultimately not mine, and all without asking for any money in return.


The Best Age In History

We live in the best period of our history. It seems that it is necessary to say the obvious thing, throughout the centuries the world has passed through a series of evolutions that have allowed us to progress more and more in all type of aspects, be this the legal one, respecting and guaranteeing the legal equality, freedom and rights. The economic, achieving a constant growth that ends up improving the quality of life of all as well as their purchasing power. The social, where there is no longer discrimination for the simple fact of being or thinking differently. And technology, where great advances have allowed us to advance by leaps and bounds, consuming fewer and fewer resources and in a more efficient manner to create more and better things that improve and will improve our lives in one way or another.



We are making alliances with the project of @sc-v and its GREEN FOOTPRINT campaign, and we are preparing manuals which will be taught to the schools via email, so that the people in charge are trained at the moment of doing the work of creating a school garden, this due to the economic and social crisis that our country presents, we have created this incentive that adds value to the lives of the youngest and their families.


Managing a school garden not only requires knowledge of horticulture, but also skills to work with people and common sense.Creating an ecological garden is a multidisciplinary activity that stimulates and motivates students in their day to day. In this show we show some basic steps, useful to design an ecological garden from scratch


Think you are enlightened? Go spend a month with your dad and mum !!

In my healing sessions, I often encounter issues related to the relationship people have with their parents. It seems obvious, as we all have parents and they forged our conditioning since we are born, but I have to admit that it remains a challenge to address these issues.

The respect we should have for our elders is not obvious neither.
In our so-called modern societies, we don't really show our appreciation for the time, gifts and knowledge inherited from our parents. We easily ostracize them and refuse to confront them, although we do share a big part of our DNA with them.

In the traditional societies where I lived, like in Africa, in India and now in Guatemala, people deal differently with the elders. They usually share the same space or at least still live in the same village. The older generation still work and help for the crops, the children and the transmission of oral knowledge. They have their space.
So why is that most of us don't spend time with our parents?


Reminiscing World Environment Celebrations in Bamenda, Cameroon. #BeatAirPollution

Activities to commemorate the 2019 World Environment Day with theme "Beat Air Pollution" commenced with a preparatory meeting that held on the 30th of May 2019 at the conference hall of the Regional Delegation of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development during which a calendar of activities was drawn.

World Environment Day Preparatory Meeting

This was followed by Radio sensitization at CRTV, Radio Hot Cocoa and NDEFCam Radio on Saturday 1st of June 2019. At the different radio stations, a panel of Environmental Activists from @thegreens and diverse environmental organizations as well as the Regional Delegation of Environment sensitized the public about Air Pollution and how to #BeatAirPollution in the region.


5 of 12 Natural Law Principles To Use To Create Unity & Keep Individuality, In A Group

Principle 1: Our common welfare should come first. If we are to win the battle of Freedom, we must have Unity.

Principle 2: For our purpose, there is one Authority: Natural Law as It expresses Itself in our group conscience. Each of us is a servant-leader of Natural Law; none governs.

Principle 3: The basic requirement for a membership is an honest desire to create freedom in the world.

Principle 4: Each of us is autonomous except in matters affecting others, our family, or society as a whole.

And The 5th Principle: Relationships with others have one purpose - to demonstrate sovereignty through loving one another and to serve as the highest expression Natural Law.


Earthship Biotecture has to be one of the least understood sustainable building and living models around. This is not least because they offer SO many benefits that it is hard to even know them all, let alone explain them all!

The systems of an earthship encounter the forces of nature, mainly the sun, rain, and wind, and funnels them into your home to provide everything you need to live comfortably with annual utility bills of around $200 or less.

When you are truly self-sufficient and out of debt you take away some of the main sources of stress: buying food, paying the bills, covering the mortgage or rent, and needing to work full-time to allow this to continue. We can also look at environmental issues and great need to build smarter and in a more connected way, especially in the face of climate change.


Charting for personal growth

Every morning, no matter what, I do two things.

I do a series of breathing exercises, and then I chart how I feel about certain qualities and attributes.

How does charting work for me

My chart consists of a few things.

  • How do I feel about areas of my life such as relationships, money and work.
  • How confident am I feeling. How peaceful am I feeling. How much joy am I feeling?
  • How worthy do I feel of love, joy, happiness, and abundance.

I rank myself on a scale of 0-100. At first I did 0-10 but felt I did not have enough flexibility to get accurate measurements. I self assess ... There is no perfect way to ensure validity in this case ... I simply go with the first number that comes to mind.

After I have scored myself in all of the categories I go through my list and circle all of the items where I scored low.

Next is the important part ...


Low budget DIY sprouting trays made at home in 15mins

For just £1 I have created an alternative set of sprouting trays which will be used on my windowsill so that I can add huge amounts of nutrition to my body in just a few small bites, keeping me feeling chipper throughout the day.

This purple kale for example grew in three days made me feel great! I munched on it exactly as you can see it here. No extras needed.


3 Different Types of Food Forests for Your Homestead

eally is an amazing concept and I love that you can grow more food per acre by mimicking a forest.

But what type of forest should you mimic? In the temperate world there are many different types of forests.

This week's blog post - Types of Food Forests - Which is Right for You? - combines the natural forests into 3 general types that you can mimic when designing and planting your own food forest.

Each type has its own pros and cons which the blog post covers in full.


The Great Disruption by Paul Gilding Book Review/Discussion

Today we are reviewing the book The Great Disruption and discussing the potential economic effects of an ignored crisis.

