Learn Portuguese with Cris #12

in #dsound6 years ago

Hello guys!

I'm @crissimoes and this is my twelfth post here on @dsound! I have really enjoyed doing these classes. I know it is not easy to learn this language, but I will try my best and make the classes very simple and easy to understand.

Let's go to the twelfth Portuguese class!

Today we are going to talk about Family Members. I’m going to teach you how you say the family members in portuguese and we are going to make some sentences at the end of the class.

Let’s get started!

  • Família - wich means Family
  • Avó – wich means Grandmother
  • Avô - wich means Grandfather
  • Mãe - wich means Mother
  • Pai - wich means Father
  • Filho - wich means Son
  • Filha - wich means Daugther
  • Irmão - wich means Brother
  • Irmã - wich means Sister
  • Neta - wich means Grand Daugther
  • Neto - wich means Grand Son
  • Tio - wich means Uncle
  • Tia - wich means Aunt
  • Sobrinho - wich means Nephew
  • Sobrinha - wich means Niece
  • Primo - wich means Cousin
  • Prima - wich means Cousin
  • Cunhado - wich means Brother in Law
  • Cunhada ¬- wich means Sister in Law
  • Amigo - wich means Friend
  • Amiga - wich means Friend
  • Namorado - wich means Boyfriend
  • Namorada - wich means Girlfriend

Let’s make some sentences:

  • A Júlia é minha cunhada. - Julia is my sister in law.
  • O joão é meu pai. - João is my father.
  • Ele é primo da minha mãe. - He is my mother’s cousin.
  • Ela é minha sobrinha. - She is my niece.
  • O meu avô tem 90 anos - My grandfather have 90 years old.
  • O tio da Ana é dentista. - Ana’s uncle is a dentist.
  • Eu tenho três irmãos. I have three brothers.
  • O Filipe tem uma irmã mais velha - Filipe have an older sister.
  • A minha avó vive em Portugal - My grandmother lives in Portugal.
  • O pai da Rita vai viajar para a Austrália - Rita’s father is going to travel to Australia.

We have come to the end of another class.

If you have any question please let me know in the comments bellow.

I hope you enjoyed my twelfth post here on @dsound and I’m lookin foward to see you next time!


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Olá! Excelente iniciativa! Daquelas séries de posts que são óbvios, tão óbvios que pouco se vê por "ninguém" faz. Até que alguém faz!
Continua com o bom trabalho!

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Saudações, linda Cris.

Eu já aprendi português. Principalmente pelo fato de ser brasileiro hihihih.

Muito boa a ajuda que dá para o pessoal que não é daqui aprender nossa língua.

Boa noite!!!

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