in #dissidents5 years ago (edited)



In this section we're going to talk about the REAL REVOLUTIONARIES.

        I say “Real” Revolutionaries because we need a lot more Revolutionaries then there currently are, that are going put it all out on the line for the real reason that we are here, to say that we’ve had enough of the government and their fascist ideas. We are getting tired of the lies and excuses the government comes up with regarding the unfair treatment of individuals; some people’s crimes go unpunished, as though they did not wrong, while others have the book thrown at them for simply trying to secure their own rights and property.  We’re allowing the government to employ malicious tactics, targeting individuals, much like that of a Stasi police state. 

        The Founding Fathers and the revolutionary colonists were true dissidents of their time because they rejected the rulership of the British Monarchy and physically fought the henchmen of British royalty for their freedom. They were brutally oppressed by the mind-controlled order followers who travelled across the ocean at the decree of a psychopathic so-called “king” to take away their rights. I mean imagine this, if you want to talk about House-Slaves; These people were the dirtiest of dirty red-coats, who came across an entire ocean to oppress people that were just trying to live their lives independent and free from those who would oppress them, at the behest of some psychopathic utter piece of trash who was probably so genetically inbred and barely even a boy. I mean, King George the third was just an utter piece of psychopathic trash, just a tiny little punk boy! I mean, he was oppressing people as though he was some “boy-god”, as if he was the kind of person who anyone needed to take orders from to go and oppress people who just didn't want to accept the tyranny that this dirty psychopath wanted to create, and this is all coming from a guy, who says he's a king and a ruler. I mean, it's hard to tell as if it could get much worse, but we’re also talking about all the trash and vermin that are following his orders and commands. They are both utter pieces of trash just as they are today.

        Here's this piece of trash who calls himself king and there are still people who call themselves kings and queens in the modern day? These people aren’t even to be treated as such, because they’re nothing of the type! They might try to make it look as though they are from the outside, but these people are just bull shit, I mean seriously – nobody should revere these people as anything greater than themselves. Not the media, or reporters and all these garbage headlines. I can’t even believe people read into this crap and idolize these people and would like to be just like them. They’re all garbage!

        They’re trash and need to be treated like trash!

        The American colonists lived under constant duress inflicted upon them by the British soldiers, if they didn't heed their masters’ injunction; to give up all their hard-earned resources or currencies over at the kings’ decree you could be murdered. They were oppressively taxed, prevented from using alternative currencies and had their freedom of speech curtailed along with their freedom of assembly and the ownership or means of self-defense which included having their firearms removed. And, that's what really started the American Revolution; once they started taking the firearms, IT WAS ON! Just like it's going to be on like Donkey-Kong when they try this again. You should know it like that sun is coming up on the eastern horizon.  Know it like you know your name. When they start taking away peoples’ right to protect themselves from tyranny, it’s on! They wanted war in this country, and they are going to get it.  Men will take up arms once again against the tyrannical enslavement that we call government. Because let me tell you folks, they are already taking away peoples’ rights and taking their firearms away, and STILL no one wants to wake up! No one wants to wake up and see that we are already at war here in America, and it's just that people are too blind to see it or want to do anything about it. Because the people that want your freedoms taken away are not going quietly into the night. The police are willing to take away firearms so that the people don't have anything left to defend their rights and I'll tell that with 100% assurance, it’s the same damn system built of tyrannical criminals who are doing this. We're not going to get the job done in this country without carnage and we're not talking about bloodshed up to the ankles, rather you're talking, up over your heads.  The point that I'm trying to overt is that it's going to get worse if we don't wise up and start understanding natural law and teaching it as widely as possible.

        The Founding Fathers and American Revolutionaries physically repelled a standing army because they had no option but to fight and kill or die to secure their rights and their rights of posterity. We have already entered into a situation that may require the same necessary use of force for defense! There is an ongoing deliberate conspiracy to paint the American Founding Fathers as those who did not have the best interest at heart for the american people. I would highly urge those who have subscribed to this erroneous view to also research the powerful influence of the evil globalist think-tank institutions that crafted this nefarious and subversive PSYOP, which includes the Frankfurt School of Germany, and the Tavistock Institute in Human Relations of England and the Fabian Society of England. If you don't understand these institutions, you don't understand how the mind-control PSYOP was crafted in the modern world. And, you need to be learning about it – particularly in our so-called educational institutions. Which are all Fabian and socialist run, owned and occupied, and they are taking more Fabian orders from Tavistock, and they are taking marching orders from the former occultists who ran the Frankfurt school. They propagated communist ideology and quite honestly fascist ideas.  Socialist sociopaths and fascist Communists or Nazism and the like. People think that they're just so different forms of totalitarianism... socialists, Nazi’s, fascists and communism are so different because they don't all want to curtail human freedom and control all the resources of people and put them into an abject slavery and tyranny. No. They wouldn't want to do that. The left wing and the right wing are so different from one another. Their so unique and indifferent from one another. Yet, it's TWO WINGS OF THE SAME PREDATORY BIRD OF PREY!  Yet, for some reason this one offends people even though we’ve all had it with government.

