Eine Bitte zum Sonntag (D) / A plead for Sunday (E).

in #deutsch5 years ago (edited)

Mein #sonntagspredigt und freies schreiben!

Gepredigt habe ich noch nie.

Früher, sehr lange her, als ich noch in der Kirche kam habe ich immer die Leute beobachtet. Viel mehr gab es auch nicht zu tun.
Elegant angezogen gingen sie zur Kirche. Als Fremde durfte man sich nicht daneben setzen. Andauernd husten und Kirche gehören zusammen, genau wie Langeweile, eine schlechte Laune und einschlafen sobald gepredigt wurde.

Die Gemeinde war im Garten anwesend aber von gemeinsamkeit konnte man nicht reden.
Jeder für sich.
Auf der Kanzel fällt das natürlich sofort auf. Das ist sicherlich auch der Grund, warum der Pastor nach eintönigem Reden plötzlich seine Stimme, auf seinem Berggipfel stehend, erhebt. Um eingeschlafen Schafen (und Ziegen) aufzuwecken. Dieser Trick funktioniert leider immer nur kurz. Die Gemeinde hat einfach keinen Lust morgens früh an einem Feiertag in der kälte zu sitzen und immer wieder das gleiche anzuhören, dass es eines Tages bestimmt besser geht.

"Nach 7 schlechte Jahren gibt es die 7 gute, ganz bestimmt. Es ist schlecht etwas zu erwarten, man soll sich jetzt einspannen, investieren, alles geben für die Gemeinschaft. Die Belohnung gibt es später. Nein, nicht wenn Du alt bist oder krank, viel später. Irgendwann. Erst mal tüchtig arbeiten und schenken."

Dann wird eine Geldsammlung gehalten, und noch eine und noch eine. Eine Gemeinschaftsgarten soll die Gemeinde ja versorgen.

Gemeinsam wird noch ein letztes Lied gesungen und dann schnell nach Hause. Schuhe ausziehen, Pantoffeln an... endlich Feierabend. Die Armen essen ein Stück Brot und legen sich Abend hungrig ins Bett. Herr Pfarrer genießt seine Mahlzeit mit eine Flasche Wein und zählt noch schnell das viele Geld.

"Na siehst Du ich habe Recht gehabt", sagt er, "Wir ernten was wir säen und das mache ich ganz gut."

Und so geht es hier auf Steem auch. Es gibt nichts zu ernten wenn niemand säet.
Die Schlauen suchen sich einen Gemeinschaftsgarten aus, lassen anderen säen und sie bringen die Ernte ein.


Frei schreiben könnt ihr mit @freiesschreiben. Dort gibt es täglich ein neues Thema abzuholen. Viel Spaß!

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Das Bild stammt von mir. / This picture is made by me.


I never preached.

A long time ago, when I was forced to visit church, I watched the other visitors. There was not much more to do.
They were all dressed very chic as they went to church. As a stranger, you were not allowed to sit next to them. Endless coughing and church belong together, just like lethargy, a bad mood and falling asleep once the preaching started.

The community was present in the garden but no way they were one.
It was each man for himself.
Of course, this is immediately noticeable in the pulpit. This is definitely the reason why the pastor, after a while of monotonous dialogue, suddenly raises his voice, standing on his peak. It is to wake up the sleeping sheep (and goats). Unfortunately, this trick only works for a short time.
The community simply does not feel like sitting in the cold on a free day off, early in the morning and listening to the same old story over and over again. The tale that one day it will get better.

"After 7 bad years, there will be definitely 7 good years. It is bad to expect something, you should take an effort, invest, give everything for the community. The reward will be later. No, not when you are old or ill, much later. Sometime. Work hard and give first."

Next a collection of money is kept, and one more and a third one afterall the community should provide the communitygarden.

Together the final song is sung and off they go back home.
Taking off the shoes, slippers on ... finally weekend. The poor eat a piece of bread and go to bed hungry. The pastor enjoys his hot meal with a bottle of wine and quickly counts the amount of money he made.

"This proves I am right", he says, "We reap what we sow, that is what I always do and I do well."

And that's what Steem is all about. There is nothing to reap when no one is sowing.
The clever ones choose a communitygarden, let others sow and bring in the harvest themselves.


This is my entry to the #sundaypreach and the daily 5-Minute freewrite hosted by @mariannewest.

I used the prompts communitygarden and peak.

Commentcoin (#cc) is there! 🥳

Have a look at @commentcoin for the latest update.
This coin is invented to motivate commenting. A comment is good for 1 coin.
If you own 10 commentcoin you can use the tag #cc once but pay attention! You need extra Commentcoin in your wallet. Each commentcoin guarantees a commentor his coin.
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You provide 982.0 CC for your comments.

Endlich, langes Wochenende. Danke für deinen Beitrag

Gern gemacht genieße es. 💕

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Sehr gut ausgedrückt Ihre Ideen, ist es notwendig, Interesse und Liebe für zu steuern, wenn die Gemeinschaft hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen möchte. Übrigens, ich habe deine Predigt geliebt.

@felixgarciap Eine gute Frage. Danke für das Lesen und dein Kompliment. Wer weiss schreibe ich bald wieder ein Predigt. LG ❤️

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Thank you very much.

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Wow. Du hast schon fast 1000 commentcoins!! Hast du sie gekauft oder vom antworten bekommen?

