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RE: How To Heal Yourself From Disappointment

"Desire is the root of all suffering" as the saying goes. But what then? Shall we desire not to desire? I think you will be disappointed with that as well. Maybe my perspective is strange, but when I'm down, I want to feel that too. Feelings are like energy. They can't really be destroyed, only subverted into something else. If you don't acknowledge and express that sadness, process and digest it, it's just going to come back as something else - and maybe you won't even know why you're sad or angry. Just that bits of this and that were left to fester. In deep down grey dark depths, there are still depths. Ones that I wouldn't bother meddling in otherwise. I farm those out. But stay too long and you wallow in it, and come up with the grime of it worked into you. You're right. Taking heart is a discipline, a mindful choice. Simple but not easy.. I'm trying to learn that balance without falling off the ledge.


"Desire is the root of all suffering" says that all suffering comes from desire, but does not even imply that all desire leads to suffering. So if you want no suffering, choose or accept only desires that do not lead to suffering.

I fall off the ledge ALL THE TIME! Thanks for your thoughtful comment, @immortalpoet.

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