My drawing : Fibonachi and role he played in my life

in #drawing6 years ago (edited)

Hello dear Steemians,

Today I would like to share with you one of the greatest event in my life when I was a child that changed my life and helped me throughout my school years.

You probably will wonder what it has to do with my drawing. But this the main hero of my story. May be some of you recall this face as it is only drawing exist of Leonardo Fibonachi, an Italian mathematician from the Republic of Pisa, some of you may be heard Fibonachi numbers or sequence too. So first of all here is my drawing that I did with Sanguine and Sepia, I just like those colors, as there is no real photograph then I had to use a drawing to my drawing, sorry if it looks not very good.


Here my process:


Trenner groß.png


Trenner groß.png


Trenner groß.png

I recalled him then many years later when my son went to school and of course, I wanted him to understand everything from beginning and to make it easier for later. I din't like to push and press hard I wanted him to get an interest in Maths and want to discover more and more himself. So I recalled myself and decided to use the same method. I told him about Fibonachi and his numbers, showed him how the sequence works, how to find the next number. One thing I love the most is to draw a Fibonachi spiral, that you can do easily need just draw a square with the Fibonachi numbers and connect the opposite angles. you can do it so long that you spiral looks very beautiful and almost endless. Here is for your attention my teacher card that I still keep in my drawer, I know my spiral is not ideal but everyone can do his own and you can't imagine how much fun we had:


The next things we did was we looked through the presence of these numbers in nature: petal of flowers, of course very loved sunflower seed, that build up spiral and of course we look for a snail house in summer to make sure that it also has a Fibonachi spiral:


But also funny thing is because nobody know what is the birthday date Fibonachi has, his fans celebrating his birthday on November 23 (mm/dd) the digits in the date form a Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3.

Now few years gone since the time when I was teaching my son, now being teenage he is absolute fan of Maths and of course, he is much better then me, I am proud of that.

I can say I am grateful Fibonachi for this discover and I think he would be very proud to know that even nowadays he is still teaching the people the basics of Maths.



Hope you enjoyed my post and thank you for visiting my blog :)


I enjoyed that very much. You did a wonderful thing teaching your child the natural real maths. The theoretical maths have too many straight lines and right angles. Nice work!

Thank you for your comment, there are a lot of tips and tricks we have to think out for our children to make it easy to understand and that was one of the enjoyable even for myself, felt me as a child again.

Very nice. Feeling as a child is the natural state I think. :) peace to you and yours.

Мне нравятся и рисунки, и история, рассказанная Вами. Жаль, что я ее так поздно услышала. Я знала о последовательности Фибоначи, но не сообразила, что таким образом можно заинтересовать ребенка математикой. Так и вырос у меня гуманитарий)

Я помню первые годы школы, когда я сама почти что была и учителем и учеником, т.к. мой сын время от времени тоже хотел преподавать, пришлось идти на уступки и быть учеником. Я рада что все эти труды были не напрасны :)

I love the concepts Fibonachi introduced to the world, seeing the way nature and the human body have correlations—how everything is interconnected and how intelligent the design of life truly is. Wonderful drawings, wonderful post! :)

Thank you, that is right, it is really amazing how the nature, and science works, I think once someone really discovers this joy of discovery then he will continue to explore it.

This is very good blog how you written and educate us about fibonachi. Really enjoyable and also your potrait . Great.

Thanks, I wanted to share that experience, as I just wanted other people to feel like me, to learn this wonderful person and his impact in many different scientific specialties

Vav. I really liked your article. I will follow you. You left a comment in Russian. In which language is it easier for you to communicate with me. I'm very sociable :)

Вав. Мне очень понравилась Ваша статья. Я буду следовать за Вами. Вы оставили мне комментарий на русском. На каком языке Вам легче со мной общаться. Я очень общительный:)

Thanks a lot for visiting my post and glad that you like my article and to have a new friend!

Cпасибо что заглянули, мне без разницы оба языка как мои родные, добавьте еще немецкий у меня на любой выбор. Некоторые вещи лучше звучат по смыслу на русском а другие на английском.

Отлично, буду общаться с Вами на русском, ибо на англ, я совсем плохо говорю.

i am not deeply into maths but i am deeply in drawing , i also to draw with pencil by the nice crafted... ;-)

@adityajainxds #thealliance

Great to hear from you, would be glad to see your drawing too

Superb portrait, @stef1 and superb Fibonacci spiral on the shell of the snail .The Fibonacci sequence is definitely a very fascinating study. Great post, @stef1 :)

Thank you, I am absolutely your opinion!

my pleasure, @stef1

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