Best Ecommerce Platform for Startups

in #ecommerce2 years ago


Soppiya is the Best Ecommerce Platform for Startups


An ecommerce platform is a software that helps you build and manage your online store. It offers features such as inventory management, payment processing, order fulfillment and customer support.
There are many benefits to using the best ecommerce platform for startups . For one thing, it saves you time and money because you don't have to create all of these features from scratch yourself (or hire someone else). You also get access to useful tools like analytics or marketing automation that help boost sales on your website. Finally, with some platforms offering free or paid plans starting (like Soppiya), there's no reason not to try out an ecommerce solution before committing yourself.

With so many options out there though where should you start? We've rounded up our favorite picks below:
Choosing the Right Platform

Choosing the right ecommerce platform can be a daunting task. There are many different options available, and each one offers unique features and benefits that may or may not be important to your business.
The first step in choosing an ecommerce platform is to decide what features you want from your website. Do you need multiple languages? Are there any special requirements for payment gateways? Do you need customer support in other countries? Once you've answered these questions, it will be easier to narrow down your options and find a solution that meets all of your needs at once.

Once you've decided on which features are most important for your business' website--and how much money they'll cost--it's time to evaluate some different platforms based on their cost-effectiveness (or lack thereof).


Soppiya is an ecommerce platform that allows you to set up your own store, including the ability to accept payments and ship products. Shopify has been around since 2020, so they've had plenty of time to iron out any bugs in their system. They also have a robust app store where you can find apps that help you with marketing or accounting tasks, as well as add-ons for specific features like drop shipping or subscription boxes.

Soppiya Pros:
1.Easy setup process
2.Lots of free templates available (or you can build your own)
3.unlimited customizable if you want something unique


WooCommerce is a free and open-source ecommerce plugin for WordPress. It has been downloaded more than 30 million times, making it one of the most popular ecommerce solutions in use today.
WooCommerce allows you to set up an online store quickly and easily without having to know how to code or design websites yourself. The software comes with a number of features that help you sell products online, including:
A customizable checkout process so customers can complete their purchases quickly and easily
An automated inventory system that keeps track of what's selling well and restocks items based on demand
A built-in payment gateway so customers can pay using any major credit card or PayPal account


BigCommerce is a great option for startups that want to keep things simple. It's easy to set up, and you can get your store up and running in under an hour.
BigCommerce has a number of features that make it ideal for ecommerce businesses:
Hosting - BigCommerce offers hosting through its own servers, which means you don't have to worry about managing your own server infrastructure or finding space on someone else's servers. This can be especially helpful if you're just getting started with ecommerce and don't have the resources yet (or don't know how) to maintain your own server infrastructure.

Payment processing - BigCommerce integrates with Stripe as its default payment gateway provider; however, there are other options available as well (eBay/PayPal).
Marketing tools - The platform includes several built-in marketing tools such as email marketing campaigns, social media integration, SEO optimization and more so that you can focus on building out your product catalog instead of worrying about marketing strategies at this stage in the game!


Magento is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms, with over 300,000 merchants using it worldwide. It's easy to use and has a ton of features that can help your business grow.

Magento Pros:

Has a large community of users and developers who are constantly adding new features and improving the platform. This means there are plenty of people who know how to use Magento, so you don't have to worry about getting stuck when something goes wrong!
Has excellent SEO capabilities (which is important if you want your store to rank high in search results).
Has many options for payment processing--you can accept payments directly through your site or integrate with third-party services like Stripe or PayPal if you prefer those options instead.* Has built-in marketing tools such as email marketing campaigns so customers can subscribe at any time without having anything else installed on their computer.* Allows you full control over how products are displayed on different pages; this means no matter where someone lands after clicking around on your site (whether it be an individual product page or category page), they'll always see exactly what information about that product/category that YOU want them too see first!


Squarespace is a great option for startups because it's easy to use and has all the tools you need in one place. The platform allows you to create a beautiful website with minimal effort, so you can focus on building your business rather than worrying about how to make your site look good.
Squarespace also offers plenty of options for customization, including templates that come with different color schemes and fonts (you can even change them later if you want). You can also add features like ecommerce or blogs as needed--or not at all! Squarespace offers some great starter plans at reasonable prices, but if those aren't enough for your business needs then there are higher-end packages available too.


Volusion is an ecommerce platform that allows you to create your own store, including the ability to sell products and services. It offers a variety of tools for managing inventory, shipping and payments.
The pros of Volusion include:
A free 14-day trial period so you can test out its features before committing to pay anything
Support for multiple languages and currencies (including Bitcoin)
An easy-to-use interface with drag-and-drop functionality, as well as an extensive library of templates that let you customize your storefronts quickly


PrestaShop is an open-source ecommerce platform that allows you to create your own online store. It's a great option for startups because it's free and has a lot of features, which means you don't have to pay anything upfront.
PrestaShop also has many integrations with other apps and services (like Google Analytics), making it easy for anyone who wants to use those tools in their business.


3dcart is a popular ecommerce platform with a focus on small business. It's easy to use and has all the features you need to build an online store, including:
A customizable storefront that lets you add products, categories and more.
An inventory management system that tracks product information like pricing and availability.
Payment processing options (including PayPal).
3dcart also has a number of other tools for managing your business, including customer relationship management (CRM), marketing automation tools and reporting functionality.


Choosing the best ecommerce platform for startups is critical. It can help you build a better business and make more money, but it can also lead to wasted time and money if you chose poorly.
In this guide, we've covered some of the most important factors to consider when choosing an ecommerce platform:
What are your goals? Do they align with the features offered by different platforms?
How much time do you have available to devote to building or managing your site? Will one option be easier than another for this reason alone?
How much money do you plan on spending on development costs (if any)? Do some options offer more flexibility at lower cost than others because they're built using open source software instead of proprietary code written specifically for one platform by its developers--or does that matter less than other factors like customer support or ease-of-use once everything's up and running online.

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