Deranged Photography Contest // My Dear And Beautiful Family.

My incredible family


I have a beautiful family, my greatest pride. My husband and I have 3 years of marriage and 7 years together, although it seems little is a great story. We met when we were just teenagers I was 13 and he was 14 and from that moment we became great friends, we shared the same taste for music, we went together to all the favorite bands played in the city, we loved listening to our bands favorites; Korn, incubus, marilyn manson, nirvana, limp bizkit, among others, we studied in the same high school, in short we were together for all parties. We fell in love from those times, an innocent love as is typical of age. When we graduated from high school he went to study in the city of Caracas and I went to the city of Barcelona and due to the immaturity of the moment we went away until losing contact for almost 6 years.

This is how our love story began in adolescence

We are reunited by the work of destiny and from that moment we do not leave anymore. We started a relationship which we revolutionized, taking just 3 months of dating when him proposed me marriage with a beautiful ring and since then we were engaged for 3 years, it was not easy because he was still living in Caracas and I in our hometown, we saw only one Once a month and for a weekend, for me it was not enough and it was a hard years, having a relationship at a distance is not easy. There are many factors that influence and affect us, we had problems that in many occasions led me to want to finish but Our love was always stronger.


My husband is a man of a beautiful heart my ideal complement, we are not the typical couple who do everything together and who have the same tastes, we have different characters, he is quieter while I am more volatile, but after much effort we have managed to have a balance. We love football even though we support different teams. I'm 100% Real Madrid and he's going to Barca. I met Steemit thanks to him (@beto14) and now we share being here together.

Civil Marriage

Our one month old daughter

We decided to move together to get married, we longed with all our soul to be parents, I had to undergo treatment because I could not get pregnant and after a few months the great miracle happened. Today we have a beautiful 2-year-old girl, the light of our eyes, Avril is a very beautiful and intelligent girl, full of joy, my husband teaches her the love for music and is already demonstrating her interest, now I am waiting for our second son Jared, an unexpected blessing that filled us with great joy too.



The incredible thing about my family is the great love we gave from childhood to the present, that no matter the circumstances, distance or time, true love exists and when it comes to us, it revolutionizes every part of us forever. My family after many storms is my safe harbor, my greatest achievement, there is no better place to be with my husband and my daughter. Today I can say with all certainty that I have a home and that I am HAPPY.

My daughter showing her talent

My daughter's second birthday

Thank God For My Beautiful Family


Love without condition


Contest Post Link


Thank you very much

#derangedphotography #curie


Suerte en el concurso mi Amor...

Gracias mi Amor.

hermosa familia, bendiciones..

Muchas gracias, un abrazo

What a great love story! It was fun to read and I feel like I know both of you better!

Thanks for reading my history.

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