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RE: Understanding and Navigating Culture Appropriation will take Collaboration in Society

in #culture6 years ago

I agree with a lot of what you are saying here. In the article I talked about how society (individuals or groups within it) often jump to criticizing/confronting individuals without trying to understand their motives and intents or the context of how they arrived at their behavior. I explained why I thought that was an issue so I wont bother re-stating it. I personally do think that some behaviors are damaging though. Using distinct cultural rituals or symbols out of context for the sake of profit or making light of a culture is damaging in my opinion. They can create stereotypes and can effectively claim or extinguish a culture in a society. For me the behavior seems to exist on a spectrum, with appreciation on one side and appropriation on the other. Balance is important.

Overall, I think its a very confusing topic. Thanks for commenting and explaining your point further. I find nowadays people do not even want to take the time to hear or listen to ideas/opinions that differ from their own and because of that people do not understand the "others" perspective. I think that it takes dialogue to understand an issue so that people do not become divided further in society. People are already extremely divided.

Anyway, thanks again


You're absolutely right. People don't want to hear other perspectives and that is mostly because they don't want their paradigm to shatter...if they even go so far as to understanding why they do what they do. Understanding where individuals come from and where they get their perspective is super important. We can't all be lumped into one label of right or wrong. I think people make this issue more complicated than it is, honestly. Good post.

I think that it takes dialogue to understand an issue so that people do not become divided further in society.

I wholeheartedly agree. Thanks for the discussion

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