Und eine gute Predigt 🤣

@mariannewest Die meiste habe ich gekauft ich hatte ca 160 verdient bevor ich gekauft habe. Schon eine investierung und möchte auch mal etwas verschenken. Habe das jetzt 2 Mal gemacht. Preis steigt auch und kann gut sein, dass wir in.Zukunft 20 brauchen für ein Tag statt 10. Rest werde ich dazu verdienen. Das verdienen geht auch schnell. Täglich 10 und fertig, noch ein.bisschen hin und her reagieren. LG ❤️

Ich habe auch welche gekauft :)

Sehr schlau! 👍🏻💕

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@council I am happy too. We are stronger this way plus there is more to win. Happy day ❤️

"La palabra es eterna", Solo que tomar lo que se necesita de los demás y no dar nada, no es recomendación de la palabra de Dios. Pensamos que hacemos bien, si no hacemos el mal. Pero sucede que está mal, no hacer nada por los demás.
La vida es esto, cada quien asume lo que es el bien, a su manera. Pero ¿estamos haciendo el bien de verdad? Solo leer las escrituras y no interpretar como queremos, si no como debe ser, es una respuesta. Un abrazo.

@gertu Muy bien dicho. Hay una gran diferencia entre comportarse bien y hacer el bien a los demás. Esta plataforma necesita hacer el bien a los demás y preocuparse más. 💕

Es cierto. Pero acá sucede igual que en el mundo. Los que están arriba, no desean bajar a donde estamos los chicos. O por lo menos, muchos, no serán todos. Sino, no funcionaría la plataforma. Algunos bajan y ayudan, el resto como en el mundo, están cómodos y no es fácil salir de la zona de comodidad.
No es un tema que conozca mucho, pero percibo algo así, desde que estoy por estos lares. Hay muchas discusiones por trivialidades.
Sigamos nosotros nuestro camino.

@gertu Es exactamente de esa manera. Por eso no nos dicen cómo funciona. También deberíamos echar un vistazo a los ricos. Mira cómo lo hacen, comenta y espera que nos voten. Si no hacemos eso, no nos acerquemos a las votaciones positivas. Tal vez podamos seguir 4 o 5 para comenzar. 🤔

@wakeupkitty I was not raised going to church but my Dad did a lot of preaching. He was not a preacher but could quote any verse in the Bible, he must have read the entire thing and could remember everything he read. I did not inherate this trait from him, I can never remember things.@wakeupkitty I was not raised to church but my dad did a lot of teaching. He was not a preacher but could quote any verses in the Bible, he must have read the whole thing and could remember everything he read. I did not inherate this trait from him, I can never remember things.

I never learnt anything in church. As we were younger we went to Sunday class as my parents went to church. My mother never went to church after her divorce. Perhaps once in a while as we stayed with my granny. My granny never went. She said she had to cough but I believe she did not want to meet her brother.

Later it all came to an end. Religion is not playing a role in the Netherlands. The churches are empty since decades. Sold as homes or there are shops or exhibitions held.

Even Jehova witnesses do not longer preach.

My father could cite parts from the bible too. He always pretend to know better but I cannot say he is a good christian. I always knew a part of the bible that was the opposite of what he cited. People love to give their own interpretation and so do church leaders and the different religions.

Happy day and thanks for your response. 💕

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@wakeupkitty church is one of the biggest business over here. You should see the size of the churches they build here. My mother struggles to pay her bills and to put food on her table but she gives the church a percentage of any money she gets, I do not think she should do this but it is her money and her life so I just be quiet and let her be.

That is what the church I have been baptised expects you to do too. To give 10% or more of your income to them.
I received a card for my 18nd birthday from them. First time I heard from them.
Attached to the card was an envelope with the next text printed on it "You probably want to give your financial gift for receiving this".

Two or three days later two people knocked on my door. They came to collect the envelope. I told them I had no intention to pay them for a card I did not ask for. They told me it was custom since I was a member of the church and I had to pay the 10% of my income. I told them to cancel the membership I did not ask for. I was a single mom with a baby in a house with no furniture. Just a baby room and a bed for me, my hair fell out and I had no intention to give my money to a church that never cared about me and never would.

They knew where to find me to get money but not if it came to giving aid. Even worse... as I moved over there they thought I was my grandfather. Yes, the one who was dead since 18 years!

They told me I could not subscribe. I said wanne bet! They really made me mad and in the end I think they did delete me from their register. I never heard from them again also not as I moved to other places.

I dont believe god will reward you if you give money to a church. You better take care of yourself first and do good to the people around you if you can.

It is no deed of love to give your money to an institution but a deed done out of fear. If I renember well it is even written in the bible churches should not exist. They only gather more richdom and do not care about the people.

Look at Vatican city it is a shame how the pope and rest lives. Happy day 💕

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@wakeupkitty I have never heard of a church coming to the door to collect "tides" ( I think that is what my mom calls it) and good for you for telling them no. I would have done the same. I think the church is a good thing for lonely people to get together but not for giving their money to. I was also a young mother at 17, you grow up fast when you have a kid to care for.

You grow up fast indeed and I agree it might be a good place if you are lonely. To be honest I doubt churches over here welcome you with Christmas or they are open at night and you will be helped if you knock on their door. I only heard Jehova witnesses help and advice each other. 🤔

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