
no sir I haven't talked about family. don't have much to say on that subject, not much family around, I do have some brothers and a sister in Kansas but haven't seen most of them for years.
hey you're moving up in the League contest, good job!

I wondered if you'd feel the heat, seeing me creep up like that! I even earned a steem this week - I'm learning that by massively commenting I am continuing conversations that I would previously have left end, which in turn makes me learn more about more users.

One of those users is you! Since I see that you won't let a good conversation go to waste, I suspect we'll get a chance to know a bit more about each other.

(I am saving your questions about climate for a moment on the laptop, I am currently mobile ;)

haha! no actually I didn't feel any heat this week. I knew that Glen was spending alot of time and writing huge comments and in fact i tried to help him by asking tons of questions to which he wrote volumes! lol.
But I'm thrilled that he got his record for CL back because he's a true writer and gifted so he deserves it.

I backed off some to work on our property and that's why my numbers were down but I figured it didn't matter if he won, 2nd or 3rd was fine by me.
You did really well though to move up like that even when we had more people join the contest and by the looks of the comments alot more are joining for this weeks so it should be interesting.

thank you sir for getting back to me!

Community engagement contest by @curie is really lighting a fire under community engagement!

It sounds like you think deeply about these records and people, probably because you've been writing 1000 comments a week with them! I recognize a lot of names on the list, good and great users, everybody is a winner in my eyes and the platform and community should benefit most of all.

And these are just the top 20% of users listed? An interesting statistic would be the points required just to get listed, I bet the competition is stiffening! It's like bowling for charity, it's fun either way ;p

absolutely sir, it's a blast really. It's strictly play time for me.
Hopefully this contest will eventually include most all of the Steemit platform which would help it to retain membership which is badly needed, I think I read the other day that only 6% of people signing up actually stay? That's pretty bad.

I just got into the @taskmaster4450 article you resteemed. Not all people are early adopters like us. I think its a certain personality, with a certain determination that can hang around here.

Development continues on the worlds longest beta, but apps are up! I've been using let's eat and recently thought to give a try. I'm a rampant tryer of new things ;p

Have you tried any of the d.apps or are you strictly steemit for now?

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