Buy your own copy of the book here:

Let me know in the comments down below your thoughts on the book and if you will be picking it up or not.


Why Blockchain is the Only Answer for Environment, Empowerment, Climate & The Undev Nations

You have all seen the endless list of naysayers & straight out LIARS about Blockchain & Bitcoin. Rich elitist controllers, central bankers, "free range-slavery" promoting leftist politicians, to bankers & economists who hate the people getting a level playing field opportunity. But LIARS they are, as there are many problems which Blockchain can help solve which the establishment has either completely failed in, or in reality never wanted solved at all & has obviously avoided solving.


Sustainable Volunteering in the Age of Digital Currency

This topic is inspired by this post by @jennislay, and subsequent off chain discussions with my friends @burntoblog and @ogbrog.

Please know that even if you use chemicals, I do not stand in judgement of you & I pledge to stand WITH you to support you in every way possible to help you transition your property to a healthy management system...
-@jennislay, in a pledge I'm working within myself to make.

Her post, and the above paragraph in particular was inspiring to me, and almost singlehandedly spurred another paradigm shift. The people using these products are doing so from a position of love and good will. There's just more to the story than what they're told or what we've been told. My enmity for them is falling to the wayside, and it's got new wheels turning. I'm working on harboring less disdain for people embedded in that system, and turning that previous negative energy into hope and love that I aim to use to help shift other people's paradigms.


Take Back Control of Your Own Mind...

I wanted to take a moment this week to discuss something that has been on my mind lately. This will not be my typical post, but one that I think will round out my feelings on government as I view it as of writing this post today.

I was born in the United States and have resided within this land all my adult life. I was born into a democratic family and lived in a poor community most of my early life. My family was not one that was very political - only when it seemed to matter during the 4 year major presidential elections. I lived in an underprivileged manner with a "check to check" type of lifestyle. We always had food on the table, but that was mostly thanks to the welfare checks and food stamps bestowed to my divorced mother since we were deemed at the "poverty level."


Our Fragile Sea Life

I whipped up some paintings to make sure I was in a position to represent my art classes for Seniors Week and they are inspired by a tutorial which I talk about in a recent post. Our oceans represent a fragile ecosystem and one that in the 60s, seemed like it could never be compromised by human activity. People thought our planets most massive bodies of water were just too great to ever reach the critical point where they are now on our account. For me, it was of great interest to look at the pristine universe which we are loosing day by day thanks to human activity but one might look at the work and it may not cross their mind.




We've loved reading what Steemians are doing to be conscious, alternative consumers, being aware of what they can do to make the world a better place, in all kinds of ways! From growing your own spirulina (who needs expensive supplements) to using snails as skin care, to rose face scrubs or reducing plastic waste, you guys showed you CARED about the environment and your health - AND you supported the tags #naturalmedicine and #ecotrain, who are uniting conscious communities that care about the earth AND your health.

HSCO's Last 7 Featured Vendors | A RECAP.

Hello again from @SenorCoconut,

The Homesteaders Co-op is an International Marketplace for Sustainable, Handmade Goods.

Where Mom & Pop vendors are accepting USD, STEEM & SBD for their handmade, sustainable, homegrown and ethically sourced products.

A lot has been happening internally to help everyone within the community... Vendors, Contributors and Participants alike. Things are moving pretty rapidly and we're learning how to grow and adapt to this ever changing digital market.

Today, instead of going on with our typical VENDOR FEATURE of the week, I wanted to have a recap of everyone we had featured in this series thus far.

Like I've mentioned before in these posts:

It takes a village to raise a child, because when people help eachother life is easier for everyone involved.

So have a look at everyone featured here and if anyone strikes you as the kind of person you would see yourself doing business with, please go ahead and visit their shops!

The 8 Pillars of @TribeSteemUp


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Make The World A Better Place

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Thank you @ecoalex, @artesmislives, @ecotrain for the constant support to the publications of our parishes in special @sc-v that is doing a wonderful job with the GREEN FOOTPRINT campaign together with @childrensclothes, is the beginning of a new era, where Technology plays an important role, together we can share our knowledge and tasks to leave the world in a better place. My recognition for all these great messages and to you for the great work.

With love,

Thanks for reminding me to read wildhomesteading's food first post. I saw it when it first came out, but didn't have to time to read it then.

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The list is long and contains invaluable stuff that I wish I could go through all of it. But most of it really requires some serious attention while reading than doing a casual go through for just namesake for reading.

I will try my best to go as much as possible

Thanks to @ecotrain for bringing them in a single platform.

So much goodness i missed this week. Will have to get busy visiting the #ecotrain tag now. Thanks for compiling these xxx

This week's Nuggets gave me such a feeling of energy, creation, action and conscious choice for change - EVERYthing that @ecotrain is about. Thank you for inclusion of my humble little World Day Against Child Labour Day - this stuff matter SO MUCH and your curation and increasing of the audience for it is appreciated.

Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
Together We’re Making This World A Better Place.
Click Here To Join the manually curated trail "@artemislives" to support quality eco-green content.


Awesome authors... Truly they are golden nuggets...

Super cool set up on your posts. I would love to get coaching or a direct message with the format. :D

Thx for supporting AlphaOmegaEnergy!

AlphaOmegaEnergy (aoecoin) the World's #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Startup is going on the Blockchain this year with 2,922 new techs, for our Seedround paying 3X fixed Return minimum to our investors. Pre-sales is open now. Can visit our steemit and check us out!

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Congratulations @ecotrain!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!

Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

Thanks for sharing so many interesting posts!

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