        One of the main purposes of this Psy-op Conspiracy to portray the Founding Fathers of America as the “bad guys” is to dissuade people from looking into the writings of the Founding Fathers, especially Thomas Paine and Samuel Adams, who wrote on some of the highest conscious philosophy ever written on this continent. The fact of the matter however is that if you haven't read their writings, you should make sure to read their writings! I mean, these guys man, you're going to know why they’re taking their writings out of schools. They're not playing games. They don't want people of these future generations to understand that these men both fought and wrote. And, that’s a big deal to be a part of both fighting and writing, because not many people could do both. Some would write, and some would fight, but not many could do both.

        Another part of this psychological operation is to discredit the philosophy and writings of Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the Declaration of Independence, because he was a slave owner. While this was true, Jefferson worked tirelessly to try to have the practice of slavery abolished in the Colonies and early America. He called the practice of slavery “a moral depravity” and a “hideous blot upon society,” and continuously worked towards abolition. He even wrote anti-slavery clauses into the Declaration of Independence, but the delegates of southern colonies led by South Carolina representative Edward Rutledge threatened to strike down the motion for American Independence in a commission at the second continental congress, if the anti-slavery clauses of Jefferson’s, did not willfully of his own accord, remove the anti-slavery clauses from the original draft of The Declaration of Independence. What happened was Rutledge gathered up all the representatives from all the southern colonies, and they walked out of Independence Hall in Philadelphia in mass.

        The reason I mention that they were slave owners is because it should be brought to your attention that these were flawed men. Men who did not have all the answers to life and many of these people did not go all the way into consciousness to true anarchy with the fact that all human beings have the same rights, to remain unharmed and un-enslaved.

        You must also remember that in this state it was punishable by death to release a slave indefinitely.  And, it's because they did not consider them human beings and looked at it, as though you are going to unleash an animal upon society. That’s just how utterly fucked up their thinking was! You could have been jailed forever or put to death by the simple act of releasing a slave, and I say whatever to their injustices here, and that he still should have done it. I'm not making an excuse as to why he didn't do it, and he made a contract with the second continental congress just before he left that upon his return, he would free his slaves and he worked tirelessly to do that very thing. He was involved in anti-slavery abolitionists and he also advocated consistently for this in the state of Virginia. So, you know, it's a very interesting story of the Declaration of Independence, because you really must understand the clash that happened during these coalitions where the southern states were very fervent about keeping slavery and its practice in place.

        Benjamin Franklin and John Adams had heated arguments with Thomas Jefferson who essentially said, “screw them,” it's staying just as I wrote it, and that he's not striking these clauses that were originally placed in the writing because slavery is both impractical and immoral. Both Jefferson and Adams were in agreeance stating their intention to secure independence first and that slavery was a blot upon our society, but they said if these rich men who were wrongly using these human beings for labor as their monetary system, or for crops they grew and sold world-wide and they walk out of this committee, America wouldn’t have ever begun the way that we once knew it as, or thought of it to be, as though we are free and independent. They never thought we’d have the America that we first planned for, and the idea of it would die if they didn’t stay and fight for it.  They stayed and fought with the committee at the continental congress.

        They begged to remove the willfully agreed upon clauses and he finally surrendered, and that's when the southern states came back as a delegation and came to an agreement to pass the Independence and finally Signed the Declaration of Independence. The point here is that the original Declaration of Independence with the anti-slavery clauses was not the one that was signed, and it wasn’t signed until those specific clauses were taken out of the original.

        But how many people know that history? It's far too little, so you’re right, and it's because we're simply not being taught that in schools today. The neo-Marxists, so-called educators, want to create race division. Most of all they didn't want you to know about what the Founding Fathers were originally writing about. So, they want to paint them as rich old white men that didn't really exist in a fashion that they did; to care about abolishing the practices of slavery that were going on from that time period, which is very untrue. They cared a whole lot about the immoral practices that these men wanted to keep.

        With this being known, the southern delegates were bastards! And, they held vehemently onto this immoral position. Edward Rutledge was probably the angriest amongst them because he was probably the youngest and richest, because he had more than likely profited the most from this practice.

        For Christ sake... I believe special places are reserved in Hell for this kind of vermin that these people were. And, he was a signer of that Declaration of Independence. You want to talk about a piece of trash? That's the piece of Trash that wanted to help perpetuate this practice, all the way to a point where, a war had to partially be fought about it. Although we know it wasn't entirely just about that. We must understand that the northern Founding Fathers wanted to abolish the practice right then and there. But they couldn't get everybody to enter under that banner, and they couldn't create that kind of excellence, because we needed to teach people about the true meaning of freedom first. And, not that this effort has succeeded in this country either.

        Again, the educational resources and the people willing to put forth the effort to get the truth out there must be much bigger and broader. And, that's what the great work is. It's getting people to understand a whole lot more about their history and why we might have to align some defense against the state.  It perpetuates these acts of violence in a tyrannical way where people’s rights are being violated left and right, while they give us problems, like having a dick the size of a country right up your ass. I'd say, that's a pretty huge problem, and it's fair to say that it's well-known today, don't you think? Pretty well known, but not known well enough which is why people need to step up their efforts here, and to do it quick. We have to rise up and tell the government, “No more operations to turn the average dissident into a slave,” and, “you’re done screwing so many people with this tyrannical system in place of the one that we were supposed to have where the people are above government and not the other way around.”   

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