How to be Successful According to Jimmy Kimmel, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Charlie Brock

in #dsound6 years ago

How to be successful according to Jimmy Kimmel, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Charlie Brock

By Terry Brock for Steemit and DSound

We can learn a lot about success from those who have achieved it. Three people who have helped me include Jimmy Kimmel, the host of the late-night show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Gary Vaynerchuk, Soviet-bloc immigrant who is a social media and business leader, and Charlie Brock.

I’ve never met Jimmy Kimmel. I’ve only seen him on television, but his dedication to hard work has impressed me. In a recent article Kimmel said, “The only thing that I think I did right is that I always try to work harder than anyone else. It eliminates a lot of excuses from people if they see me working very hard.”

Among other habits, Kimmel is a stickler for being on time for meetings. “I think it is disrespectful when you are late,” he says. It is hard work to be on time, but it pays off.

Don’t let the jovial, frat-boy image that Kimmel has portrayed on television fool you. He is a man who cares for others, works hard, and is willing to pay the price for success.

I met Gary Vayerchuk earlier this year when he spoke at the Samsung booth at CES in Las Vegas. I have listened to many of his videos and read his books. He says he has worked 19 hours a day for 20 yeas. As Vaynerchuk says, “I believe that my success is due in part to some level of skill. But more than that, I believe that I win because I out-work people.”

Vaynerchuk was born in Belarus, in the former Soviet Union. His parents immigrated to the United States when he was young and he grew up working even as a child. He started a revolutionary (at the time) business on YouTube called Wine Library talking about wines available at his families wine store. He now runs a multi-million dollar social media marketing agency, speaks professionally, and is a best-selling author.

The theme I see coming from Gary Vaynerchuk is a desire to do the right thing and pay the price. He is constantly helping others and giving to them. He is giving, giving, giving, and then he makes sure he asks for something in return. This is reality. Give a lot and ask to be paid. Vaynerchuk is a great example of providing value for value.

Charlie Brock is another person who taught me about hard work. He was my father who left this world about six years ago. Dad was a simple man with a high school education from Arkansas. He and his wife, my mother, moved to Michigan where the jobs were before I was born. As I grew up in rural Michigan, I watched as Dad would work two jobs most every day. He worked 11pm till 7am at a local factory, then would quickly drive to get in a school bus that he drove picking up kids in the early morning. After getting the kids around the area to school, he would head home to grab a little sleep, then be back that afternoon to take kids home from school.

Dad taught me to work hard, do what is right, and get the job done. That was just the way it had to be. No, Dad wasn’t perfect, and as many of us know, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Somehow that work ethic of working harder and doing what is right was what Charlie Brock’s kid needed to learn. Thank you, Dad!

In summary, here are some lessons that I’ve learned from these three wonderful guys:

Work Hard AND Work Smart. Some will say you don’t have to work harder, just smarter. The challenge is that today, there are a lot of very smart people and tools to help people get smart really fast (think Google, social media connections, YouTube learning, and more). Hard work separates you from other really smart people. It is not either/or. It is both/and.
Develop market-valuable skills. Working hard at something people don’t want isn’t the answer. Find what people are ready, willing, and able to pay you for. Always think value-for-value. If you’re not making enough money, find a way to create more value for others.
Take time to rejuvenate. You can’t work all the time every day. Your body, mind, and spirit need times for healthy rejuvenation and recharging. Have the discipline to build that into your routines.

Bonus - Here’s one other important skill you’ll need that is part of the “hard.” Be willing to say no to the tantalizing activities that take you away from your goals. Say no until your tongue bleeds to those meetings, rabbit-chasing Internet searches, and people who hold you back.

There are no easy short-cuts to success. However, the really good news is that as you craft your skills, you become better at them and you earn more money. Best of all, you achieve the greatness that is within you.

Stop holding yourself back. Get to work. Now!

What do you think? I look forward to hearing from you. Please pass this along to others so they can benefit from these important life lessons. They’ll be glad you did.


Terry L. Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
2018 Recipient of the National Speakers Association's Highest Award, The Cavett

Master of Ceremonies
Professional Video Coach

Syndicated Columnist with Business Journals (43 papers across USA, 11 million monthly page views)

See some wonderful (!) videos on my YouTube Channel!

My TEDxBocaRaton presentation.

Former Editor-in-Chief for AT&T's Networking Exchange Blog
Former Chief Enterprise Blogger for Skype, [email protected]
@TerryBrock - Twitter
@terrybrock - Steemit

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Hey Terry - another great article. I hope you and Gina are well. Monica and Hans xoxo

Thank you very much Monica & Hans. We're doing great and sending you both cheers for a great weekend ahead.

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