'Running' - 100 Day Poetry Contest Day 6 [With Spoken Word Audio]

in #dsound7 years ago (edited)

100 Day Poetry Day 4 Image 2 (2).jpg

Welcome... To a 100 day journey into the poetic mind of Hart Floe!

I am so excited and honored to be a part of THIS INCREDIBLE CONTEST devised and facilitated by the legend that is @d-pend.

My name is Hart Floe Poet and I've been writing and performing spoken word and poetry for 2 years now... Which is precisely why I am so excited to find myself here on Steemit, and especially taking part in this contest.

This has been pure fire already... so pleased to be part of this!

I was inspired today by @ajremy to start doing some dsounds after hearing his amazing recording yesterday. For me - it added the extra level to the words to hear the author speak them, so I wanted to perhaps do the same for others that read and listen to my submissions too.. So thank you bro! You are awesome :) Keep up the great work!

So below is my poem for day 6 of The 100 Day Poetry Challenge.


I’m kinda sick and tired
Of being sick and tired.
Given up,
Starved of the energy required.
I guess life can’t always be a series of ups
Without downs
It’d be nice if one day we would only smile,
With no reason to frown.
Don’t clown.
There’s no point kidding yourself,
This is just how life goes,
Your slowly killing yourself,
If you go against the flow.

Against the ebb and the flow.
Is to go against creation.
If you don’t take time to grow,
Then you are heading to decimation.
Eventual Death,
Descending Destruction.


Sometimes things come along in life that break the mould.
The crazy things that happen that you just watch unfold.
Spend most your life just doing these things just because you’d been told,
Lied to about what lies within you that is made of pure gold…
Just to hold a power over you as you slowly grow old.

Break the mould,
Your soul was sold,
It’s time to.
Take it back,
Get back on track,
Never look back,
Keep running free.

Keep running free.

Keep running.


100 Day Poetry Day 6 Image 1.jpg

I'm new to dsound... so not sure if this is gonna work as expected... I've devised the post in the Steemit editor and then going to copy and paste to dsound and actually upload the main post from there. I think that's the right approach right?!

Let me know if there's any problems!

Thank you to everyone on this wonderful journey... loving every moment of it.

Sending love out to all my new poet and writer friends from all over the world! You're all amazing!

Please make sure that you join the -

Steemitschool Discord Channel to stay in touch, get involved, take classes and workshops, improve your poetry, post your submissions and do your bit to become a part of the community there... Let's make this extra special by coming together!

► Listen on DSound

► Listen from source (IPFS)


Wow, that is brilliant. Now is that a poem or a rap? can anyone tell me what the difference is? I love the way you change format several times throughout.

Aww thank you so much man! I really appreciate the resteem, and your incredibly kind words!

To me - In it's loosest definition, Poetry is like an umbrella term that encompasses lots of sub-genres - Spoken Word / Song Lyrics / Rap / MCing / Literature -

To define it, I would say Poetry is any kind of arrangement of words that was written with a purpose or intention.

Of course, that is a broad definition.

If I had to put a label on this I'd say it's more 'Spoken Word' than a 'Poem', and I wouldn't call it 'Rap' because it wasn't written with the intention to go with a structured beat.. it was written to be spoken and played with however the space feels right - something you can't do when rapping over a beat, as there is the rules of musical timings to stick to.

That's my thoughts on it all any hows! People are free to consider it whatever they feel is the most fitting term, for me on this piece, it's spoken word...

Or the ramblings of a crazy man :P

Either way...

It's something.

Thanks so much for listening, commenting and resteeming man... it really means a lot to me.

And great question too!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

I almost thought I was listening to Eminem rap at a point and he's my favourite rapper so you can guess how much I loved this piece... it's a poem with so much message and its well crafted... The assonance is a beauty and that little echo you did at the end? LOVE IT!! Well done sir

Wow... what a compliment! Eminem is the best of the best... thank you bro!

Thank you soooo much for inspiring me to start getting onboard with dsound... why wasn't I in the first place... you're amazing my friend! Opening me up to new parts of myself and new possibilities :)

I got the echo idea from friends who are incredible beatboxers and do all sorts of cool effects with their voice music just using the distance of the microphone to the mouth... glad it worked as intended!

As always thank you for your valued feedback man... Will be back in touch on discord... I got something awesome for you :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Eminem is the best??

Yes!!!.. I've been rapping since I was just eight years old and Eminem was the first rapper whose song I learnt from top to bottom, that was Love the way you lie ft Rihanna.. So yes, he is the best of the best.. His revival album still has me on my toes... Did you hear it??

You did make an awesome dSound recording and I'm happy I got mentioned in your first recording

Lemme tell you a little fact though.. You're the first person on steemit to pronounce my username, ajremy, right (as Hay-Jay-Ree-Mee)... so well done

I loved your accent..

That reminds me... I posted a video of me listening to your recording on my WhatsApp status and my friends loved it too...

Would love to know what you got for me.. #eagerlyawaiting

@ajremy (teen with steam for steem)

haha that's amazing! I'd love to see it.. could you send a download link or something haha?

Yeah he's top notch... it makes sense that you've been studying his mastery and rapping since a young age... seeing as you are already so proficient now in your teen years!

By the time you're my age (30) you're gonna be on another level my friend!

Just keep pushing higher :)

PS Check discord :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

The recent death of my husband has been my great interruption. Like all trials it has the potential for growth. It is not a make or break situation but break then make. That is the only way to truly grow. Thank you for reminding me.

Wow... what incredible and profound wisdom packed into such few words.

I am sorry to hear of recent events... That must be incredibly hard to find your way through the pain and focus on the growth that's inevitable... But it sounds like that's exactly what's happening...

I offer support, friendship and a listening ear if you ever need. That's a genuine offer.

Thank you for reading, commenting and sharing that with me. I am glad we are here together on this platform to support each other.. as writers and as humans.

With Love
Hart Floe Poet


This is such an important message, one that I get on about so often. We are Living here and now, realize, be, inhabbit. <3

I really enjoy your spoken style, you bring lots of character to the words, to the piece as a whole, that added extra bit that spoken word can convey, especially from the Artist's own mouth... spitin' those words... more please.

Thank you.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words. It was an experiment with dsound but yes... I will bring 'more please' after this one for sure :) In fact - I just posted Day 7's - It's called Circus If you wanna listen :)

Nice to add an extra dimension to it, as @ajremy's first dsound did for me... glad it worked just as well!

Looking forward to catching up on your recent entries... I'm a day or two behind at the mo reading wise! Just tryna' make sure I at least get a poem done hehe!

Keep up the amazing work my friend and thanks again for your support and praise :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

PS For some reason my markdown formatting is going a bit weird when I post from dsound... any idea how I can fix that at all??

You are very welcome. I've been doing spoken word via audio and video for a while and I just love the depth one gets from the applied layers. Plus, its fun.
As for dsound, you upload there and edit (add your text) here in steemit proper. I learned the hard way too. ;)

That makes sense judging by what I've read from you so far... Will have more time very soon to be spending more time in this contest... I really look forward to reading all of yours and past posts too :)

Ah-ha! Thank you so much for clearing that up for me... Wish I'd seen this before I did it the second time haha...


With Love
Hart Floe Poet

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