Do They mix? Kratom and Cannabis

in #drugs7 years ago

      Combinations are the most common way people get themselves killed as a result of their drug use, and can be significantly more harmful long term than using a singular substance. However, a number of combo's can not only lend themselves well recreationally speaking, they can provide a number of medical benefits all well remaining relatively benign to the human body. It's important to thoroughly research both substances you're looking to combine individually and in conjunction before combining any two drugs. I hope I can aid anyone in this process.

      While we know that kratom has been used medicinally since at least the nineteenth century, it's only recently been popularized by the western world. As a result there isn't very much known as to the long term effects of using this substance, so even by itself it's best to exercise moderation and to pay close attention to how your body responds to it. According to what we do know though, kratom is a relatively safe drug to partake in compared to many other substances. This is especially true in comparison to other opiates and opioids. While it's not strictly an opioid per say, it contains a number of psychoactive alkaloids, with two of them -  Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine  - being selective and full agonists of the μ-subtype opioid receptor. When compared to other drugs with a similar range of effects, it's much less physically as well as psychologically addictive due to it's much subtler nature.

      Now Cannabis on the other hand, we know a great deal about. It's one of the most commonly used recreational drugs and easily one of the safest. Short term, it's most dangerous effect is that it increases the chance of a heart attack immediately after consuming it, though this can be countered to a degree by eating or vaping your product rather than smoking it. Due to this, it'd be a good idea to refrain from using if you have a preexisting heart condition. For everyone else though? This risk is negligible at best. Long term marijuana smokers will probably see themselves facing lung issues down the line. Although according to the information we know as of now, it's much safer to smoke cannabis than tobacco. They're not even comparable in that regard. The most concerning thing I've found pertaining to long term usage is an apparent increased risk of contracting testicular cancer in men. However, the correlation between the two isn't as properly researched as it could be, so as of now we simply do not know. Overall though? Weed is one of the safest things you can put into your body drug wise. As long as you're not smoking blunts or combining it with tobacco in any other way.

      So what about combining the two? A quick google search will show most users advising that it's completely safe to do so, but I think that's a reckless assumption. It's well documented that combining most stimulants with cannabis will lead to higher levels of stress on the heart, and I think it's pertinent to keep in mind that a combination of a highly stimulating strain of kratom with weed may have the same effect. Now with that being said....

For Recreation

      I've experimented with this combination three times in preparation for this post and have come to the conclusion that it's not for me. If you're the type of person who gets anxious after smoking then I'd personally advise you to stay away. In my experience it amplifies the jittery and paranoia inducing effects of THC, regardless of the strain. Although, one time I found myself uncomfortable enough to lay down and try to sleep it off. When I did this I was greeted with a pleasant surprise which almost made it worth it. Upon closing my eyes I was hit with a barrage of closed eyed visuals, ranging from morphing beautiful landscapes, to cartoon characters sword fighting and riding horses. This lasted until I fell asleep. Overall though the pros of this combination just doesn't outweigh the cons for me.

For Medicinal Purposes

      Now I don't exactly use either of these substances medicinally, So I may not be the best person to speak on this. However I found that combining the two notably increases pain relief. I experienced a tremendous reduction in muscle soreness, to the point where I virtually didn't feel it. As well as some absolutely blissful pain relief for a sprained toe I currently have. I got these effects only two out of the three times, when I combined the kratom with an indica strain. The one time I used it with a sativa dominant strain it didn't add to the pain relief nearly as much, and induced a lot more anxiety. So if you respond well to cannabis for analgesia  then I'd recommend a strong indica for this combo if you have severe pain which either of these substances aren't doing well enough to relieve on their own.


I tried Kratom once. I felt like I was dying. Never again.

Good post, followed.

Hahaha. In what way did you feel like you were dying? Thanks for the follow

Just this incredible overwhelming panic. I have no idea why it happened.

That's strange. It could be that you took too high a dosage of a stimulating strain.

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