Are All Journalists Liars?

in #discussion6 years ago

Or only the HeadLine Writers?

The image is from an article at Zero Hedge, China Is Testing Weapons That Can Reach The US In 14 Minutes. Upon reading the article you discover NO SUCH THING. The Chinese are building a hyper-sonic wind tunnel.

All the talk of weapons is just

Michael Crichton addressed the subject a decade or more ago when he said

  • “Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them.
    In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”

I know this to be the gospel truth. Each and every time that I've seen anything in the newspaper about an event that happened which I was an eyewitness to....the newspaper account was bogus.

One time my young bride and I were walking our dogs in a park..we saw children playing with frisbee's.

Later that day we read newspaper accounts and talking heads on TV blovating breathlessly about the riot. WHAT riot? We were such thing happened.

They made it up..slow news day I guess.

Who you gonna believe? The news media or your lying eyes?

Have you seen the same thing? Has it happened to you? Tell us about it.


This is just Zero Hedge promoting their usual fear porn.

Lies are coming from all sides , everybody is pushing some agenda but the MSM is definitely the worst ...

From my experience, some journalists are both liars and incredibly dumb - they're the ones who get promoted more often...

The 'peter principle' sets a very low bar (ankle high) in journalism?

Exactly. And no consience at all - I've watched people switching sides from one day to the other. It's just about the money... Got a better offer? OK, I'll start kissing your ass first thing tomorrow.

My grandmother had a saying " believe half of what you see, a quarter of what you hear, and nothing that you read".
Good advise with anything.

seems reasonable.
with todays photo-editing programs and CGI perhaps 'half of what you see' is too optimistic?

I think we sort of discussed this weeks ago. Most people go into "Journalism" to "make a difference." They are interested in forming mind and creating falsehoods.
They are fiction writers that get paid more than you or I do.

Doesn't hardly seem fair does it? We write MUCH more interesting stories.

you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.

Precisely for that reason it is that I only try to take the facts, and separate the opinion of the author with what happened concretely. Now, if as you say, invent events that did not really happen, then we are in serious trouble, especially if you have coverage and support by all means.

They definitely invent stuff that didn't happen.
I've seen it with my own two eyes more than once.

IMHO, it goes a little deeper than the journalist being the liar, but rather the agenda that his/her organization is behind. Most people in college who want to get into journalism probably have noble intentions, and when they get involved with the MSM they realize that though their intentions may be good, ultimately approval of their "stories" has to get approved by upper management which in turn may very well be the puppet masters behind the curtains . . .

could be.
I would tend to agree that the level of ineptitude, incompetence and stupidity would take more than one person to accomplish.

It would seem plausible that most journalists quickly realize that reporting equal sided information without a slant is not a good way to keep a job if they are employed by CNN, CNBC, FOX, NBC, Time Warner, etc etc

I assign a probability of believablity index which is inversely proportional to position on the food chain.

In other words...if the local newspapers runs an article about something that happened locally, observed by locals and written about by the local papers journalist...
meh...It might be true...fifty/fifty chance.

If the article is written by any of those that you mentioned...on the national level.
nope...almost a hundred percent chance that it's a lie.

Like that approach. Noticed the same IME w local journalism versus national.

To me is not all journalist that are liars but most of them lies just to meet up with the prompt information expected from them at some certain point in time, so most of them have to rush without considering how truth and correct the information they are passing across is.
Thanks for this discussion @everittdmickey

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The journalists are "compromised" and part of the "evil" or supporting the evil of the people being brought down. This is why things are crazy at this point. Did you see what happen is Saudi Arabia and the "purge". Saudi was very big into funding the evil (like pedophilia and child trafficking) . More is coming.

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