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RE: Delegations

Haha sorry Dave! I was half asleep when I started typing this comment and i had good intentions hahahhaa.

I'm not nearly a super star like you and the rest of the folks that have taken your cause. Just look at the top performers in Asher's league and most of them are doing what we believe in supporting communities and spreading that vote.


So, I guess coming in No. 4 this past week in League No. 2 isn't "top performer"? :)

I hope we don't all have to do what @davemccoy and others are doing to make this a better place. Just the idea of all the rallying Dave does tires me out! Let alone attempting to do any of it.

We all have our own roles to fill, right? And we can change them up from time to time, too. So, keep on keepin' on and it will be more than enough to help. :)

very good Glen and so true.. Everyone helps in their own way. And btw it tires Dave out too sometimes... This is a great message to Mav and I'm glad you said it!

Just so that Dave (since we're both talking about you in third person now) doesn't get so tired that he burns out or throws in the towel, because that would not be good. Some tired is good because it meant you did something. :) Too much tired leads to discouragement. The rallier needs rest, too. :)

lol... Yes Glen, Dave understands and agrees! He appreciates the advice and realizes he needs some balance. Thank goodness spring/summer is close to approaching so he can get outside and mingle with the people in the real world at the park! (I know it is supposed to be here but its still pretty damn cold everyday)

have a good evening!

ps the rallier won't throw in the towel! ;)

That was me in case you didn't know ;)

Yep, I figured it out. And what is up with the cold, anyway? We're starting to get out of it a little here, but the cold has been hanging around. In fact, it feels like we've had colder weather in March than we had in February.

Funny thing is, Alexa kept telling us to expect dreary weather all day. All day, it was sunnier than it's been in several days. :)

Agreed... Everyone I talk to around here can't believe it.. Its never this cold this late.. and yes today was finally a good day...

I was born and raised in FL, so this whole cold weather thing is not in my blood as it is!

I've been considering Florida as a possible retirement spot, but bad things keep happening there that make national news. So, I don't know. No place is going to be perfect. I just like to have a little warmer weather year round with more sunshine and only rain at night, so there's still green things like trees!

Is that too much to ask?

haha.. yes those green things are sometimes a pleasant sight!

And I have lived all over FL and think it is a good retirement spot if you like "hot"... I do like the change of seasons here in NC, but the problem is this year it hasn't changed yet... I haven't decided where to retire yet, but I think I want to be near the ocean so I can get a boat again and fish a lot... I say that now of course, I also remember being happy to get rid of my last one 15 years ago... :P

As far as the national news... I try not to watch it... to me its all propaganda and I figure there's no way to protect against crazy anyways.

hahaha I tend to not highlight what I do and like to share or put to focus other people :) Thank you so much for the kind words

Very commendable. You and I think the same way. I'm a lousy self-trumpeter, and I'm okay with that, even if it's too my detriment. I've never been able to strike a genuine tone with tooting my own horn. If I'm not feeling it, how can I expect anyone else, too?

Others though seem to find the way, and I can read it and feel like it was them feeling pride in a job well done. Some people can't pull it off, and it sounds self-serving. Like when I do it. If someone else does it for me, that's okay. Kind of embarrassing—not that I mind the attention, it just seems awkward. Probably something I need to work on and get over, I guess.

Doesn't mean I won't go pointing out what someone else is doing right, though. :) That I can do with no compunction or reservation whatsoever.

your words are very comforting sir.

lol.. I don't mind.. I was just playing with you Mav! I didn't want you to forget me by typing my name in wrong in the future... ;)

And yeah yeah... you can downplay it all you want, but I have a hunch you will be in the top of that league for many years to come! The reason? You just have that kind of good personality!

I love side you and the rest of the ABC's :)

you are such an angle and will always be. keep up the good work

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